Be A Virtuous Wife! So Tough!

Chapter 180

C180 – Mr. Xuan Jing

“Here’s my strategy for the next return trip. Please review it for any potential leaks.” Hu Jinpeng presented a document to Crown Prince Zhao.

While negotiations between the two nations were ongoing, there was still a need for troops to remain stationed at the border. Crown Prince Zhao had struggled to secure control of this portion of the army and had no intention of relinquishing it.

Hu Jinpeng’s reassignment meant that a new individual would soon be appointed by the King of South Jin to oversee these matters. They couldn’t meddle with the supreme commander’s choice, but they could influence the selection of the deputy general and the centurion colonel.

Crown Prince Zhao possessed an excellent grasp of the garrison’s situation. He crossed out a few names and introduced some unfamiliar ones. “We can’t rely entirely on the existing personnel; that would attract too much attention. These newcomers are individuals who have risen in prominence since our return to Ye City. They have commendable military records and are untainted by any suspicion. It’ll be difficult for anyone to cast a suspicious eye on them.”

Hu Jinpeng nodded in agreement. “I’ll make the arrangements tomorrow.”

“With the war’s cessation, there will likely be more turbulence. Our operations in North Yue mustn’t halt. Do you have a suitable candidate in mind?”

Their actions had contributed to the turmoil in North Yue. Over the years, Crown Prince Zhao had come to a realization: relying solely on martial power was insufficient to resolve the issue. Often, using one’s intellect was easier and more effective than resorting to force.

“Hasn’t Mr. Zhuo consistently performed well? He’s managed to establish connections with North Yue. If we were to replace him, would he…?”

Crown Prince Zhao rose from his seat and retrieved a book from the bookshelf. From it, he extracted a parchment map that depicted the relationships between the imperial court and North Yue. It had been compiled based on reports received from North Yue over the years.

“It’s not about replacing a person. Mr. Zhuo has accomplished much in recent years, but it’s still insufficient. He’s inclined toward granting favors, but he lacks the strength to engage in political maneuvering.”

Hu Jinpeng was somewhat surprised by this revelation. According to Crown Prince Zhao, the objective was to plant spies within the North Yue imperial court. If this individual could rise to a position of genuine authority, their usefulness would increase significantly.

Nonetheless, the people of North Yue were not naive, and accomplishing this goal wouldn’t be easy.

“If we can identify such a person within their court, we’ll have a multitude of opportunities. Not only can we disrupt public order, but we can also participate in their governance.”

Hu Jinpeng’s eyes gleamed with understanding as he nodded. “Indeed, that would be the case. We might be able to unravel North Yue without shedding a drop of blood. However, it’s an immensely challenging task. Finding someone capable of bearing such a heavy burden won’t be simple.”

Crown Prince Zhao had been diligently searching for suitable candidates. To achieve their objectives, this individual must be unwaveringly loyal to South Jin. Moreover, they needed to possess exceptional talent, patience, resilience, worldly wisdom, and a deep understanding of diplomacy. They would have to exercise extreme caution and restraint, for one misstep could spell their doom.

But where could he possibly locate such an individual? The man he sought couldn’t be of noble lineage, nor could he be famous. The task of finding him was indeed a formidable challenge.

“This matter cannot be hurried. Take your time,” Crown Prince Zhao advised, inquiring about the events of the past six months. Although he had been corresponding with Crown Prince Zhao through letters, it had hardly been enough.

The two of them engaged in conversation within the study until the late hours. When Crown Prince Zhao returned to his chamber, Tang Yue was already fast asleep. Gently, he climbed into bed and embraced him, preparing for a restful night’s sleep.

As he awoke the next morning, a delightful aroma filled the air. Just as he was about to open his eyes, his vision was obscured by someone’s hands.

“Keep your eyes closed for now. Can you guess what delectable dish I’ve prepared?” Tang Yue’s voice reached Crown Prince Zhao’s ears, causing him to instinctively relax.

The fragrance in the air was rich and vaguely familiar, but his knowledge of culinary matters was limited, making it impossible for him to guess.

“Think carefully. It’s something you truly enjoy.”

Crown Prince Zhao suggested two random dish names, both of which were incorrect. Tang Yue released his hand and raised an eyebrow, saying, “You’re no fun.”

Crown Prince Zhao opened his eyes to see a white jade platter in Tang Yue’s hand. On it were purple pastries intricately shaped like flowers, a sight of true beauty.

These pastries were evidently crafted with great care. Crown Prince Zhao held Tang Yue’s hand and inquired, “When did you wake up? Did you make these yourself?”

