Be A Virtuous Wife! So Tough!

Chapter 184

C184 – I’ll Play the Game

Zhang Chun playfully teased her by calling her a girl. It would be untrue to claim he wasn’t disappointed upon seeing her. She possessed delicate features, yet he refrained from complimenting her on her makeup and attire.

Consequently, he encouraged the young woman to showcase her skill and contribute to the atmosphere.

Tang Yue remained relaxed, not making a move even after the meal was served. Zhang Chun, who had just risen from the bed, hadn’t eaten yet and was now famished. However, after a single bite, he found himself unable to continue.

He appreciated the fact that he hailed from his hometown in this era, where he possessed culinary knowledge. Otherwise, merely thinking about the monotony of his daily meals would have been tedious.

He squeezed in beside Tang Yue and took a seat, prodding him. “Hey,” he said. “I’m not talking about you. You’re actually quite inexperienced in matters of the heart, aren’t you?”

Tang Yue glanced at him and feigned ignorance. “I don’t understand what you’re getting at.”

Zhang Chun had initially been uncertain about his purpose for coming here, but given his personality, there must have been a motive. He had discreetly asked He for the answer earlier.

“If I were you,” Zhang Chun remarked, “I would have mobilized the entire mansion’s guards to search for someone from Yue Lou. I would have shuttered the establishment and made it widely known. After all, Crown Princess, you’re no pushover.”

“What good would that achieve?” Tang Yue had never advocated violence, and he believed that such actions were senseless and would merely serve as a spectacle for others.

Zhang Chun countered, “The advantage is that you can wield your authority openly. As Crown Princess and the future queen and mother of the nation, you hold a position above all others. Even if you were to dismantle all the brothels in Ye City, no one would dare to question you.”

Tang Yue felt that his and Zhang Chun’s perspectives were fundamentally divergent. “She’s running a legitimate business and isn’t obstructing me. Why should I create trouble for everyone?”

Zhang Chun persisted, “Hey, your man has gone to indulge in flower wine. Why aren’t you intervening? Why are you sitting here now?”

Tang Yue acknowledged that he had come to Su Ying Pavilion with the intention of venting his anger but didn’t suspect that Crown Prince Zhao would be consuming flower wine. If that man truly had a penchant for flowers, why would he choose today of all days?

In another private room at Su Ying Pavilion, a group of men were engaged in drinking and merrymaking. A young man dressed as a guard knocked on the door and entered. He approached Wang Zixian and whispered a few words.

Wang Zixian arched an eyebrow, and a sly smile graced his lips as he inquired, “Is that so? Did you get a clear look at it?”

“Indeed, I personally witnessed him entering, and I requested Qiu Ju to accompany him.”

“Haha… excellent! This is quite fortunate!” Wang Zixian and Tang Yue were known to be rivals, finding no comfort in each other’s company. So, when news of Tang Yue’s visit to the flower building reached them, they shared a laugh.

“Should we inform the Crown Prince then?”

“No, there’s no need to inform the Crown Prince at this point. Nothing untoward has occurred yet. If he comes, he might engage in a quarrel at most. What harm can he do?”

“So, what’s your plan?”

Wang Zixian stroked his chin and signaled for Wang Zixian to come closer.

The guard offered his praise after hearing their plan, saying, “Mistress’s wisdom shines through. This could jeopardize the Crown Princess’s position.”

“Does Li Zhao think that he can conceal his motives by involving a man? Even though the Yueyang Marquis’s Mansion may lack political influence, their wealth is exceptional. He actually thought about using marriage to get closer to them.”

“If this matter spirals out of control, the Crown Prince may not spare the Crown Princess easily.”

“I’ve been waiting for this moment. Let’s move quickly.”


After everyone departed, the young master of the State Duke Lu Prefecture inquired, “Has the Third Prince received some favorable news? Tell him to share it with everyone for a delightful gathering.”

The companions present were all young masters with little education. Crown Prince Zhao seldom engaged with them, but Wang Zixian believed that every person had their unique value.

“Yes, there is good news, but we can’t disclose it just yet. Tomorrow, we’ll all get to enjoy the revelation.”

“Then I’ll eagerly await it.” Laughter filled the air, and soon, the matter faded from their thoughts.

Wang Zixian, not in a rush to take a sip, requested that the wine be substituted with water, then patiently awaited the outcome.

