Chapter 133: Zong Breakthrough Pill! Returning to Yunlan Sect!

Chapter 133: Zong Breakthrough Pill! Returning to Yunlan Sect!

Chapter 133: Zong Breakthrough Pill! Returning to Yunlan Sect!

His face still carried a hint of joy as he muttered a few times. Hai Bo Dong stared at Gu He, his lips moving as he said, "So, you've been waiting for me all this time?"

Upon hearing this, Gu He had a smile on his face but did not deny it.

Staring at Gu He's smiling face, Hai Bo Dong frowned, looking displeased.

However, deep down, Hai Bo Dong couldn't resist what Gu He had to offer - the recovery of his strength with the Revival Spirit Pill.

"Hai Bo Dong, you should understand that relying on your own power, it might take more than ten years to recover to your peak. But if you return to the Mittel family, with a simple command, you can save ten years. This deal seems quite advantageous. You should know, in those ten years, you could achieve so much," Gu He's soft voice continued to assault Hai Bo Dong's vulnerable defenses.

With a stern face, Hai Bo Dong struggled within himself, while Gu He remained silent, sitting quietly and waiting for his answer.

In the spacious living room, the atmosphere became slightly heavy and silent. After a while, Hai Bo Dong finally sighed and looked at Gu He, saying, "Fine, I can agree to your terms, but when can you provide me with the Revival Spirit Pill?"

"You can't expect me to wait until I gather all the herbs and then make the Revival Spirit Pill for you, can you?" Hai Bo Dong asked.

The list that Gu He provided contained many rare herbs that Hai Bo Dong had never heard of. He wasn't completely sure he could gather all the ingredients. If he spent a lot of time and effort but still couldn't gather them, and Gu He refused to make the Revival Spirit Pill, he would be at a loss.

Gu He could see Hai Bo Dong's thoughts and replied with a smile, "Hai Bo Dong, don't worry. As long as you sincerely work for me, I won't let you lose out."

After some contemplation, Gu He spoke seriously, "Here's the deal: I'll give you one year. If you make significant progress within that time, I'll make the Revival Spirit Pill for you."

In fact, Gu He had already gathered the materials for the Revival Spirit Pill through the Mittel family and had prepared it during his spare time. However, he wouldn't give it to Hai Bo Dong until he saw sufficient commitment from him.

Upon hearing Gu He's assurance, Hai Bo Dong nodded in satisfaction. "That sounds fair enough."

Then, Hai Bo Dong looked at the list of herbs and asked, "Gu He, can you reveal what kind of pill you plan to make with these herbs?"

The herbs listed were all precious, and Hai Bo Dong was certain that they were not for ordinary pills. They were likely ingredients for a sixth-grade pill.

Gu He smiled and didn't hide anything. He slowly said, "Have you ever heard of the Zong Breakthrough Pill?"

"The Zong Breakthrough Pill?" Hai Bo Dong was surprised and looked at the list in his hand in disbelief. "Are these the ingredients for making the Zong Breakthrough Pill?"

As one of the top ten powerhouses in the Gamma Empire, Hai Bo Dong was well aware of the Zong Breakthrough Pill's purpose. In fact, every Dou Emperor powerhouse, especially those of higher ranks, was familiar with the Zong Breakthrough Pill. Despite its low success rate, the Zong Breakthrough Pill was highly sought after due to its effects. While it didn't directly enhance one's strength, it significantly increased the success rate when breaking through to the Dou Ancestor level. Moreover, it ensured that even if the breakthrough failed, the person wouldn't experience a loss of strength and would remain at the previous level.

Hai Bo Dong's breathing quickened as he recalled the Zong Breakthrough Pill's effects. "Can you really make the Zong Breakthrough Pill?"

The Zong Breakthrough Pill was a high-quality sixth-grade pill. As far as he knew, Gu He had only recently broken through to a sixth-grade alchemist. He couldn't believe that in such a short time, Gu He could make the Zong Breakthrough Pill. Furthermore, the formula for the Zong Breakthrough Pill was extremely rare and hard to obtain, even for a power like Yunlan Sect. So where did Gu He get it?