Tang Yue had retired early the previous night, and thus, he woke up early that day. Seeing that Crown Prince Zhao was peacefully asleep, he refrained from waking him. The day before, the manor had received a type of purple fruit he had never encountered before. Rumor had it that this fruit could only be found deep in the mountains outside Chee-ker City, and it happened to be Crown Prince Zhao’s favorite.

Consequently, when the season came, manor staff journeyed to gather this fruit and deliver it. Due to its perishable nature, Tang Yue utilized a portion of it to create the pastries, unaware of just how splendid and delightful they would turn out.

Crown Prince Zhao rose, freshened up, changed attire, and savored a piece of the purple pastry. Its taste was tender and sweet, with a delightful springiness. It was truly distinct from the pastries he typically consumed.

“I’ve made quite a few pastries. I’ve packed one box and sent it to the palace. Mother will receive two more boxes back at Yueyang Marquis’s Mansion for the younger sisters to enjoy.”

“Your efforts are much appreciated.” Tang Yue’s culinary skills received glowing praise, particularly from Queen Madame Hu. After sampling Tang Yue’s cooking on several occasions, she held nothing but admiration for him.

They shared breakfast together, and Tang Yue inquired about Hu Jinpeng’s departure the previous night and any interesting anecdotes he might have shared.

Crown Prince Zhao shared a few engaging stories from the border, omitting the weightier ones. Eventually, he revealed his intention to place a covert agent in North Yue.

Tang Yue questioned, “If you’ve thought of it, Father, surely Hu Jinpeng has considered it too. How can you be certain he hasn’t acted on it?”

Crown Prince Zhao fell silent for a moment. “I don’t have certainty, but it doesn’t conflict with our interests. If he can accomplish his objective, it’s for the best.”

“That makes sense. Do you have a candidate in mind?”

“Not yet.”

Tang Yue pondered the individuals he knew, thinking, “I do know of a capable person, but I’m unsure if he’d be willing to take on such a responsibility.”

“Oh?” Crown Prince Zhao’s eyes gleamed. “Who is this person? Am I familiar with him?”

“It’s Mr. Xuan Jing, who resides in our household. He’s remarkably talented. Did you know that he’s been managing my business, and our profits have doubled in just three months? Furthermore, the financial records are impeccable. It’s truly reassuring to have someone skilled at handling them.”

“Mr. Xuan Jing? ‘The man who married you?'”

“That’s correct,” Wang Yao affirmed.

It wasn’t just any businessman; this was the adviser that Yueyang Marquis had assigned to Tang Yue. He likely possessed more knowledge than met the eye.

Crown Prince Zhao summoned a messenger and instructed, “Fetch Mr. Xuan Jing to the pavilion in the deer garden. Tell him I wish to have tea with him.” Crown Prince Zhao intended to meet this individual personally.

“Is he from our prefecture?” Ke inquired curiously. He had little knowledge of the Crown Prince’s residence. Was it due to his negligence or the individual’s low-key nature?

Tang Yue cleared his throat and offered assistance, saying, “Have the butler extend the invitation. As the steward of this estate, he would be aware of anyone entering, let alone a person.”

Ke hung his head in embarrassment, gazing at the tip of his shoe for a moment before hastily departing. He was eager to learn more about this Mr. Xuan Jing.

Upon spotting someone, his eyes widened in disbelief.

“Manager Ke, what can I do for you?” Mr. Xuan Jing inquired gently.

“N-no… His Highness has extended an invitation to you. Please accompany me.” Ke was still recovering from his astonishment as he led them to the deer garden. He had no idea that such an exceptional individual resided in the mansion!

What baffled him even more was that Mr. Xuan Jing seemed to recognize him. Could it be that his own memory had deteriorated to such an extent?

Upon their arrival, the butler had already arranged for a tea set. He bowed to Xuan Jing and then went to summon Crown Prince Zhao.

When Crown Prince Zhao laid eyes on Mr. Xuan Jing, he too was taken aback. He had assumed that the advisor Yueyang Marquis had chosen for Tang Yue would be an older or at least middle-aged man. Little did he expect to encounter such a remarkable young man.

Crown Prince Zhao’s initial impression was one of doubt about Mr. Xuan Jing’s suitability. Given his youth, he might lack the experience and capability to shoulder significant responsibilities.

“Greetings, Crown Prince, Young Master. May I inquire about Your Highness’s wishes?” Mr. Xuan Jing inquired with poise.

His demeanor epitomized the grace and etiquette cherished by scholars and merchants of this era. His smile was flawless, leaving those in his presence with a sense of trust and favorable impression.

Even if he were to engage in questionable actions, perhaps no one would suspect him.

Crown Prince Zhao concealed his surprise and invited Mr. Xuan Jing to take a seat. He remarked, “I have frequently heard of your esteemed reputation, but today marks our first meeting. It has been rather unexpected.”

