Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 129: Fighting Two Mystic Art Players At This Challenge

Chapter 129: Fighting Two Mystic Art Players At This Challenge

He replied with his crisp irritating voice:

"I didn't invite anyone, the Lelican group is here for you, not because of me."

"Then what about that swordsman?"

"The lelican group invited him, not me."

He had already prepared everything, however his scheme was fated to fail.

"Really? The last time I checked the forums, I found the videos of fighting with that mercenary you sent. Elders can check the videos now, as you will find your Solaris group players fight side by side with that mercenary. Hell, he even commanded your players, can this also be the Lelican group doing as well?"

He was silenced by my shout, as I looked towards a group of middle aged players standing in the distance. If there were elders here, then they should be them. those players didn't react at once as they should be inspecting the videos right now.

"She is right, you requested the aid of outsiders, so she could use outsiders too."

A deep, yet audible voice came after quite some time of complete silence announcing the elders' decision. I was glad, as if these elders were on that bastard's side, Aria's position would be more complicated and impossible to fix.

Before that scum could speak again, I looked at Aria, who was grinning from ear to ear right now, and asked:

"I should kill all of them, with the exception of the elders, right?"

My question was faced by a storm of whispering and sneers, however Aria replied with the same smile:


"Stay put, I will come to sightsee this beautiful lake with you soon."

Then I looked towards Rick as I pointed my spear towards him while adding:

"Keep yourself ready, I will come for your filthy head, bastard."

He just sneered as he raised his hand while shouting:

"Grode, what are you waiting for?"

Suddenly a man emerged from nothing just next to Aria, as his two daggers were ready to claim her life. I felt great worry, however when I looked at her calm face, I realized what was going on.

"As if I would let you touch her."

This was the sound of Rog, who finally appeared to block the two daggers of that Grode. Just as I was celebrating this, another man appeared just the opposite side of Aria and Rog. He was also Grode, what the hell?!!

This time I didn't delay as I sent my spears roaring to the front. Aria and Rog were already part of the same team as me, so my spears wouldn't cause any problems to them.

My sudden attack came just in time, as that Grode was forced to interrupt his attack and retreat evading my spears, however the rest of the players at that place weren't that lucky.

They were all killed by my spears.

"Watch out, he is like you."

Rog suddenly shouted, which made me realize why I felt some threat coming from him when he attacked Aria. If he was using tricks like me, then Rog alone wouldn't be enough to defend her.

I needed to move there and help out as well.

I glanced over the elders, as I noticed a heated debate was going on between them. I gritted my teeth, it seemed that the bastard had his share of the elders, not all of them were fair and just as I expected.

I had only one route here, and that was to crush all the players here in the shortest time possible and try to defend Aria if possible.

However that snake wouldn't stand by watching, as he ordered with a shout:

"What are you waiting for? She is just one person, and her only defender is now crippled. Just go and bring her head to me."

That bastard! Just hearing his annoying voice made my blood boil. Fine, you want to play this dirty, I would gladly accompany you.

This time, after I snapped my fingers, I directed my spears towards him. He was nearly a couple of hundred meters away from Aria, so his hired killer couldn't help him now.

I threw my spears as I began my journey to the bottom. The hill I stood on ended with a sloppy edge that went to the ground. At any other time I wouldn't descend using this way, however I had no choice right now.

As I descended towards the ground at a fast speed, I watched my spears move without any resistance heading straight towards him. I glanced over towards Aria, she was now faced with thousands of enemies; however no worry or concern were on her face.

She wasn't fazed even in such a situation, that was really courageous.

I returned to look at that bastard, however instead of watching him die or try to evade my spears, he stood his position with two daggers in hand. Just as the spears reached him, he began to move fast, fast enough that I only saw his after images only.

'What the hell?!'

"He is also like you."

Rog spoke with some difficulty as he was trying to use every single ounce of his experience to defend against Grode, in a battle that he was the losing part in.

Rog was barely able to stop the advance of Grode, however he couldn't stop the hundreds of skills that fell over Aria. Just as the situation rached this complicated stage, Aria who was standing all this time motionless began to move.

She started to evade the incoming skills, however many hit her with no damage at all. This girl was smart, and lucky to have immune skill in her arsenal.

However that meant in less than ten seconds most, she would be vulnerable again, unless she was as lucky as me and got another immune skill with her.

I just landed heavily on the ground, glided for tens of meters before I stood up firmly, snapped my fingers, and then launched my spears like tigers towards everyone around me. 

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