Celestial Peak

Chapter 107: The First Young Master of the Wang family II

Chapter 107: The First Young Master of the Wang family II

"You don't look too good over there." Bai Xue asked after seeing Wang Ling's face twitch after hearing the news about the matters of Red Peak Mountain, "Are you by any chance not liking the idea of meeting your brother?"

Wang Ling shook his head. His expression heavy and feelings and emotions even more. Something flashed past his mind and he became downcast. His usual attitude of a calm and collected expert was nowhere to be seen.

He reminisces something and delved deep into his memories. Soon, the wine and food came and the first thing Wang Ling took from the waiter was a jar of good wine to accompany his unpleasant emotions rising from deep within his heart.

He drank the wine slowly and felt the line cutting through his throat. Drinking and savoring the flavor of the wine, he looked at Bai Xue and answered her inquire, "No, I am not brooding over such matters. It's just that I didn't think that place remained in this era."

Bai Xue who was eating happily stopped and gave him a weird look, "Places like Mountains are not going to disappear unless one flattens them. Ancient peaks that have survived the passing of millions of years exists you know or is the thing making you feel that way something else?"

Keeping silent after her piece was said. Bai Xue's words tugged on Bai Xue's heart. He became melancholic, but that only lasted for so long as Wang Ling's emotions was put under control sooner than one might expect.

His saddened emotions and the waves inside his heart disappeared as the wine washed it away. The two finished dining and they went to pay the corresponding check. They went out of the restaurant.

Normally, Wang Ling should be going out to find a place where they could buy a map. The two enjoyed the sceneries they were presented with.

The two were not paying attention to it when they entered the city but the snow that blanketed the roads was beautiful to behold. The two had encountered a lot of Frost related events along their journey to this domain.

From the Frost Dragon to the Snow Pass where everything seemed white. The two became so attuned to the presence of snow that they registered it as normal.

These were the different properties of the Frost Domain. The Frost Domain was a Domain that had snow and blizzards all year round. Given some areas have less snow and might even have no snow in that particular area. The majority of Frost Domain was always blanketed with snow.

Looking around, the two of them wandered in an auction house where they were greeted by a beautiful woman who was supposed to be an attendant.

The woman was young and beautiful, able to attract men of all ages. She was an ordinary human who only does normal work and does not focus on the path of cultivation but Wang Ling could see that she was already at the energy palace stage.

Wang Ling would from most times ignore such nonsense but he was trying to distract himself from something else so he made sure to flood his mind with information. Even as he walked and talked with others, he was starting to formulate martial techniques.

"How may I help this young scholar over here?"

"I would like to sell some weapons and some miscellaneous items. By any chance is your auction willing to accept such things?" Wang Ling asked with innocence.

Nodding with a smile, the beautiful attendant led Wang Ling to a place where they could exchange the items he wanted to sell. Along the way, the attendant tried getting close to Wang Ling as his body emitted warmth.

"Here we are, please take out the items you want to sell. We will appraise the items for you and make sure to give you a fair price for them. So, what are the items you are going to present to us?"

Wang Ling waved his hands and a small hill started forming right beside him. Swords, Spears, Bows, Robes, Storage Rings, Cultivation Manuals and anything that did wasn't of any use in cultivation was thrown out of Wang Ling's storage ring.

Having his storage ruing cleaned out of any useless equipment, Wang Ling was left with his bow, spear, changes of clothes, a bunch of swords, letters, and some other items he deemed to be necessary.

Well, some items couldn't be sold like personal items of his and Bai Xue's victims left in his storage ring. But that didn't matter.

"Um this might take a while. Please come and follow me into a more 'convenient' room while we have our appraiser asses your items." The attendant had her mouth agape seeing how many items Wang Ling was going to sell.

It was as if Wang Ling's storage ring was a warehouse and that warehouse of his was filled with eerie-looking items. Some of Wang Ling's 'merchandise' even have blood in them, making the lady look at Wang Ling with some fear.

Wang Ling saw the attendants dumbfounded face but said nothing. He observed her keeping the items in a single storage ring before leading him to a private room where he could wait.

"Please wait here while we have your items appraised."

Wang Ling nodded his head saying he has no problem. The room he was in no way luxurious but it was still beautiful. He waited in that room without complaint. He was served with tea while he was in there.

Seating there without doing anything, Wang Ling just sipped some tea and Bai Xue slept the boredom away. She had no inkling of delving into selling their loots and trusted Wang Ling he knew what was needed to be done.

"Sorry for waiting, the appraisal of your items have been completed." The lady attendant entered the room with some old man with a long white beard and the attendant began introducing the old man, "This over here is Elder Yu, he was the one to appraise your items."

Wang Ling just nodded his head to the old man but said nothing to him. But the old man stepped forth and began speaking to him:

"You have sold us 127 weapons of tier-3, 93 pseudo-grade-1 weapons, 37 grade-1 weapons, 2 grade-2 weapons, 96 different cultivation manuals and martial techniques of varying grades, some ores that can be found in different areas and many more.

"Young one, answer me this. Are you human or are you a beast?"

Wang Ling smiled at the old man as he found his words and questions funny. Being regarded by some weird old man he just met was weird. Being several millennia old, Wang Ling was old by heart and soul.

Being called a young one was something truly funny for Bai Xue who was currently pretending to be asleep. Putting the matter of Bai Xue aside, Wang Ling also found the old man's question funny. His question was something predictable after all.

[Old people who try to act wise by saying some 'profound' words to suck up to young cultivators who have talents and high prospects is annoying.]

Knowing what the old man wants to say, Wang Ling smiled as he answered, "I am human."

Elder Yu shook his head as he said, "If you believe you are human then don't bath too much in the blood of your kind and others as well. You are young and"

Yada yada, the words of the old was supposed to be wise and important but they were repetitive with a different color of coating at best. Wang Ling just showed a smile to the end of the old man's wise advice.

At the end of it all, the old man left feeling satisfied feeling he had lectured a young man and creating a connection to him and their auction house.

Those kind of people were too predictable. The old men who try to form a connection to you will always have hidden ulterior motives hidden in their sleeves. They may not show it, but they always do.

The only reason Wang Ling could think of why that old man came here must be because of some good words from the attendant who saw some 'potential' in him.

Wang Ling just sighed as he felt tired and awkward at the same time. After the lengthy discussion with the old man, Wang Ling was given a storage ring that contained his earnings.

He looked into the storage ring and counted them easily with his spirit sense.

[117,000 stellar stones, that's not too bad.] Wang Ling commented. That was more than what he had thought he would earn. The weapons must have raked in a lot of cash.

"The total number of spirit stones would be 117,543, sorry for taking your time thank you for everything. Please, follow me outside."

Wang Ling was just about to follow her out but he suddenly remembered something and stopped on his tracks.

"Wait, before I go can you get me a map? A map of the entire Celestial Spirit Realm if you please the more detailed one as much as possible."

The attendant just nodded her head before leading Wang Ling to the front desk. She then went somewhere to get a Jade and put it in front of Wang Ling.

"This is the latest map of the realm. As we all know, the constant battle and struggles with the Demons had left the realm changing geography as battle rages on. But please be rest assured, this map is the most accurate one to date. This little one will cost 20,000 stellar stones."

Wang Ling paid the needed stellar stones and left with the map.

He then went out and headed to a flower shop where he bought a bouquet.

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