Mr. Xuan Jing glanced at Tang Yue and smiled, remarking, “Young Master was equally surprised upon our initial encounter.”

Tang Yue discreetly rolled his eyes. Who told you to be so youthful? No one expected an advisor to look like you. How could he be held responsible for his reaction?

Crown Prince Zhao’s observation was indeed accurate. “You appear quite young, sir. May I ask about your age?”

“Five out of twenty. You’re no longer considered young.” At twenty-five years old, life was at its prime. In this era, it might not be considered youthful, but it was far from the stage of achieving great success.

“Then I’m curious, are you married?” Tang Yue hadn’t posed this question earlier, but he noticed that the other man, too, seemed inquisitive about his marital status.

“I have a reserved disposition, you could say… I’m not particularly inclined towards marriage and children, so I remain unmarried.”

Crown Prince Zhao had his own inner conflict about this matter. If he assigned this task to someone with a family and responsibilities, it could be a heavy burden for them, and that wouldn’t be ideal.

A 25-year-old unmarried man didn’t convince Crown Prince Zhao that he simply didn’t want to get married. He suspected there might be an undisclosed reason, perhaps a preference for the same gender?

With this understanding, Crown Prince Zhao felt more at ease, realizing that he didn’t want to burden family obligations.

He continued with more questions, initially covering basic details but gradually delving into deeper aspects.

The more he inquired, the more impressed Crown Prince Zhao became. He had never anticipated finding such a hidden talent within the Crown Prince’s Palace.

“Sir, are you currently overseeing Crown Princess’s dowry preparations?”

“Yes. I’ll do my utmost to fulfill the task you’ve entrusted me with.”

“It’s such a waste of talent. Would you consider working alongside me?”

Mr. Xuan Jing cast a glance at Tang Yue, knowing that Tang Yue didn’t object. However, he shook his head and declined, “I’m afraid I must decline. I am a disciple of Yueyang Marquis’s Mansion, and I have no intention of changing my master for the time being.”

Tang Yue thought that Mr. Xuan Jing might be considering his feelings and waved his hand, saying, “You need not worry about me. Assisting me is tantamount to assisting His Highness. However, there are pros and cons to both choices. Following His Highness promises a bright future but comes with increased risks. On the other hand, accompanying me offers comfort and leisure but limits your ability to showcase your talents. Don’t you find that regrettable?”

Mr. Xuan Jing calmly poured tea for both of them and replied, “I don’t harbor grand ambitions. Living a peaceful and leisurely life suits me just fine.”

Crown Prince Zhao had no intention of hastily disposing of them all. He didn’t want to eliminate the man in one fell swoop. Some things were better seen gradually.

Consequently, he set aside the current discussion and shifted the conversation towards the present state of affairs between the two nations. “What are your thoughts on North Yue’s peace request?”

“Considering North Yue’s repeated dispatch of ambassadors to the south and their diminishing demands, it’s clear they are committed to seeking peace. This also indicates something significant – North Yue won’t have the immediate resources or strength to engage in warfare. This is advantageous for South Jin.”

Crown Prince Zhao nodded thoughtfully. “After years of conflict, South Jin is in dire need of a period of recovery. It’s a positive development for North Yue as well.”

“Indeed, but the long-standing enmity between the North and South might complicate the path to an agreement.”

Crown Prince Zhao shared what Hu Jinpeng had disclosed to him yesterday, testing the waters. “Do you find this condition feasible?”

Mr. Xuan Jing offered a wry smile. “I believe Your Highness already has an answer in your heart. If you agree to this condition, it’s likely we’ll come to regret it in the future.”

A silent understanding passed between Crown Prince Zhao and Mr. Xuan Jing. Tang Yue, sensing their consensus on the contract terms, excused himself.

Crown Prince Zhao halted him, speaking with a hint of meaning. “Madam has shown remarkable proficiency in mastering the zither.”

Tang Yue shot him a sharp glance. “Indeed. Without mastery in zither, chess, and painting, how could one match up to Crown Princess?”

The corner of Crown Prince Zhao’s mouth twitched, and he chuckled softly. “Well, let’s revisit this when you’ve acquired those skills.”

If Tang Yue genuinely desired to learn, he had the capability. However, he had no interest in such pursuits and didn’t wish to squander time on frivolous endeavors.

Nevertheless, it was time for him to accelerate his progress. Spending time with a performer daily was also becoming quite exhausting.

Following his departure, Crown Prince Zhao and Xuan Jing resumed their earlier discussion. Their political outlooks were strikingly similar, and they found a sense of camaraderie in their conversation.

“Sir, I hope you’ll consider it once you return. If you’re willing to assist me, I’ll be deeply grateful.”

This time, Xuan Jing refrained from an immediate refusal and agreed to contemplate the matter upon his return.

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