A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 132 Causing Even More Trouble.

Teuila and Ella watched as some Dragon-kin dragged the lifeless body away, leaving Archer standing motionless watching them.

Breaking the silence, Ella spoke up, "He was talking about Sarah, wasn't he? What are you going to do Arch? She's your friend.''

Archer turned towards them, his voice filled with anger. "I'll go back to Vassia City, destroy the noble's mansion, and bring her here to rest. The Brownies can take care of her while we continue our journey. Once I arrive there, I'll summon both of you." He said firmly.

He tossed a few tokens to Teuila while they nodded in agreement. Although Teuila had only met Sarah briefly, she could sense Archer's worry for her.

Archer visualized the road where he had encountered Talila and used his magic to conjure a violet-colored gate. He waved to the girls and stepped through.

Before he fully entered he heard them tell him to be careful. He was now standing on a road, Archer glanced around before whispering.

"Draconis." As soon as he said the word his Draconic features appeared instantly.

With a powerful flap of his wings, he soared westward, searching for the Leroux family's mansion he recalled their location from the old Archer's memories.

After flying for some time, Archer caught sight of a large mansion in the distance and picked up his pace.

When he reached the mansion, he came to a stop in mid-air, hovering above. With his sharp eyes, he carefully surveyed the scene below him.

Countless guards were patrolling the grounds, unaware of the impending danger about to befall them.

A confident smile adorned Archer's face as he cast multiple wind and fire elemental bolts as he let himself fall.

With perfect precision, he released the bolts each hitting its mark and swiftly killing the guards outside.

Flames erupted across the mansion grounds, captivating the attention of a lone surviving guard who gazed up in shock.

He spotted something falling from the sky, Archer got closer to the ground he whispered ''Draco.''

A radiant light materialized above the grounds of the mansion, illuminating the whole area, a colossal white dragon descended and smashed into the ground with a loud boom.

Archer flapped his wings to clear the dust as he let out an earth-shaking roar, unleashing a massive stream of flames that engulfed the front of the mansion, obliterating the defensive dome that protected it.

He quickly returned to his humanoid form and ventured inside, unaffected by the flames that danced around him. Smoke filled his nostrils as he started looking around the entrance of the mansion.

In the midst of the chaos, Archer noticed a butler and made his way towards him.

He firmly grabbed the butler by the collar, lifting him off the ground, and pressed for answers. "Tell me, where is the guild girl being held?"

Struggling for breath, the butler managed to gasp out, "Downstairs... I'll guide you. Just... let me go."

Archer loosened his grip, causing the man to crumble to the floor, gasping for air. After a brief moment, the butler regained his composure and stood there.

He opened a small portal and called out to Teuila and Ella, not long after he did they came walking out. They both were wearing their new armor and had their weapons at the ready.

Archer smiled as he saw them, he then instructed them to watch the man as he led them to Sarah's location.

He started his search to locate the Viscount and his idiot son, it didn't take long for him to discover the duo in a bedroom.

As he approached, he overheard their panicked conversation and decided to eavesdrop.

"Father, if I had known that reckless boy would retaliate, I would have never uttered a single word about his woman. And how were we meant to know he was the Duke's son?" Favian's voice trembled with regret.

Jareth Leroux, the boy's father, responded in a monotone voice, "Favian, the Duke won't exact any punishment. They can't even locate the boy. The imperial family has been informed, but we have yet to receive any word from them."

After a brief moment of listening, Archer noticed the flames growing stronger at the front of the house.

With a mighty kick, he shattered the door and sent it flying into the opposite wall. In the room, he saw the Viscount talking to Favian, who was lying on a large bed.

After inhaling deeply, he released a wave of violet flames, completely surrounding the blind young man.

The room filled with his agonizing screams, a chilling display of the flames' immense power.

In the midst of the violet inferno, Archer pressed forward, grabbing the Viscount by his collar. A swift punch to the gut sent the man to his knees, gasping for breath.

Once Jareth caught his breath, he managed to utter, "Do you even know who I am? Duke Ashguard will ensure you face punishment."

