A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 103 Growing Closer.

Sera stared at Archer, wiggling her body. She managed to break free and lunged at him once again.

Archer attempted to dodge, but she landed on his head and grabbed one of his horns.

Leaning over, she bit his ears. He let out a small moan but quickly covered his mouth.

Unfortunately, it was too late, both Teuila and Sera heard him.

Sera's ruby-red eyes glinted mischievously as she continued to attack his ear. Archer couldn't take it any longer.

He tried to grab her, but she stubbornly clung to his horns and kept biting him. Finally, he managed to pry her off leaving his face covered in red marks.

Archer held her tightly to prevent her from escaping as he looked at the silly dragon. Suddenly, he heard giggling next to him.

He turned his head and saw Teuila laughing so hard that she was doubled over, holding her stomach.

"Come on, Teuila," Archer said, "I'm getting mauled to death here, and you're just laughing. Some fiancée you are, letting this little ferret ruin my handsome face."

He wiggled Sera around, and she loved it, but she was still being stubborn. Her little red eyes turned to Teuila giving her a dirty look.

Archer and Teuila saw the look and burst out laughing.

"See, she's like a jealous wife," Teuila said, approaching the trapped fairy dragon, who was giving her the evil eye, which only made her look more adorable.

Teuila gently stroked the little dragon and spoke in a soft voice. "Sera, I know you were with Archer first, but he may have many wives in the future. How about we get along and share him? I won't take him away from you."

The little dragon gazed into Teuila's eyes, seeming deep in thought. After a moment, she huffed but eventually nodded her head with narrowed eyes.

Archer watched their exchange and loosened his grip on Sera. The dragon wriggled out of his grasp and flew over to Teuila, landing on her shoulder with a contented sigh.

Shaking his head, he looked at the blue-haired girl who was stroking the mischievous little dragon. "Let's sit down. I've got a bit of chocolate left."

The two of them walked over to a bench that overlooked the river. As they sat down, Archer pulled out the last two pieces of chocolate and handed one to Teuila.

She took it with a nod and examined it closely. Her eyes widened as she turned to him. "This is the same smell I noticed earlier. Can we get more?"

Archer nodded, and the two of them sat there, savoring the view while eating the chocolate.

Feeling remorseful for biting him, Sera flew over to him and began licking him while rubbing her head against his cheek.

He smiled as he stroked her and she started chirping. The afternoon sun slowly descended beyond the horizon, casting a warm glow over the scene.

Teuila broke the silence. "I think we'll get along just fine. You may be a bit violent, but I understand it was over me. And for some reason, that makes me happy."

She finished off her chocolate and took a deep breath before continuing.

"As a princess, I've had many people defend me and my siblings. But when you stood up for me, I've never felt this happy before."

Archer smiled, but his cheeks flushed with embarrassment. He looked down, avoiding her gaze.

"Yes, I may have overreacted, but seeing the way they looked at you made me angry. If I didn't do what I did, they would have come back with even more humans."

Teuila smiled, noticing the boy's flushed cheeks. She pieced together what the noble had said earlier.

Her heart ached as she asked, "So, I assume you're the son of this Duke Ashguard that the creep mentioned?"

Archer's voice trembled as he nodded. "Yes, he banished me right after I woke up from my coma. I had no memories, no friends, no gold or food. But I managed to register as an adventurer."

He leaned back, his gaze fixed on the ships in the distance.

"That's when I met Sarah. She helped me with everything. I took on some quests and managed to support myself. But then, I got knocked into a river and ended up in the Southlands."

Teuila looked at him, her heart breaking at the pain in his voice. She could tell just how deeply his family had hurt him.

She placed her hand on his, smiling as she spoke.

"When I first saw you, you were just a white-haired boy on the verge of death. When we spoke, I didn't dislike you, I just didn't know how to talk to you."

Teuila leaned back and continued, "The only boys I've ever been around are my family and guards. I'd never met anyone like you before. You fought for my kingdom when it was in dire need, and you saved it. I can never repay you for what you've done, but I promise I'll always stand by your side and never let you down."

Archer turned to face Teuila, gazing into her bright blue eyes with a smile.

"Thank you, Teuila. Your words mean a lot to me, and I'll always be by your side."

He flipped his hand over and intertwined his fingers with hers, and they sat together for a while until Archer's stomach growled, causing Teuila to laugh.

"Let's go grab something to eat, Archer," she suggested.

He rose to his feet, but not before adding, "Call me Arch".

Teuila nodded and turned to lead the way. Together, they made their way to the nearest tavern, where they found a few patrons seated around.

As they found an empty table and settled in for a meal, a woman approached their table and greeted them.

"Hi there, welcome to The Riverside Tavern. What can I get for you?" she asked with a smile.

Archer looked up at her and requested, "Could I please have the special? Teuila, what would you like?"

Teuila chimed in, "I'll have the same as you Arch."

The woman jotted down their order and assured them that their meals would be served in no time.

As they waited, the woman reappeared about 20 minutes later with a plate and two mugs, placing them gently in front of the two hungry patrons.

The meals were a tantalizing combination of juicy meat with eggs and a medley of vegetables.

Archer tried the food and enjoyed it, savoring each bite before taking a sip of the drink. With its strong flavor, accompanied by a subtle sweetness, the food delighted their palates.

Soon after they both finished their meal, he shared some with Sera, who relished the taste of the meat.

Suddenly his Aura detector fired off warning him of enemies approaching him.

He turned his head to Teuila and spoke. ''There's trouble outside, they will be here in 10 seconds.''

Archer rushed over to her as he told Sera to hold on tight, she quickly crawled inside his shirt and clung onto him.

He got close to Teuila and wrapped his arm around her curvy waist before casting Blink as he looked out the window.

They appeared on the roof, and both turned to see a group of soldiers standing outside the tavern.

Teuila spoke first. "Who are they?"

"Probably that chubby guy's father, here to find me," he said with a large grin, soon bursting into laughter.

Amused by the boy's absurdity, she burst into giggles. After they both regained their composure, they resumed observing the scene. They watched as one of the guards entered the tavern, only to quickly return outside wearing a perplexed expression on his face.

Archer used his magic to create small pebbles that floated around him. Teuila looked at him and asked, "Arch, what are you doing now?"

He looked at her with a big grin before answering, "Just lay low and watch."

They both kneeled down as Archer started flinging the stones at the guards, the pebbles hit them in the side of their heads.

All the soldiers looked around in a panic but couldn't see anything, Archer slung more stones but harder this time.

The stones smacked into their heads sending some of the smaller ones to the ground out cold.

Archer and Teuila laughed so hard that she dropped to the roof and began rolling around, while he continued to laugh even harder at her reaction.

Suddenly, one of the guards spotted Archer standing there and shouted, "He's on the roof!"

All the guards turned and looked before they started shouting at him.

But Archer paid no attention to their shouts and became more animated as he shot more pebbles at them, managing to take down a few more before random spells started hitting the roof.

Archer jumped back as one of the spells hit where he was standing. He quickly made his way over to the recovering Teuila and helped her to her feet.

Holding out his hand, she grabbed it as he cast Blink and appeared on another roof. He repeated this a few more times until they were on a roof closer to the castle.

Taking a seat together, they settled down as Sera crawled out from his shirt and nestled into his lap. She curled up and soon drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]

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