Becoming the Luna

Chapter 301

Chapter 301

They take the last of the stairs together, awkward tension melting away.

They easily find Mrs. Jacobs house, the people living on the first floors were mostly new families and the elderly and they were all so nice that Keiran was already backtracking on his opinions on his Pack members.

Dream wasn't even surprised by this, he knew that there were nice people in Dale's Pack, the troublemakers just liked to do the most.

Mrs. Jacobs was happy to see them, insisting on giving them muffins and watermelon juice, no matter how many times they refused, she even packed up a basket for the 'Alpha'

"It's no wonder she was the one handling most of the business, that old lady has a one track mind." Keiran mutters under his breath when they are long gone from her house and hallway and are currently making their way up the first floor.

Dream laughs at this. "You looked horrified when she offered us snacks, have you been watching murder documentaries?" He teases.

Keiran looks away at this, the faintest touch of color in his cheekbones as he covers up his emotions with a dry cough. "That's a waste of my existence."

"Sure." Dream agrees with no small amount of disbelief.

"You don't believe me?" Keiran notes blankly.

"Why does it matter if I do not not? Unless of course you're lying and you actually do watch murder documentaries."

"Shut up." Keiran mutters without spite. "Why did I ever want to tag along in the first place?" He asks rhetorically.

"Beats me." Dream shrugs, going quite now as he glances at Keiran who is still sporting a blank face. "Why did you?"

Keiran holds eye contact for the briefest of moments before looking away. "You're not a horrible secretary." He shrugs, face empty. "And I've only started to tolerate you, what would I do if you were to end up gravely injured and would have to be replaced."

Dream just makes a face at this. "You're a real sweet person, you know." He whips sarcastically.

Keiran shrugs indifferently. "I try." He says serious.

Dream cracks up again but it is soured by the implications of Kieran's words, his laughter dying out.

"Why won't you tell the Alpha?" Keiran prods carefully while they are leaving the second floor. "I'm pretty sure he would do something about them."

Dream is completely sobered up now, face grave as he clutches the basket Mrs. Jacobs had prepared for Dale.

"Because that's exactly what they want." Dream shrugs like it is no big deal, although it clearly is.

"What?" Kieran frowns, confused.

"The thing is, if I do go to Dale, his reaction will only be proving them right and give them more ammunition, I'm not letting that happen." He says in a level voice.

"Or you just want to resolve this by yourself for whatever reasons you prefer not to talk about." Keiran responds, blunt as usual.

Dream winces at this. "Look, I'm just not telling Dale."

Keiran kept his eyes peeled out as they got to the third floor, this was where the people who wished Dream harm lived. "Sure, until he finds your broken body or worse."

Dream throws him a glare. "Stop being so dark all the time, I can take care of myself."

Keiran just looked down at his fragile body, expression blank. "Sure."

"Hi!" An energetic young man hurried up to them as they were about to leave the third floor, his gaze obviously passed over Dream like the Omega wasn't there and fixed on Keiran like headlights.

"There was an important announcement that a new Head Beta had been appointed, I'm guessing that's you" he started rambling off almost immediately, rudely stepping in between Keiran and Dream.

Dream just rolled his eyes, uninterested in whatever was going on, he gave Keiran a short wave and motioned that he would meet him upstairs.

Keiran's usually hooded gaze widened at this, he didn't know why but all his red flags were out about the situation but before he could give even a warning to Dream, the Omega was already far gone.

Dream was lost in thought as he meandered around the last turn of the hallway before getting to the stairs, he was dragged into a closet before this though.

He slammed painfully against a wall even as the door was hastily locked.

He rolled his eyes again when he took in the people present, it was the fake blonde again and this time she brought friends.

"This is getting old, I have actual work to do, since it seems like you all obviously do not." He says to them, trying to not let the fact that he was trembling show.

Keiran was right, he should have told Dale about it but he was on his independent high and where did that lead him? Into a potentially dangerous situation.

He gulped as the girls glared at him with obvious disgust and hatred, he might actually be in a little bit of trouble.


Dale was distracted, he hadn't done anything in the least bit productive ever since Dream and Kieran had walked out of his office, sure, he was overreacting but this was Dream

He has every fucking right to overreact!

He pushes up from his desk in irritation, pacing around his office that felt a little to small for him, maybe his wolf was just jittery because the full moon was near.

He tries to convince himself that he was feeling this way because of that and not because of something else.

Jealousy was a feeling he like hanging around him, it made him miserable and irritable.

Worst still now that he had no idea where he and Dream were at, he definitely wasn't about to ask the Omega that for sure.

He was relieved that he was finally getting through to Dream and his hard protective outer shell, he didn't need sleek Betas who had their shit together unlike him, ruining things for him.

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