Ashborn Primordial

Chapter Fiction Launch Announcement: Soulweaver

Chapter Fiction Launch Announcement: Soulweaver

Hey everyone!

I just launched Soulweaver, an isekai LitRPG here on RoyalRoad. With this, I have joined the hallowed ranks of LitRPG authors on the site! XD

This story is the product of half a year of planning and is a collaboration with several of my most avid Ashborn readers. I feel like it incorporates all of my Ashborn learnings, with the strongest characters, action, plot, and worldbuilding I've ever written - so please consider checking it out! (And follow and rate if you enjoy it!)

What do you do when the god who summons you wont say why?

This tale has been unlawfully lifted without the author's consent. Report any appearances on Amazon.

Greg walked into a bar hoping to wash away the sour taste of a bad day at work. What he got instead was a bartender offering him the opportunity of his dreamswith a catch. A ticket to purchase a class that could make him the strongest being alive. If he can afford the asking price.

Thrust into a world he knows nothing about, Greg will need power on another level entirely. To get ahead, he'll need the kind of power only deities possess.

After all, the whole worlds your playground when you can make anything level up.

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What to Expect:

- Weak to very strong progression

- A mix of action, crafting & enchanting, character dynamics, and story

- Tropes: Some subverted. Others played straight.

- No Harem

- No Edgy or Murderhobo MC

- An MC with a fondness for /fiction/82936/soulweaver-otherworldly-enchanting-litrpg

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