Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 135: Finally That Cool Ace Assassin Is Mine

Chapter 135: Finally That Cool Ace Assassin Is Mine

Frankly I had long made up my mind since I decided to give Aria the other medallion. I had my own trick, however having another wasn't something good right now as I didn't master my trick yet.

My fight with that swordsman had enlightened me about my future path, as I realized I still had a long way to upgrade my trick.

So instead of distracting myself over two tricks, it would be better to just focus on one right now, while giving the second one to someone who would need it.

So Rog was my best choice, although it was risky betting everything on him, I decided to give him the medallion and the secret class. I just saw how loyal and respectful he was to his friends.

Someone like him was worthy to have my full support and help, in the meantime my group would have two mystic art players, plus an ace assassin.

Why should I hesitate then? As for gaining more tricks, I liked the job of hunting down those expelled mystic art players. I seriously considered taking this as a side hobby for me.

I had my full trust in my ability to gain more medallions, and in the future I would build my whole adventure group, and the later on guild on countless mystic art players.

My group and guild would be a force not to be reckoned with, that was the way, my way.

The look over Rog's face changed from trying to find a way out to trying to find a way to secure this medallion. He asked trying to make sure of my hidden meaning:

"Are you saying that when I join your group, I will gain this medallion?"

I didn't reply at once, as I hid the medallion then took out the dagger that rusted inside my Inventory. Once I took it out he gasped as he pointed to it while saying with extreme shock:

"Oh heavens, this is a secret class dagger. How could you get your hands on such a precious thing so early in the game?"

I chuckled as I replied:

"I'm just lucky. See, following me won't make you lose, so what would you say?"

He swallowed his saliva as he was already drooling like a fat kid seeing candies.

"I-I would love to honor our precious agreement."

I hid the dagger as I canceled my spear trick and held my spear normally for the first time in a while. it seemed odd holding it this way though, I preferred holding it like usual, in the trick mode.

However my hunger value was a concern to me, as I still had that Leli as a sworn enemy. So, I must play it safe and prepare for the worse, hopefully no more conflicts would happen now. I still had many things to attend to.

"Good, be a good boy and follow me from now on. When we return to the town, you will officially sign a contract with me and officially join my group."

I started to move again, while he took a moment to get what I just said before running after me while saying:

"The joining part is normal, but why another contract?"

I chuckled as I replied:

"I love these contracts, besides what I'm going to give you isn't cheap like cabbage on the streets. I need some guarantees, after all we just met."

He couldn't reply to my reasons, so he silently disappeared into the shadows. I felt great; I just won a huge difficult battle, made a great name for myself and my group, and managed to gain such an ace assassin.

Rog managed to be on par with a mystic art player alone, and he was just a normal player. I really looked for him after he became a mystic art player and a secret class assassin. How domineering he would turn into? Would he be cooler than that?

He was handsome too, that was a good point for his favor.

Just as we walked for a quarter of an hour, I finally got out of the area of effect of that annoying scroll. I didn't find any other excuse for using such a card except for elders supporting Rick against Aria.

At the end, their attempts were futile to fail. I sighed as I looked at the messages that I received from Drina and Shin.

The messages were describing the course of events, as Drina first sent asking me stressfully to help out her sister. This cute little girl even cried in the messages she sent.

After that she thanked me, as the news reached her about what I did. she also told me about the course of the current war. The shift of Solaris group players came abruptly and in a critical moment during battle, so things were quite calm right now at their location.

We officially won this war! I felt great ease and relief when I reached that stage at her messages.

I then opened Shin messages, as he was worried about me in most of them. He seemed to get the news finally, as he lost track of my position, so he was worried. After knowing what I did, he returned to his old smug self.

That cool bastard swordsman, he never ceased to irritate me every now and then.

I glanced at the back, where I knew Rog was following me in the shadows. A wicked idea appeared in my mind, a dirty twisted idea that made me even laugh out of the blue.

Keep irritating me you bastard, I would prepare a nice gift for you then.

Everything was nearly finished. Now Shin was waiting for me with Drina. The originally slightly over one hundred fifty players of my group, plus three hundred players from Solaris group was reduced to almost half of these numbers now.

However, that made what we just did a local legend, as it was really shocking how many players fell over our hands. Thousands were killed, and thousands couldn't crush mere four hundred players, that is what you should call a legend.

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