Becoming the Luna

Chapter 276

Chapter 276

Dream wonders why Hayden isn't picking up but it's still early enough that he doesn't think much of it, wandering out to the kitchen to eat breakfast.

His mom is the only one to go to the bakery today and Dia does it with the biggest of smiles, joy expressively written on her face.

Deidre too was also quite busy, preparing for her first day of work at the Crimson Pack daycare, a serene smile on her face as well.

Only Dream was different, his lips set in a tight line as he made himself cereal for breakfast.

"You okay?" Deidre asks immediately she sees him, her nose twitching at her brother's soured scent.

"Yeah." Dream says quietly, he was yet to tell either of them about the fact that he might start working for Dale pretty soon because he was leaning heavily to accepting Dale's offer.

He was relieved that DD had been nice enough to keep his secret, his mom seemed oblivious enough as she pranced out of the house oh so early to go open up her bakery.

"Sure." Deidre responds sarcastically. "That's why you look like you've volunteered to be a part of some suicide squad."

"D..." His ringing phone cuts off the rest of his sentence and he quickly excuses himself in relief, he wasn't really ready to face his older sister just yet, not when he was still mentally scolding himself over choosing to consider Dale's offer.

"Hi Dream, I'm sorry I couldn't pick your call." Hayden's voice floats through his device and his mood instantly brightens.

"It's fine, really, it's glad to hear that you're okay." He says honestly, listening to Hayden launch into a brief explanation of everything and they make plans to meet the next day.

Well, he was now a free man, he could do absolutely anything he wanted.

He gets a notification when he hangs up from Hayden's call, a tight furrow settling between his brows as he reads the text from Dale.

He knew he was going to fucking regret this...

He curses to himself as his eyes scan over the words of the text, he couldn't even tell if the Alpha was being truthful or plain annoying.

Although, he would lose all his validity if it were a lie and he just didn't see Dale going through all this trouble just to lie to him.

Apparently, Erin would be leaving earlier than planned so Dale was texting to ask him if he could drop by that very day to take a look at his new job.

He almost automatically replies no but he remembers his mom happily heading out to her life and Deidre about to do the same too and he doesn't know when he's agreeing to it, texting to ask what sort of clothes he should wear.

His blood boils under his skin as he awaits a reply for reasons he's not exactly sure of.

Deidre pokes her head in the hallway when she finds Dream gone a little to long only to find him glaring viciously down at his phone.

She hides a smile, she could easily guess who it was that the death glare was directed at.

"I'm off to work, Dream!" She calls to him. "Will you be going anywhere today?" She asks curiously, sidling closer to him.

Dream immediately moves his screen out of her line of sight, fidgeting slightly, it's not like there was anything wrong with what he was doing but he still wasn't ready to give this information to any member of his family.

"Maybe, I might wander around Paper District a little." He lies through his teeth, although there was a slim chance that he would run into Deidre, he would cross that bridge when he got to it.

"Sure." Deidre accepts, easily seeing through his lies, this should be fun. "See ya later then." She waves at him, drifting out of in house in dark blue jeans that matches her eyes and a simple white top, her dark brown hair up in a lose knot.

Dream breathes easier when she leaves, hurrying to his room to clean up and dig through his wardrobe for something that at the very least looked formal.

Dale had told him he could show up wearing whatever he liked but Dream didn't want to take any chances, to keep his sanity during the period of whatever this was he would have to draw boundary lines.

If this was a real job - which it was - even if his potential boss had told him to wear whatever he liked, he would still make an effort.

He planned to get the job for real and not because he was familiar with Dale.

He has eventually found some formal looking dress pants and a silky, long sleeved soft grey shirt.

If he got the job, he might have to go shopping.

When he's all cleaned up and dressed, he makes a face at the mirror, unsure if he didn't mind how he looked or if he downright hated it.

The pants were a little bit snug, the waistline a little too high for his liking, leaving his shirttails out just made him look like a vagabond but he looked like a prissy with them tucked in.

He gives up and settles for a somewhat messy tucking, finally not hating it when he's done.

He momentarily debates if he wants to pack up his hair or leave the blonde locks down and curses at how much energy he is putting into the entire ludicrous situation.

After a good long while of worrying, he decides - fuck it - and just goes with his gut.

At the end, his has his hair up in a messy knot, shorter tendrils of hair that wouldn't stay in the knot framing his disgruntled face, lips glistening.

A jacket was a no-no and the only thing he knew how to do with neckties was strangle someone so that wasn't happening either.

Just for the sake of it, he grabs a fancy, briefcase-looking bag and shoves the randomest things inside, lip balm, a couple jotters and pens, his lucky key chain...

Now he was ready to kick ass...

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