Celestial Peak

Chapter 131: First Young Master let us fight III

Chapter 131: First Young Master let us fight III

Carrying with him souls and vials of blood essence, the middle-aged man had returned earlier that Wang Ling thought he would.

Wang Ling got up from the floor and went down, there, he saw the energetic middle-aged man waiting for him to come down. Walking up in front of the middle-aged man, Wang Ling accepted the souls and the vials of blood.

There were 17 souls and vials of blood, nothing more nothing less. Wang Ling gratefully accepting the vials and saw the smile on the middle-aged man's face, Wang Ling couldn't reject him.

"Thank you, please, follow me out, I will fight you there."

He beckoned him to follow him outside. Wang Ling went out with the middle-aged man, he didn't want to destroy the pavilion. After some walk, Wang Ling stood opposite of the middle-aged man and the wind blew past his hair as he took out two swords.

On the right was his Saint sword and on the left was his short sword. Wang Ling handled them carefreely with all seriousness. The middle-aged man took out a white saber with a falcon's beak near the hilt.

"Just to confirm, we are not to use our spirit qi, correct?"

The middle-aged man laughed as he answered, "Yes that is correct. Also, I shall let the First Young Master make his move. We may not be using qi but my body is still stronger than that of a nascent soul cultivator's. Please, make the first move."

For those who consider themselves as strong and a master fighting against someone who was far weaker than themselves. Those so-called masters would always let the weaker ones to make their moves.

Wang Ling was someone with weaker cultivation so he could understand why the middle-aged man would do something like that. So, Wang Ling got ready.

"I will not reject your generous offer. Please let me exchange pointers with you." Wang Ling placed the sword in front of him and raising his intent. His eyes became piercing as he began to move.


Wang Ling disappeared and reappeared in front of the middle-aged man the next instant. His pure physical strength carried Wang Ling so fast that the wind was torn apart.

With his eyes oozing with the intent to finish this thing, Wang Ling's right hand moved like lightning and hacked away towards the middle-aged man.


Wang Ling's sword was fast, faster than any normal nascent soul cultivator could show. This quick assault of Wang Ling gave the middle-aged man a little fright.

Who knew that his First Young Master was so fast? But he was someone who had been training the saber for a long time and he was also a celestial who had his baptism.

Even without spirit qi, he was strong, he was strong enough to overpower and overwhelm Wang Ling with his own speed. So, he moved, he moved faster than Wang Ling's lightning-fast strike, faster than anyone could imagine.


He guarded perfectly and smiled, his smile represented his confidence to take on Wang Ling. But that smile of his disappeared when Wang Ling suddenly showed him a fierce glare.


He heard something from the side, it was the sound of a sword fluidly moving into the air. The middle-aged man moved as fast as he could to raise Wang Ling's oncoming strike with the short sword, but before he could even do so, Wang Ling's short sword had already stopped a few centimeters away from his neck.

Wang Ling exhaled as his body eased. His tensed muscles loosened up as he spoke to the middle-aged man, "That should about end it, right? I have to train in my alchemy now, please excuse me, senior."

Wang Ling quietly walked away as he entered the Alchemy Pavilion once again to train in his alchemy. He left the middle-aged man who was at a loss for words alone and focused on the more important stuff.

Having trained his sword to perfection in the past and having it evolve more and more in this era. Wang Ling's swordsmanship can be called unrivaled if not for his knowledge of the next level of mastery.

His proficiency in killing other beings with his sword was something that nobody can just try and match. But his sword's true strength cannot be shown until he finally gets his natal weapon.

Wang Ling can jump multiple levels because of his sword mastery. He reckoned he can kill level-6 nascent soul stage cultivators now even though he was still at level-3. Wang Ling was most confident in his sword. So losing a duel against some senior inside the main house of his family was unimaginable.

The middle-aged man who was left outside was at a loss for words. He was a celestial, he could have grabbed that sword of Wang Ling's with his hand and blocked.

But the middle-aged man chose not to because that was not the path of his saber. He just wanted to test his Young Master's proficiency in the path of the sword, how did he lose so fast to someone who only trained in the sword for only such a short time?

"Is this what they call fear?" the middle-aged man looked at his hands that was trembling uncontrollably. Wang Ling's eyes had caused him to lose his composure at the end, that sword of Wang Ling could have taken his life.

Thankfully, he was at Wang Ling's side else he would have been killed by Wang Ling without a second thought. Scary, that was what the middle-aged man's thought when he thinks of Wang Ling, but he also felt sadness.

Why did he feel sad for someone like Wang Ling who had terrifying talent instead of jealousy? Even he did not know. It might have been because he could feel it, the mysterious but heavy emotions in the First Young Master's blade.

What is looming over that blade? The middle-aged man nor anyone else other than Wang Ling knew.


Wang Ling continued his training in pill concoction without a halt for an entire day. He would produce masterpieces and after an entire night of practicing without stopping. His mastery over his flames was so impeccable that even he didn't think he would be able to achieve such a state.

It was flawless, the Heavenly Flame of his was also beginning to show the characteristics of his angelic qi. The angelic qi was the qi that transformed his True Chaos Flames into the Heavenly Flames.

The Heavenly Flames now carried slight effects of regeneration. As to how it could be activated, Wang Ling only needed to circulate his qi towards it and the Heavenly Flames would have the desired effects.

But to see how strong its effect was, Wang Ling took out the short sword from his storage ring and cut his palms and let the blood flow out. Wang Ling used his Heavenly Flames to heal his wounds. But the effects only showed after 30 minutes.

Wang Ling attempted to try it again with his bloodline activated. After activating his bloodline, the time was reduced to 15 minutes. Activating his bloodline easily raised the properties of his qi and flames two times.

Wang Ling was happy to see such an effect, now, he was planning on creating a technique that will let him properly take advantage of his techniques.

Sun rose from the east and Wang Ling got out of the Alchemy Pavilion. He was just about to head out but then, then saw the middle-aged man standing before the doors of the pavilion.

"Please have a duel against me again, First Young Master."

"Please, I am tired today, I wish to rest and I plan on entering closed-door cultivation in two days so I want to be at my peak performance before then." Wang Ling tried to reason with the middle-aged man.

But the middle-aged man waved his hand and hundreds of Minor Saint spirit beasts souls appeared from out of nowhere. There were also vials of blood neatly arranged beside him.

The middle-aged man once again made a request, this time, he was even more sincere, "Please First Young Master, have a duel with me once again. I shall offer these souls to you for you to fight me. I can collect more if you will me to do so."

Wang Ling saw the souls and the vials of blood and sighed in resignation. Those were free resources in front of him, Wang Ling raised his head and looked at the middle-aged man's sincerity. For a celestial to do something like this, it was unprecedented.

"Senior, I thank you for these souls, but may I rest for an hour. I shall meet you here again after that."

Wang Ling requested and the middle-aged man agreed. Wang Ling went back to his courtyard and cleaned his body and returned to the Alchemy Pavilion where the middle-aged man was waiting for him.

He looked at the middle-aged man who was standing tall as he waited for Wang Ling to arrive. With a smile, Wang Ling remarked, "I have yet to know your name. May I have the honor of knowing your name, senior?"

"Qiyu, my name is Qiyu. I am the eldest disciple of master Sun Wu."

"Let us have a good fight, Senior Brother Qiyu."

With all the pleasantries were said and done, Wang Ling looked at the middle-aged man with a smile and dash forth.

Wang Ling accompanied Qiyu for two days straight. He stopped just before the day of his seclusion came, in all their 73 duels Wang Ling never let Qiyu win a single one of them.

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