Becoming the Luna

Chapter 277

Chapter 277

Getting to the Dark Moon Pack would be a bit of a hassle, Deidre would be moving into to their Pack House soon so there would be no need for her to have to take the trip to and fro everyday.

Maybe he should really consider getting himself a bike, while he wasn't poor because his mom always made sure to pay him, it would dent his savings if he were to get a bike but it would also save him the trouble of having to take a cab everyday if he took the job.

He settles for a cab, locking up the house securely, everyone had their own keys to the house so there was no worry of anyone being locked out even Darian had a spare key.

The journey there has his nerves on the edge, although there was no reason to be, if anyone saw him especially DD, it would seem like he was actually headed to Paper District.

why is he even sneaking around?

Maybe it's because this wasn't like him, this wasn't something he would do in a normal circumstance but this was far from a normal circumstance, this had Dale in it!

A streak of fear ripples through him when he gets dropped off in front of the massive building, his Pack House sitting beside it.

He can't help it, flashes of dark memories of the female wolves verbally attacking him passing through his mind unbidden.

He heaves a heavy sigh, he hadn't dropped a metal ball in his briefcase for laughs and giggles, if anyone mouthed off they were getting the bag to their faces - 'Alpha' Dale wasn't exempted.

He walks in through the open door that led to the foyer, the design of the Pack House was similar to that of his but the decor was very different.

While Crimson Pack had cheery, welcoming colors, Dark Moon was all severe and intimidating decor... Dream could bet it was all the work of Dale's mom.

People steered clear of him as he made his way up the stairs and he didn't particularly mind, his scent was a clear giveaway, not to mention the fact that he was clearly headed up to the Alpha's office.

What was he thinking??

He starts to panic as soon as he gets to the third floor, the entire town, except maybe Paper District which was in a world of it's own but the entirety of the neighborhood surrounding the Pack House would be informed that he had paid a visit to the Alpha.

Whelp! That couldn't be helped now, they weren't the ones paying his salary anyway.

He sweeps right past the accusing glares of female Werewolves, ignoring them blatantly, he owed no one no fucking explanation.

He bumps into Erin on the fourth floor, it was equally as quiet as the fourth floor in Crimson Pack House, he was going with them having their own atmosphere and ambience.

"Hi!" Erin greets cheerily, her dark hair a little bit wild, in casual clothing, very different from the nervous but prim and proper lady he had met when he bumped into Dale's mom.

"It's so nice to finally meet you properly." She offers a hand for a shake, voice warm.

Dream unconsciously relaxes in her presence, sensing none of the threatening aura he was getting from the other females. 

He takes her hand with an easy smile. "I could say the same."

"Well," Erin spins around, taking the lead, Dream following her quietly, briefcase clutched in his hands. "Alpha Aston is out at the moment but he'll be back soon before then I'll give you a short tour if you don't mind."

Dream is carefully to let none of his emotions show in his face, another easy smile forming over his lips. "Not at all." He replies, noting how formally she addressed Dale, would he be required to do that as well? Because... he could just let his briefcase speak for him.

"There's actually a lot of work involved so you're free to back out..." Erin was saying. "The Alpha refuses to get a personal assistant and the position of Head Beta is currently empty because the past Head Beta retired along with his parents and the Delta who should have been promoted declined, saying he preferred his current position."

"Oh." Is all Dream mutters, no wonder the idiot had immediately passed out after a glass of juice, he was working himself to the bone.

"That's why I feel so bad leaving but I can't put off the visit any longer." Erin says apologetically.

Dream feel his heart twist a little, he couldn't let Erin down, she sounded genuinely distressed.

"I'm sorry I'm putting this all on your shoulders..." She starts to say.

"No, no, it's fine." Dream waves away her apologies. "It was my decision to come here anyway..." He clamps his mouth shut after this when he almost blurts out that he'll take the job.

Erin gives him a reassuring smile and opens the door they had gotten to, to reveal what had to be her office space.

It was roomier than he had been expecting and so organized too, he couldn't get his mind over the amount of files and shelves.

"I know right." Erin mutters to his unspoken words. "You would be surprised at the ridiculous amount of paperwork the Pack House gets on a daily."

"Most things can be easily resolved." She continues, pacing around the room to point out shelves. "Some will require Alpha Aston's signature, others are just reports that require documenting, most times you're just filing, organizing the files to make things easier for the Alpha..."

Dream sat quietly and absorbed all of the information, it was nice to finally have a legitimate job, it made him finally feel like an adult, although he was already legally one years ago.

He was already picturing himself doing all that Erin was saying and that made a soft smile curve his lips, this would be fun and fulfilling, the best part was that he wouldn't even have to see Dale too often which was perfect.

His heart was already at risk and accepting this job was a bit of a gamble but he was still young, what's life without some gambling?

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