Gu He was unaware of Hai Bo Dong's thoughts. In response to Hai Bo Dong's questioning, he nodded confidently, saying, "Since I've asked you to collect the herbs, I'm naturally confident in making it."

Making the Zong Breakthrough Pill had long been a plan in Gu He's mind.

He had two main reasons for wanting to create this pill. First, it would be of use to Yunyun in the future. Since the night in the Beast Mountain Range, Yunyun had become his woman, regardless of her acknowledgment. For his woman, Gu He naturally wanted the best for her. The Zong Breakthrough Pill was specially prepared for her. Though she might not need it right now with her current cultivation level, Gu He was preparing in advance. By collecting the herbs now, he could surprise her when she reached the Nine-Star Dou Emperor level.

Gu He was very concerned about Yunyun's cultivation. She was his woman, and he didn't want to see a future where he reached the pinnacle of power while she wasn't there to share it with him.

The second reason was to boost the strength of his Golden Feather Giant Eagle. As his first pet, Little Gold held a special place in Gu He's heart. Now that he had broken through to the Dou Ancestor level, Little Gold remained at the peak of the sixth rank, which was hindering its progress. Gu He didn't want Little Gold to fall behind and lose its chances in the future.

With an Eighth Rank Beast Bloodline, Little Gold had limitless potential, and Gu He didn't want to give up on it.

"Really able to make it!" Hai Bo Dong, looking at Gu He's confident expression, was even more shocked and his mind began to race. Although he was currently only a Five-Star Dou Emperor due to his many years of being sealed, he was confident that if he hadn't been sealed, he would have reached the Eight-Star Dou Emperor level by now. Hai Bo Dong also believed he could break through to the Nine-Star Dou Emperor level in the future.

With the opportunity to get a Zong Breakthrough Pill, he might even be able to make a breakthrough to the Dou Ancestor level. Hai Bo Dong's breathing quickened as he thought about it, and his eyes gleamed with excitement as he looked at Gu He.

But then he realized that he owed Gu He a favor, and he needed Gu He to make the Revival Spirit Pill to recover his strength. After a brief internal struggle, Hai Bo Dong bit his lip and didn't say anything.

Gu He looked at Haibodong, as if he had seen his thoughts: 'In the future, if you need it, I can help you refine a zong breakthrough elixir for free.'


Haibodong looked at Gu He in disbelief.

Gu He nodded slightly and said seriously, ''As long as you work sincerely for me, I won't treat you unfairly.''

''Not only the zong breakthrough elixir, but I can also refine the Emperor's Supreme Pill.''

"As long as you can gather the medicinal ingredients, I promise to refine an Emperor's Supreme Pill for you."

Upon hearing this, Haibodong widened his eyes in astonishment. The reputation of the Emperor's Supreme Pill was well known to him. For him at this moment, the Emperor's Supreme Pill was even more precious than the zong breakthrough elixir.

"Gu He, rest assured, the medicinal ingredients on this list, once I return to the Mitternacht Family, I will immediately have people search for them with all our might."

Under the temptation of Gu He's generous offer, Haibodong became extremely enthusiastic about Gu He's instructions, and in front of Gu He, he promised with his hand on his chest.

Seeing that the desired effect had been achieved, Gu He nodded in satisfaction. 'Then, I'll trouble you, Haibodong.'

After discussing everything with Haibodong, Gu He and Haibodong left the inner room.


Seeing Gu He, Liu Ling, who had stopped practicing, lit up and called out.

"Let's go."

Gu He patted the little girl's head and held her small hand, walking out of the shop slowly.

Due to the many secrets he held, Gu He chose not to travel with Haibodong.

After leaving the shop, Gu He took Liu Ling and left the city of Mo, coming to the vast desert.

Then, Gu He summoned the Golden Feather Giant Eagle, and the two of them sat on its back, flying in the direction of Sect.

It had been a month since he left the Cloud Mist Sect, and Gu He had already accomplished his goals in the Tagore Desert. At this moment, he was eager to return, not wanting to stay any longer.

'Liu Ling should have broken through by now, so it's a good time to transfer my power and pass on the rewards.'