Archer's gaze turned icy as he snickered, "To hell with the Duke. He's nowhere to be found."

Kicking the man, he dragged him out of the blazing room, the screams of Favian fading into silence.

Looking down at Jareth, he demanded, "Where is your gold? Tell me, and I might spare your life."

Jareth glared back, his thoughts muddled, and retorted, "You seek my wealth? Are you a bandit?"

Offended by the remark, Archer slapped the older man, demanding, "Where is your wealth?"

Rubbing his swollen cheek, Jareth stared defiantly. In response, Archer delivered a few more slaps, leaving both cheeks swollen.

Warning the stubborn man, "Continue to be stubborn and see what I'll do. Now, where is your gold?"

Recognizing the greed in the young man's eyes, he relented and led him to a room located at the far end of the hallway.

The two of them came to a stop before a locked door, Jareth produced an old-looking key and hastily unlocked it. As he entered, he attempted to secure the door behind him.

Archer observed the feeble escape attempt with amusement. Stepping back, he wound up his leg and delivered a powerful kick to the door.

Although the door was dented, it remained intact. Undeterred, Archer continued his assault until the door finally gave way, crashing to the floor.

Jareth stared at the broken door, a mixture of shock and terror etched across his face. He looked at Archer who was grinning at him.

Archer cast Blink and appeared in front of the man making him stumble backward, he spoke, ''Now show me where you hide your gold old man.''

Jareth was seething but promised to get revenge on this crazy boy, he moved a rug on the floor and lifted up some wooden boards.

There was a staircase leading down he then spoke, ''Follow me, it's down the stairs.''

[Ella's and Teuila's P.O.V]

Ella and Teuila followed the butler through the maze-like hallways, moving quickly.

Suddenly, a guard tried to attack the girls, but Ella swiftly took him down with an arrow. After a few more minutes of walking, they reached a door.

The butler pointed and said, "She's in the last cell down there. She's unconscious because the lord's eldest son drugged her with Nightfall powder."

Teuila was shocked by this news, but Ella didn't know what Nightfall powder was. She turned to Teuila and asked, "Teuila, what is Nightfall powder?"

Before Teuila could answer, she swiftly killed the man, stabbing him in the heart.

She followed up with a forceful kick, sending his body flying. The half-elf stood there in shock, watching the previously angry blue-haired girl now calm.

Collecting herself, Ella looked at Teuila, waiting for an explanation.

Teuila took a deep breath and began, "Nightfall is a powder made from the moonlight plant, found only in the Land of Mediterra. When ingested, it causes a deep sleep that can only be awakened by rare moon magic. She was drugged with it by the eldest son, who wanted to take advantage of her."

Ella's eyes widened as she listened. Without hesitation, they opened the door and went down the long staircase, driven by determination.

In the dimly lit corridor, they encountered a sturdy wooden door. Teuila kicked it open, revealing a dark room.

They searched the room and focused on finding Sarah. Finally, they spotted her in the last cell.

She seemed peacefully asleep, undisturbed by her surroundings.

They noticed a man entering the cell, moving towards Sarah. But before he could reach her, Ella swiftly shot an arrow, striking him in the back of his knee.

He fell to the ground, screaming. Teuila approached, while Ella kept watch.

The man's terror-stricken eyes locked onto her as she stood before him. Swiftly, she delivered a powerful kick, sending him crashing into the metal bars of the cell.

Without hesitation, Teuila swiftly eliminated the threat with her blade, ensuring the man posed no further danger. She then cleaned her sword and securely sheathed it.

With utmost care, Teuila lifted Sarah into her arms, cradling her gently. She motioned for Ella to join them.

Ella approached and placed a comforting hand on Teuila's shoulder. Teuila activated a token that Archer had given her earlier.

In an instant, they vanished from the cell, reappearing in a peaceful cottage, far from harm's reach.

Aware that Sarah would remain in a deep slumber, Ella hastened to prepare a spare room, adorning it with a cozy bed for their beloved friend.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]

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