Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 103: Choosing Fifty One-Hundred Player Team Leaders

Chapter 103: Choosing Fifty One-Hundred Player Team Leaders

I chuckled before I replied:

"It's a deal then, see you there."

I closed the chat and then thought about who should I choose to lead these players. I wasn't talking about a ten or twenty players team, it's a thousand and half, even more to come. I sighed, as I suddenly realized how short my knowledge with this game was, and that limited my abilities a lot.

I thought about asking Shin, so I sent a private message to him trying to get his advice on this. He replied as fast as usual, as he advised me by saying:

"Leading a one and thousand team isn't easy; you need to find a veteran player and someone you really trust. That's not an option right now, especially considering the limited time we have. So, I advise you to organize them into one hundred players team, each would be led by a player you feel capable. 

Don't stress yourself, as you will create another team with these team leaders, and you will ask them to report their status every fixed period, say every hour. This way, you can handle them better and if one or a bunch double crossed you, you won't lose much."

I felt his words made quite sense, so I decided to follow them. I had one thousand and five hundred players here, so I needed fifteen leaders. Considering that more players would join us during this period, I decided to select twenty leaders, as I predicted to have five hundred players maximum.

I went back to find the players were still going in batches inside the adventure hall. I knew the hall wasn't made just for me, so I assumed most of these players came for their own business.

I moved to enter the hall, and just as I took a few steps towards the main entrance, I noticed many players turned to look at me in a strange way, like they were looking at a monster. I didn't bother with their looks, but the more I moved forward, the more frightened looks I got, and that made me quite uncomfortable.

Once I entered inside the spacious hall, the situation got worse, as more players looked at me with fear and even some of them cleared a space around me like I had some contagious disease. 

That action attracted the attention of everyone, and suddenly the whole bustling with life hall became dead silent like a graveyard. That wasn't cool at all, fame I mean.

I noticed the approach of my handsome knight with his shiny armor, which reminded me about a silver grade knight armor that looked really good with me.

"Welcome back my lady, unfortunately we need more time as more players are still coming to join our group."

He said these words with respect once he reached me. his words attracted my attention as I asked:

"How many players came so far?"

"Approximately three hundred, and I believe if we waited for a couple of hours we might gain thousands."

He said that with a beaming smile and proud tone, but I didn't feel the same. All I felt was more headache, as now my previous plan couldn't work, twenty leaders? Huh, I was modest, I needed at least to choose thirty players, or even more.

"Listen Rody, do you know any of the players who joined us?" I asked casually out of desperation, as if he didn't know any then I would have to randomly choose those leaders and try out my luck.

"From all of them?" he asked while he turned to look at the far long crowd of players standing around one NPC there, "I know quite a few of them, but I can't say I know all."

I looked at him sharply as I asked instantly:

"How do you know each other? Are you from the same kingdom?"

"Kingdom? Hahaha, no my lady, we are from the same empire, as we are all from Frod."

Damn, his laugh is so attractive. I looked away towards those players at the distance as I asked:

"So you are like friends? Rose in the same place?"

"Not quite true my lady, as some of them are quite famous, I won't boast to say there are a considerable number of them who see each other as rivals, hahaha."

Damn you and your sweet laugh, I was sure he knew how charming his smile and laugh were and he used them on purpose. I looked away again towards my players up ahead as I said pointing to them:

"How many of those rivals do we have here?"

"Hmm, let me think, around fifty," he replied after some deep thinking and a slight pause. I sighed, as if all his rivals were also rivals to him in his good looks, then I would be damned.

"Are they knights like yourself?" I asked.

"No, not entirely, as many of them are swordsmen, and quite number of them are magicians," he said while pointing towards my crowd of players,

"Do you need me to call them for you?"

"Sure, I need to meet them, but not here, let's meet outside. I will await all of you at the entrance, don't be late," I said while moving away towards the exit. I didn't know why, but standing beside that knight made me quite nervous, which was something I didn't like at all.

As I exited the building, I noticed more players were coming into it from far, and every single one of them looked at me with fear, but some started to look at me with veneration.

I assumed those fearful looks came from either independent players or those belonging to an adventure group, while those who looked at me with respect were either my admirers or players who came to join my group.

My waiting outside the hall didn't last long, as I noticed Rody coming out with a group of players and they moved straight towards me. I had to admit, most of them were handsome, and the female players were strangely stunning beauty, which was something I envied. I wished someday I would grow up and be as charming and gorgeous as them.