Qiu Ju had just finished her zither performance. Tang Yue and Zhang Chun, not particularly inclined towards such art, paid it little attention.

As the young woman approached slowly, she raised an eyebrow and inquired of Tang Yue, “Young Master, were you satisfied with my zither playing?”

Tang Yue glanced at her and gestured dismissively, “It’s fine. This isn’t the right place for company. You may depart now.”

Qiu Ju was taken aback, biting her lip as she left with a dejected air. She could discern the young master’s elevated status. Though he seemed unassuming, he carried an air of gentleness. If she could serve him for a night, she might be able to escape this place.

Persistence didn’t seem like a good idea, so she departed, zither in tow.

Just as she left, another lady entered through the door. She hurriedly inquired, “Young Masters, was Qiu Ju attending to you just now?”

Tang Yue nodded and replied, “Indeed, but she has already departed.”

“Oh dear, what shall we do now?” The woman appeared anxious and troubled, prompting questions from those around her.

Her teary-eyed gaze roved around, and she bit her lip before saying, “Young Master might not be aware, but there’s a thug who’s been pursuing Qiu Ju relentlessly. He’s been hounding her daily, thinking that she might be able to shake him off after serving Young Master tonight. This is a dire situation…” She sighed heavily, refraining from directly asking for assistance.

Zhang Chun smirked and remarked icily, “In a place like this, who can’t compromise?” Was it really a big deal if a thug was involved?

The young woman averted her gaze, tears streaming down her cheeks. “You’re right. It’s just that this thug is particularly peculiar and resorts to brutal methods. Spending a night with him would be like giving up half your life. Even though we’re in this situation, we still fear death.”

Her candid words evoked a hint of sympathy.

“In that case, go inform him that Qiu Ju has been reserved by this young master and tell him to return tomorrow,” Zhang Chun said, his tone less than friendly but still willing to do something as simple as lifting a finger.

As for what would befall that woman tomorrow, it wasn’t his concern.

Tang Yue remained silent throughout the entire discussion. While he was compassionate, it didn’t imply that his father shared the same quality. Who among the girls at Su Ying Pavilion didn’t deserve sympathy? He could save one girl, but not all of them.

“I won’t conceal it from Young Master. That troublemaker is the nephew of the Central Prefecture’s Young Master. If you…” The girl glanced at Zhang Chun and the others with a hesitant look, suggesting that if they were too formidable to confront, she would rather not discuss it further.

Typically, an ordinary man would react with anger, pounding the table and standing up, determined to save face even if it meant confronting someone formidable.

However, the two individuals present had no such reservations. The troublemaker was merely an official’s nephew, and they had nothing to fear with the Marquis and Crown Princess on their side.

“Enough, let’s not waste any more time. Go fetch them,” Zhang Chun waved his hand dismissively.

Zhang Chun might not be well-known in Ye City, but he was aware that Crown Prince Zhao could arrive at any moment. In that case, what was there to worry about?

Shortly after, Qiu Ju entered with teary eyes and expressed her gratitude with three bows.

Zhang Chun, impatient, motioned for her to sit to the side, not particularly concerned about whether she played the zither or engaged in embroidery.

Qiu Ju looked at them with great eagerness. “The two young masters’ lifesaving kindness is immeasurable. This servant understands that you might not enjoy listening to the zither. How about I prepare a few side dishes for both of you to enjoy?”

Tang Yue had heard Zhang Chun’s stomach growling. He couldn’t imagine being hungry at this age, so he nodded in agreement.

Seizing the opportunity, Zhang Chun ordered two dishes: one with chicken and mushrooms stew and another featuring roasted meat. These dishes were suitable for anyone with basic culinary skills.

Tang Yue calculated the distance between the Pleasure Tower and Su Ying Pavilion. He regretted choosing one so far away, as Crown Prince Zhao might have already arrived if it were closer.

Half an hour later, Qiu Ju returned with the food. The moment she entered, the enticing aroma of chicken soup filled the room.

The aroma further intensified Zhang Chun’s hunger. He couldn’t resist taking a sip and praised, “This is delicious… Brother Tang, you should try the soup too.”

Tang Yue hadn’t eaten much during dinner, and the scent of the food piqued his appetite. His mouth watered, and he also indulged in a bowl of soup.

