Becoming the Luna

Chapter 281

Chapter 281

Dream gets to work settling in, Erin was nice enough to not leave any work piled up for him so instead he tries to get familiar with the place, he'll be spending a lot of hours in it for the coming months anyway.

The office is done in shades of grey, the wall paper symmetrical and lacking depth even the curtains were that same hideous shade of gray that reminded him of sack robes.

He knows he shouldn't let it bother him but he knows that if he's expected to exist here then those horrendous curtains have to definitely go.

Erin texts him soon after to say that the laptop she had previously been using was hers but a new one already set up would be brought up for him... That was fine.

Her second text though is what makes him raise a brow, he could basically sense how nervous Erin was while reading her text.

The Beta was asking a favour of Dream to remind Dale to eat, saying that the Alpha barely left his office and she doubted she had ever seen him cook.

Dream is thrown back by this piece of information, well Dale hired him, the Alpha was going get the full package.

He just texts a quick affirmation to Erin and gets up from his table, there were no immediate files to attend to and the laptop was still on its way, which meant he had some free time.

Well, the previous secretary always reminded the Alpha to eat, it was only right that he did the same.

Well, that and also the fact that Dale not eating well enough upsetted him a great deal but he wasn't poking too deeply into that fact.

He raps on the door and pushes it open without waiting for a confirmation from Dale, his steps faltering a bit when he takes in Dale.

His previous coiffed hair is now finger combed, the inky black, curly locks dangling in his eyes, his formal clothing was no where to be found an easy smile on his handsome face.

Dale looks expectantly up at Dream, wondering what the other could want.

"Eaten breakfast yet?" Dream asks bluntly, blue-grey stare level.

Dale frowns slightly, the question catching him off guard. "Um... no?" He responds, confused at the odd question.

"Okay." Is all Dream says before, sweeping back out.

Dale stares into the distance for a while, still stunned. What was that all about?

A ringing from his work phone distracts him and he picks it only for it to be one of their top shareholders, placing a complaint.

He might have to go down to the boutique in question but there was still a lot of bills and documents to attend to, he should really consider appointing a new Head Beta, before things imploded on him.

He tries to calm the person in the other line down, reassuring him that he would be there in half an hour and to please not do anything drastic.

Owning the town along with Crimson Pack hadn't been done singlehandedly, there were members of the Pack who held shares, while the Pack held large amounts of these, there were also notable Pack members that did the same.

And so stores were mostly given out for free to Pack members, requiring them to only pay a stipend yearly and other clauses which were stated in a mutually agreed upon contract.

He groans and tangles up his hair, whatever was going down at the boutique wouldn't be a pretty sight and he just knew it.

Dream on the other hand, makes his way down to the kitchens, the design of Dark Moon Pack was similar to that of Crimson Pack - at least one thing was done right.

So he could easily pinpoint where the kitchens would be.

It's already late in the morning so the kitchens were deserted, this was just fine for Dream, he wasn't interested in socializing.

He would have to whip up something quick for Dale and he made a face, couldn't he just carry a packet of cereal and a carton of milk up, then Dale could have a field day, he would even put it on a tray.

He was nicer than that though so he makes a couple ham sandwiches, fires up the coffee maker and grabs some apples as well.

Just as he's readying up the tray someone walks in.

Dream barely spares her a glance, catching artificial blonde hair and a pretty face.

"Who are you?" The newcomer asks a tad rudely, stepping in front of Dream's path.

Dream hides a small smile. "Why? Are you the police or something?" He asks her casually, unimpressed. 

Fake Blondie's eyes narrow threateningly. "You know what, I don't care who you are, you should stay away from this Pack."

Dream just rolls his eyes, starting to get irritated of holding the tray for so long. "That gets so old, go look for some better insults, ones better than whatever shitty hair dye you use." He tosses at her, brushing past her and stomping back up the stairs.

He was a peaceful person by nature but that didn't mean he wouldn't welcome trouble, if someone introduced trouble to him, he would give them a couple tutorials on how to properly go about it.

He had been half expecting Fake Blondie to flip his tray, then he'd bash her in with the delicate tray - having to prepare more food would be annoying but it wouldn't beat the satisfaction he would get from breaking the tray on Troublemaker's head.

He hums a little to himself as he makes his way to Dale's office, if Dale never went down to eat with his Pack it would mean he didn't particularly eat healthy.

He could put two and two together to figure out that the reason Dale didn't go down to the kitchens to eat was because of the group of crazy females who were spurred on and made to feel special by his mom, he shook his head.

It wasn't his cup of tea, this wasn't even his Pack, there was no need to go the extra mile and he wouldn't but anyone who interfered with his job was going to get it.

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