Becoming the Luna

Chapter 279

Chapter 279

Grant looks over his grandson's head at the man talking with his wife, he had seen Virgil once or twice while they were younger and Renee always kept him updated with photos but Virgil was still more than a little intimidating in person but his love for his grandson was quite obvious.

The Werewolf was leaning over so that Maggie could pat his cheek, stars in his eyes as he answered her questions which no doubt revolved around them getting enough to eat.

"So where's Pixie?!" Hayden blurts out after he gets over seeing his grandfather after quite a while, his head darting from side to side as if to catch a glimpse.

"She's right here..." Grant starts to say. "Nice to meet you, Virgil." He handshakes him, pulling him into a hug last minute.

Virgil stiffens momentarily before relaxing, his rare gummy smile making an appearance, his family weren't touchy-feely but this was very welcome to his touch starved self.

"The pleasure is all mine, Mr. LeBaron..."

"No please, call me Grandpa." Grant corrects him, stepping away only to see Hayden tugging on his arm impatiently.

"Where's Pixie, Grandpa?" 

Grant laughs out at this taking Hayden hand in his own. "She's just in the drawing room, come along now."

They all gravitate towards the room, the door was locked so either couldn't really hear the conversations going on in either side.

Candy goes on high alert when the door knob twists. "Your baby is here." She says to her sister, Pixie fast asleep in her arms, swaddled in soft pink, fluffy blankets.

Renee's eyes widen at the, lights in her eyes as she waits to ambush her son.

The door swings open and Candy feels her heart start to twist only to stop beating entirely when she doesn't see an extra person and as a matter of fact, the scent of the male Omega she had gotten had come from no one but her nephew instead.

Her eyes widen at this but she keeps it tightly under wraps, exchanging pleasantries with the rest.

"You have a lot to explain, Hay." She whispers lowly to him when he leans over to fawn over his baby cousin.

Hayden gives her a bright smile. "I might as well do it now, seeing as we're all together..." He whispers back.

"Yah! What are you both whispering about?" Renee calls suddenly, making Pixie jolt awake with an upset cry.

"Renee!" Maggie immediately scolds, panic on her face.

"Why don't you try carrying her?" Candy invites her nephew, she knew Pixie wasn't hungry so pacifying her would be a bit of work but Hayden's Omega scent should make that easy enough.

"What? Me? Really?" Hayden inquires with suppressed excitement, his hands itching to hold the baby.

"Yeah, come on." Candy prods him, holding out Pixie who was still throwing a little tantrum, her mittened fists waving around angrily.

Hayden gulps but goes for it anyway, his eyes going round as saucers when Pixie instantly quietens down, gargling sounds leaving her mouth.

"Oh wow!" He whispers in excitement, holding his cousin close.

"She likes Hayden." Maggie announces, clapping lightly.

"Hey, I never got her to calm down so fast." Renee complains.

"More like you never got to calm her down at all." Grant says calmly earning an enraged sound from his daughter.

"And this time, you were the one who woke her up." Maggie forges on.

"Of course," Renee throws her hands in the air, settling on a chair. "Gang up on me, you'll take my side, won't you Virgil?"

"Not to be biased but I'm on whatever side that has Hayden in it." The Alpha says without hesitation, earning laughter from the rest.

"Touche, Virgil." Renee shakes her head.

The room falls quiet after this, Hayden sitting down as well as Pixie had fallen fast asleep in his arms, he didn't mind her there at all, her warm weight actually anchored him, stabilizing him where he didn't even know he was off kilter.

She smelled like warm milk and daisies and the ache for a child wrenches through him so hard he has to close his eyes but will Virgil let him adopt a baby? A toddler or an older child was a different situation but he wanted a baby... Something was definitely wrong.

"Um..." Hayden mumbles, flinching slightly when this grabs everyone attention, he glances briefly at Virgil and takes courage in the secret smile his mate gives him.

"Go on, Hay." Candy encourages him, a soft look on her face.

Good thing she hadn't blurted out her suspicions to Renee or they would be in a bit of a pinch right then.

"I have a little announcement to make." He starts shakily, voice soft so he didn't startle Pixie awake.

Everyone perks up at this, settling down on the couches arranged around the lily themed room, sunlight reflecting beautifully over the shades of soft pinks and purples.

"Is it your wedding date?" Renee prompts with excited eyes.

"No, mom." Hayden says. "We'll wait till Pixie and Auntie is good enough to travel, the little bridesmaid has to be present for the wedding you know." He adds on with a smile.

"So what is it?" Maggie asks with a warm smile.

Virgil was sitting beside him and he takes a deep breath, appreciating his mate's show of support.

Hayden hasn't exactly prepared to tell his entire family, although he knew they were going to find out one way or another so it was now or never.

"I-I um... I just found out that I'm part wolf..."

The marble figure that Renee swiped off a side table crashes to the ground. "W-What?"

Pixie jolts at this again, screaming her head off which equally quietens down when Hayden instinctively expels his scent to calm down the pup who resumes her nap.

"Renee!" Maggie scolds in a harsh whisper, a stern look on her face.

"I'm sorry, mom." Renee says contritely before resuming her look of shock. "Baby, you're part what??"

"He's part Werewolf, Ren, I could smell it immediately, it's why he can make Pixie calm down so easily..."

Expressive shock coats the faces of the LeBarons, Grant and Maggie looking from Virgil's impassive face back to Hayden's slightly nervous one.

Yanis chooses this moment to barge in, he had caught the tail end of the conversation, visible upset in his green-gold eyes. "Hayden is what?"

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