The soup had been infused with herbs, and a single bowl of it warmed Tang Yue’s entire body, giving him a comfortable sensation that spread throughout.

However, this pleasurable feeling was fleeting. He soon realized that the warmth was intensifying, and a rush of hot blood surged to his head, causing an unexpected excitement.

Tang Yue’s gaze shifted as he observed Zhang Chun, who appeared unaffected. He assumed it was due to his vitality and the tonic soup that had set his blood racing.

Savoring the flavors on his palate, he meticulously identified all the herbs infused in the soup. His expression underwent a dramatic change, prompting him to knock the bowl from Zhang Chun’s hand.

Startled, Zhang Chun inquired nervously, “What’s the matter?”

Tang Yue cast a cold glance at Qiu Ju. “What did you put in the soup?”

Terrified, Qiu Ju fell to her knees. “Young master, what’s wrong? The herbs I added were all ordinary and beneficial for health.”

“Is that so?” Tang Yue snorted. “You may not know, but I’m well-versed in medicine. I know what you included.”

Zhang Chun clutched his throat, attempting to vomit. His voice came out hoarse as he asked, “It can’t be poison, can it? I had just started enjoying life.”

Tang Yue drank a cup of cold tea and examined Zhang Chun’s pulse. He assessed his tongue and eyes, questioning whether he felt anything unusual.

Zhang Chun, feeling discomfort throughout his body, remarked, “I feel extremely unwell. Could I be dying?” He had consumed three bowls in quick succession.

Tang Yue summoned someone. “Escort this woman away, and send for Imperial Doctor Wu immediately.”

“What’s wrong with the young master?” The individual was taken aback, surrounding Zhang Chun to inspect him closely.

“We’ll discuss it later,” Tang Yue decided. He wasn’t sure if Qiu Ju acted on her own or under someone else’s orders, but staying in this perilous place longer was unwise.

Today, he had only brought four guards and He. One of the guards had already fled. With only a handful of people by his side, caution was essential.

Additionally, he needed to request the expertise of Imperial Doctor Wu to examine Zhang Chun’s condition more closely. He wasn’t well-versed in internal medicine and had concerns about whether this medication could adversely affect the child.

The two guards carefully carried Qiu Ju out of the room. Upon reaching the door, they encountered their comrade who had fallen earlier. Startled, they accidentally dropped the man they were carrying and unsheathed their swords.

Both of them shielded Tang Yue, advancing cautiously toward the door. Out of nowhere, a shower of powder descended upon them, causing them to sneeze uncontrollably and slump to the ground, unconscious.

Tang Yue and Zhang Chun exchanged glances. They attempted to shake Qiu Ju awake and kicked at the door in frustration. After several futile attempts, they were at a loss for what to do next.

Tang Yue composed himself and shouted, “Who is causing this disturbance outside? Are you aware that Crown Prince is about to arrive?”

He refrained from asking whether the intruders were aware of his identity. Given the intricacy of their plot, they must have been after him, and their ultimate target was likely Crown Prince Zhao.

His only hope was that the intruders were unaware of Crown Prince Zhao’s impending arrival, aiming to make them apprehensive.

Silence lingered beyond the door. Tang Yue motioned for Zhang Chun to sit down and kept a watchful eye on Qiu Ju. “Who ordered you to do this?”

Qiu Ju sat on the floor, her head bowed. She hadn’t uttered a word since being confronted. Her expression conveyed unease, but she remained composed, indicating she had mentally prepared for this situation.

“This servant had no choice but to comply,” Qiu Ju repeated this response persistently. Given Tang Yue’s tactics, it seemed unlikely he would glean any more information.

All they could do was hope that Crown Prince Zhao would arrive in time.

He forced a bitter smile and remarked to Zhang Chun, “It appears we were careless.”

Zhang Chun’s face flushed, and he huddled in his chair, sighing. “The world is fraught with danger. Perhaps we should return to Earth.”

Tang Yue poured him a few cups of water and gave him a health pill he usually carried. He said with guilt, “It’s entirely my fault.”

“We share the same hometown. Don’t blame yourself. Without me, we’d both be in jeopardy. Maybe you left early,” Zhang Chun reassured him. “Who knows who might have been implicated?”

The two of them, no longer acting like children, comforted each other and began to strategize their escape.

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