"Sorry to be late my lady, but we had to wait for someone to finish his registering process," Rody said first as he glanced to the side towards one player, a female berserker. She was tall, with few small muscles at her arms that didn't disturb her general charming figure.

No worries, and no need for apologies. I have no time to waste, so I will get straight into the topic. I have to leave here and join my other trapped group outside the town. So I can't be around to organize and lead players. I will trust you with this mission, is there any objection to that?"

I entered straight into the subject I wanted from them, as I really needed to move towards the meeting place with Aria, who just sent me a short message telling me she arrived there and was waiting for me.

My words seemed to surprise everyone, including Rody, as they seemed to imagine I needed them for other matters. That female berserker asked:

"Won't we join you and kill those arrogants? We aren't afraid of fighting and even losing a couple of levels doing that."

Her words were warmly welcomed from everyone, either by nodding or muttering something that I couldn't hear well. I looked towards her; she had a fiery temper as hot as her body. I smiled in happiness, as those strong enthusiastic players were mine now.

"Don't worry; wars can't be won only by strength."

"Is this a plan then?" a more handsome male magician asked straight forward, as I replied instantly:

"Yes, it's a plan. I needed you to organize my players into teams of one hundred and wait for my call. Don't worry, there is plenty of killing to everyone, but right now we need to act more discrete and use our heads instead of our skills. I don't need to stress over the secrecy of this mission, do you understand?"

I then moved my eyesight between each of them, as I wanted to clearly stress over this matter. I didn't say it clearly, though they got what I truly meant. This was a test, they either use it well and rise with me, or they screw up this chance and they would get over my bad side.

After a few silent awkward moments, I started to take out some extra gears from my inventory. I planned to give these extras to the team coming with Aria, but now I had more mouths to feed, and my players were a priority.

Once I took out the first equipment, which was a berserker heavy sword, the eyes of the three berserkers in the group shone as they didn't believe what they were looking at.

"Oh god, is this a bronze grade heavy sword?" the hot berserker, and the only female berserker of the three here, commented with disbelief and shock. 

She couldn't prevent herself from stepping forward involuntarily towards the sword, but the two other male berserkers didn't stand by and watch silently, as they moved as well cutting her way forward.

"Elyo, c'mon, you already have a good heavy sword."

"Yes Elyo, you have the best sword amongst the three of us."

Elyo looked seriously towards the two of them and her face showed no intention of backing off:

"Who told you this was a general voting contest, Rodrig and Doraly? If you have the ability to stop me then you are welcomed, otherwise move your big dumb brains out of my way."

I liked this girl even more! I chuckled, and my soft sound attracted their attention to me, as I said calmly without being fazed by their strong aura:

"First of all, this is a silver heavy sword Elyo, not a bronze grade."

"W-What? Silver Grade? You aren't playing tricks on me, right?" Elyo yelled with disbelief and a loud voice that was enough to be heard from a mile away. I laughed and didn't reply as I started to take out equipment in patches.

Fifty equipment for fifty players, each looked towards this small hill of attractive gears like they were looking at a mountain of gold. I pointed out towards this as I said without care:

"Serve me well, and you won't even have an empty place for extra equipment. This is just a token of my appreciation for your future efforts, so don't fail me."

Everyone was captivated with these equipment, and were so shocked by seeing them. they had a point here, as commoner players like them, they couldn't afford to obtain a single bronze equipment this early in the game. 

Having single silver grade equipment was such a luxurious dream for them, and now I took fifty silver grade equipment and tossed them on the ground like they were nothing. If they knew I had hundreds of pieces of equipment in my possession, would they try and kill me? I understood their feelings, so I didn't wait for their reply as I said:

"Rody, I will create a group and appoint you as my vice leader. Invite all the rest to this group. Each hour you must report to me with any updates regarding the new players. If you have time, you can take your team and level them up. 

These equipment need level fifteen at the least, so don't slack off and train hard. Wait for my order to move out, and watch out from any spies or ambushes. I will leave everything in your hands, so don't disappoint me."

I turned and left in a hurry as I was already late on Aria. I gave a final glance over them when I was a couple of hundred meters away, they were still standing in their places exchanging silent looks. 

Their faces from far away were so funny, which made me giggle. I looked forward and began to move faster, I hoped they didn't act lousy, as I needed them in the future.

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