Becoming the Luna

Chapter 299

Chapter 299

Dream wakes up first, only to shrink back in horror when he sees that somehow during the course of his sleep he had moved across the bed and into Dale's personal space.

He rubs the sleep away from his eyes when there was a proper distance between then, this platonic sleeping together had to stop soon.

Waking up to Dale wasn't very healthy for his heart, it was becoming an unlikely addiction.

"Sleep well?" Dale asks quietly making Dream shriek in horror.

"You've been awake?!" He exclaims, displeased.

He had been practically sleeping on Dale and was relieved to find out that only him was aware of this slip up but turns out the Alpha had been wide awake too.

Dale shrugs. "You looked comfortable, I didn't want to wake you."

Dream just expels out a sound of disgust and jumps out of the bed, gathering up his clothes in his arms, he didn't care that he was dressed in nothing but one of Dale's voluminous shirts, he needed to get away from here.

Dale just calmly props his hands behind his head to watch a flustered Dream run away, the weeks after his parents left have been a bit of an internal rollercoaster and he had about gotten his shit together.

Dream on the other hand, give him the aura of a feral cat, as long as he stuck around with his hands outstretched, no matter how many times he got scratched, eventually Dream would come to him.

He could wait, it wasn't like he had any other thing he wanted to do.

He should probably get up, because there was a very high chance that Dream would barge back in with a saucepan to get him out of bed.

A soft smile stretches out his lips at this, there was no dull moment with the Omega.

Dream on the other hand was livid, he wasn't exactly sure who he was mad at yet but his mood was currently in the shitter - maybe he just wasn't the morning type.

As he stomped back to his apartment in his little fit he bumps into Keiran and they both freeze.

Realization, as well as horror paints Dream's face as soon as Kieran's weird reaction to him sinks in, he was on his way to his apartment with his clothes clutched in his hands and wearing Dale's shirt, the Alpha's scent was obviously on it - it looked all parts incriminating.

The flash of curiosity that Dream had seen fades away into in inscrutable expression, now he knows why Keiran throws him off, he could never tell what the other Werewolf was thinking.

"Good morning, Dream." The new Head Beta greets in an inflectionless voice.

"Hi, Kieran." Dream mutters, relieved that he hadn't stuttered or bitten off his tongue.

Kieran just continues his journey after this and Dream practically runs the rest of the way back to his room, hurrying and and slamming the door so hard it rattles of it's hinges, throwing his weight behind the door and sliding down to the ground.

Why had he had the worst luck ever since he woke up this morning?

He curls up around himself, bowing his head over his drawn up knees.

Wasn't he the one who wanted to be an adult and be responsible for his decisions? Well, adulting was fucking hard, didn't mean he was going to eat his words and go back home though.

Mortification seeped in slowly, it shouldn't bother him this much because he wasn't guilty if what was deduced but he couldn't help it.

What made it worse was that he would have to spend the rest ot the day with those two, he groans and pulls himself off the ground.

He goes through the motions of cleaning up, occasionally pausing to scream under the shower.

He eats cereal with a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach - Dale had been thoughtful enough to stock up for him.

What did Keiran think about him now? The entire situation was just irritating

He gets ready to leave in a peeve, dressing up in comfortable clothes, he had a lot of work to finish up today, considering that yesterday he left almost halfway through the day.

He rushes out if his apartment, hopefully, Head Beta Kieran would stay in his office and they would only need to communicate with emails or phone calls for the rest of today.

He gets to his office without event and takes refuge behind his desk, as bothered as he was, it takes only a couple minutes into working for him to get absorbed in it.

At least until he gets a phonecall from Dale, he glares at the phone for a few moments, if the Alpha hadn't been such of a big baby the night before, he wouldn't be in this situation.

"Hello?" He says formally into the desk phone, frowning slightly when Dale asks for his presence.

Time to do what he was hired for, he cleared up his desk only to see that he had actually been working for a few good hours and it was already late afternoon.

He knocks politely when he gets to Dale's office, pushing open the door afterwards - he was exasperating like that.

Dale didn't even mind, already used to the little quirks of the Omega but what makes his eyebrows jump up his forehead is how Dream reacts to Kieran's presence.

The Omega freezes up and goes pale, eyes shifty.

It makes Dale frown, his thoughts thundering about a mile a minute - what was going on between the Head Beta and the secretary.

Kieran's expression didn't even change but Dale wasn't fooled by that, the Werewolf new how to hide his emotions quite well.

Jealousy shoots down his heart like a hot dagger, it was barely a day into his job and Dale wanted to end the Head Beta - how did he ever think this was a good idea?

"What's up?" Dream asks, putting himself together, which takes longer than he would have liked but then again he hadn't been expecting to see the Head Beta in Dale's office.

"Yeah, I need a favor, could you help me go down to the first floor, Mrs. Jacob lives in room 108, climbing up the stairs is a bit of a hassle for her but she's in charge of the upkeep of the Pack after my mom, so she should have the monthly bill for me." He explains as quickly as he could, wanting Dream far away from Kieran's sight.

"Oh, sure." Dream accepts, already making his way out.

"I'll tag along." Kieran pipes up, already getting up before either of them could say a word or refuse. "I need to talk to her a bit as well."

Dream swallows back his words, hiding the worry dancing in his eyes. "Sure." He repeats with less enthusiasm.

Dale just clamps his mouth shut, nearly snapping the pen in his hand in half as they go out together.

Maybe he was just overreacting, he hoped he was just overreacting...


"I don't care." Kieran speaks up for the first time when they leave the fourth floor.

Dream had been lost in thought but even so, he didn't understand the words without context.

"Huh?" He blinks, glancing at the Head Beta for the briefest of moments.

"About you and the Alpha, I don't give a damn, you don't need to act so jumpy..." Kieran doesn't add that before Dale thinks something else is going on between them and goes for his neck, it really was none of his business.

What he couldn't understand though was why he had offered to tag along, whatever he had to say to Mrs. Jacobs could definitely wait, somehow Dale had been handling most of the upkeep and it was just the shopping bill Dream had to collect.

But he was worried for the safety of the Omega and if that didn't make him want to turn tail and get the fuck away.

"Oh." Dream mutters, an invisible but particularly heavy weight dropping from his shoulders, his stomach unknotting.

He still didn't know the dynamic of Dream with the Alpha and it wasn't like he was curious but having to witness him almost get gravely injured must have become branded in his mind, because all he could see was someone trying again to push he down the stairs or something equally as gruesome.

"You're not from this Pack, are you?" Kieran speaks up again, they are already at the second floor now and he notices that Dream is left alone when he's around, well isn't that a wonderful coincidence.

He also has no idea why he's inviting small talk, he didn't like people...

"Um... no, I'm not." Dream says, the steel coming back into his voice. "Got a problem with that?"

Kieran blinks at this, looking away. "No." He says calmly. "Frankly, I prefer that you aren't." He adds quietly.

This makes Dream fall silent again, Kieran wasn't actually a bad person, although his lack of an emotional grid made it hard to get a read on him and that way, you could never tell what he was thinking.

Didn't mean he was a bad person.

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