Celestial Peak

Chapter 109: First Young Master of the Wang Family IV

Chapter 109: First Young Master of the Wang Family IV

"If you're here, does that mean Wang Hong is here as well?" As Wang Ling went up to the mountain, he began questioning Qigang about the important matters that needed to be asked.

"No, Master sent me here to scout the area a day before the opening of the barrier, to see if any Xie Clan members are aiming for the Second Young Master's life. Also, the Second Young Master will reach this place in a few hours." Qigang explained.

Wang Ling was put in deep thought because of his words.

"Do we have any problems with the Xie Clan? Aside from Xie Hai who attacked Wang Hong, do we have a problem with those guys that require extensive measures like this?"

"The Family Head has fought with the Xie Clan multiple times before he established the Wang Family here in the Frost Domain. Those fights caused friction with the Wang Family. One of the many reasons why the Family Head dislikes Devil Cultivators stems from his conflict with the devil oriented family of the Xie Clan."

Wang Ling was quite surprised to hear that his father hates devil cultivators, he was, after all, he was treated with love and care by his father even after his bloodline surfaced.

Aside from that knowledge, Wang Ling now basically understood why Xie Hai had the balls and the reason to try and kill Wang Hong. Being a descendant of the Xie Clan, the conflict and the bad blood with their Wang Family should have been inherited by their descendants.

"So, have you found anyone of the Xie Clan yet? What about the other members of the other clans? I heard the Yan and the Mu Clan are coming here."

"Just like our family, they sent people to scout the land for any unforeseen danger. Oh, First Young Master, have you come here to enter the tomb?"

Wang Ling shook his head, "No I do not. Tombs like that would be swarmed by saints and I will die quicker than anyone else if I antagonize any saint. If I enter with you guys, I will just become a piece of baggage and I don't like that idea. How about you, are you entering the tomb?"

"Yes, some of the saints from the Shadow Pavilion are also going to enter together with the Second Young Master."

The two conversed with one another. Qigang answered Wang Ling's every question and provided him information Wang Ling needed. Bai Xue was quietly listening as they went up.

Around them were cultivators who had been laughing at Wang Ling earlier. But right now, many were looking at him with weirded out eyes.

Wang Ling ignored them and climbed higher into the mountain. He soon reached the tomb locked by the barrier. The tomb was designed simply as an entranced disguised as a cave was presented to the world.

The true tomb was inside the cave where the barrier was located. However, no one was attempting to enter the said tomb, they were waiting for the appearance of a Great Family to show their respect.

Wang Ling looked at the cave and became dazed for a moment. He was snapped out of that daze though as he questioned Qigang, "Do you know the identity celestial buried in there?"

"We do not First Young Master, we don't even know if it belongs to a celestial. The only thing we know is the fact that the barrier was created by a grade-4 artifact. The Family and the Clans are going to bring a grade-4 weapon to break the said barrier and we will be the ones to enter the tomb first. We can only know the identity of the celestial after the tomb is explored."

Wang Ling reacted with an "oh", he was expecting some information about the person who created the tomb but it would seem that no one knew who it was.

They resumed their climb and Wang Ling's heart beat faster as they did. But as Wang Ling and Qigang was nearing the peak, he stopped on his tracks and spoke.

"Qigang, wait here, I want to meditate at the peak for a bit. I will come down after a few minutes. Tell Wang Hong I'll talk to him later."

Qigang didn't stop Wang Ling from proceeding further up the mountain peak. No danger could be found in this mountain either way.

Wang Ling went up the mountain with Bai Xue sleeping on his neck. As he did climb higher, Wang Ling's expression finally changed. Memories flashed inside his mind and he soon reached the peak of the mountain.

There, he saw a tree with a red trunk. Seeing this, he remarked, "So the [Crimson Flower Tree] is still here."

The name Red Peak Mountain came from the past era. But many people argue it came from this giant Crimson Flower Tree.

The Crimson Flower Tree was only an ordinary tree that should only grow for about ten meters in height. But the Crimson Flower Tree of the Red Peak Mountain was known for its abnormal height of 99-meters tall.

Its trunk was also exaggeratingly bigger than what is normal. Twenty men was needed to completely hug the trunk of the Crimson Flower Tree. The tree here was considered as one of the biggest trees in the realm together with the World Tree of the Elves.

The Crimson Flower Tree was an odd tree. Its leaves were green for most of the year but every 6th month of the year, the Crimson Flower Tree will 'bloom'. Just like cherry blossoms, the tree would bloom but instead of pink flowers, it would be red.

The Red Peak Mountain was littered with Crimson Flower Tree. The Red Peak Mountain was a truly beautiful sight when the 6th month comes.

Wang Ling approached the very tall tree and started looking around as if he was trying to find what wasn't there. In the end, he could only shake his head in dismay.

"It wouldn't be here anymore. It had been a long time after all." Wang Ling continued to walk and reached the front of the large tree. Wang Ling jumped up into the protruding roots of the tree and stood before its trunk.

Touching its trunk, Wang Ling breathed out and proceeded to smile. He kneeled on the floor and asked Bai Xue to get down of his shoulders.

Bai Xue was woken up and was made to stand aside. She yawned and she observed Wang Ling with great interest.

With Bai Xue out of the way. Wang Ling proceeded to take out a jar of wine and the bouquet he bought before kowtowing tree times.

"It had been a long time since I came here, but I have returned. The last time I was here, it was before I ventured to open the heavens. I have gone against your words countless times but now I am doing well and a part of a family.

"Like what you have said to me once before, a family is a great thing Master."


Qigang who was left just before the peak was meditating as he waited for Wang Ling's descent. But noon came rolling in and Wang Ling had yet to descend, soon there was a commotion.

A cry of a bird was heard and this caused those around to lift their heads to see a ground of people riding on the back of a [Frost Bird]. With its white feather, the Frost Bird showed its might and those on its back raised their head high and had their noses pointed up.

"What family are those guys a part of?" Wang Ling's voice came from behind and Qigang turned around to see him descending.

Wang Ling looked at the handsome young man who looked around the age of 22 or so with a strength of a Minor Saint. Behind the handsome young man was two companions.

Qigang, greeted Wang Ling as he descended from the mountain and began explaining, "He is the Young Master of the Mu Clan, Mu Feng. He is a young genius and is a member of the Frost Peak Sect. He is a young genius who sees the Second Young Master as his rival."

Wang Ling nodded his head and watched Mu Feng grandiosely landed on the ground filled with arrogant air around him. Wang Ling instantly knew of his character. He might be wrong, but young nobles like this one were usually haughty and extremely troublesome.

With the arrival of Mu Feng, another ground of people appeared. This time, the newcomers were riding on a Flaming Horse. There were three people so there were three horses present.

The horses have a fire for a mane. They had black skin and carried extremely imposing aura. This time when Wang Ling saw the new group, he didn't need to ask who they were because he already knew who it was.

"So Yan Renhuo is from the Yan Clan of the Frost Domain? That's new."

Wang Ling was pleasantly surprised but he wasn't so shaken that he couldn't think straight. He was even already scheming something in his head as soon as he saw Yan Renhuo.

Just behind Yan Rehuo was Wang Hong who was on the back of a White Lion. Together with him was a familiar face, QingBiao which Wang Ling found extremely interesting.

[Is she going to be my sister-in-law?]

Joking, Wang Ling thought and beckoned Qigang to follow him and go to the place where Wang Hong and the rest landed. The tomb will be opened later, and that doesn't matter to Wang Ling.

He was going to talk to his brother once again. Too bad Wang Yue wasn't here. That would have been a nice picnic.

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