During this month, Gu He had been constantly on the move, and his cultivation had remained at the level of a Three-Star Dou Master. After reaching the Dou Master level, each increase in strength was extremely difficult.

This made Gu He yearn for the wonderful feeling of rapid advancement in strength that he had experienced when he passed on his power to Xiao Yixian and Liu Ling in the Cloud Mist Sect.

'I wonder if Yunyun has returned to the Cloud Mist Sect.'

On the back of the Golden Feather Giant Eagle, a beautiful figure flashed through Gu He's mind, and he felt a bit complicated. Honestly, he didn't know how to face Yunyun when he returned this time, let alone what Yunyun's attitude toward him was now.


The next day.

Since he didn't want to stay in Mo City as a map seller, after the discussion was over, Haibodong prepared to leave the city early the next morning.

He didn't take anything from the small shop where he had stayed for decades. According to him, maybe one day, after he was tired of the conflicts, he would come back here and live out the rest of his days in peace.

Standing on a towering sand dune, Haibodong took one last look at the huge city that lay at the edge of the desert and the land. He sighed softly, his expression somewhat lonely. After decades of seclusion, his indifferent nature had also developed some attachment to this place.

"Never mind, it's been so quiet for so long; it's time for me, Binghuang Haibodong, to reemerge."

Putting aside his countless thoughts, Haibodong's turbid eyes sparkled with determination.

It had been so many years, and he wondered if his old friends from back then were still alive. Capital, I'm back!

With a thought, his ice-blue wings opened behind him, and with a step into the void, his figure turned into a stream of light, shooting towards the distant horizon.

Cloud Mist Sect.

In a secluded courtyard.

In a room, Liu Ling soaked her whole body in a large wooden tub.


Intermittent screams came from Liu Ling's mouth, sounding somewhat suppressed.

Liu Ling's skin was all red, and her face was twisted as she endured great pain.

After a while, the painful cries gradually ceased, and Liu Ling's breathing gradually stabilized.

Bang! A moment later, there was a muffled sound from within her body, and her aura increased.

At this moment, Liu Ling opened her eyes, and a glint of determination flashed in her eyes.

She then extended a thread of her soul to sense the changes inside her, and after a moment, she couldn't help but burst into laughter.


"I've broken through to Six-Star Dou Master!"

"I finally broke through!"

Excited and ecstatic voices echoed in the room.

Just after Liu Ling's breakthrough, a massive golden figure appeared outside the Cloud Mist Mountain.

After a while, the golden figure descended to the foot of the Cloud Mist Mountain, and two figures landed from above. The massive golden figure quickly shrank and transformed into a small golden bird.

"Qinglin, this will be your home from now on."

At the foot of the Cloud Mist Mountain, Gu He pointed to the towering and majestic Cloud Mist Mountain and smiled at Qinglin.

"It's so high!"

The little girl looked at the towering mountain that seemed to touch the sky, and her azure eyes filled with excitement, eagerness, and more than anything, anticipation.

Qinglin tilted her small head and looked up at Gu He, her expression adorable. "Teacher, is this the Cloud Mist Sect?"

During this period, Gu He had told the little girl about his identity and the history of the Cloud Mist Sect, so Qinglin finally had some understanding of her new martial arts school.

Looking at the towering mountain in front of her, Qinglin's eyes were filled with excitement and pride.

"From now on, I'm a disciple of the Cloud Mist Sect!"


Gu He nodded gently and then picked up the little girl, saying gently, "Let me introduce you to your senior brother and senior sister."

With that, he soared into the sky, flying directly up the Cloud Mist Mountain.

"Hey, look who's that?"

"Who dares to fly over the Cloud Mist Sect?"

"It looks like Senior Elder Gu He!"

"Oh, that's fine then!"

Gu He's arrival at the Cloud Mist Sect with Qinglin naturally attracted a lot of attention and discussion among the disciples.

Watching this scene, Gu He couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia.

The last time he had flown up the mountain with Xiao Yixian, it had been a similar scene.

After several months, he had returned with a new disciple.

(End of this chapter)

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