Celestial Peak

Chapter 136: Qi

Chapter 136: Qi

The next day after Yan Renhuo's timely visit to the Wang Family Main House. An Elder from the Yan Clan arrived to talk with Butler Sun.

Wang Ling had already explained everything to Butler Sun and by noon, Wang Ling received reports of his Wang Family having formed a deal with the Yan Clan.

Yan Renhuo wanted to stay in the Wang Family for a longer period of time. But the Elder who had come took her away saying she had responsibilities to do and she received a letter from the Ancient Scripture Academy.

Two days passed.

In these two days, a lot more things happened. Wang Ling handed 7 celestial grade cultivation manual over to Butler Sun. Butler Sun asked Wang Ling where he got those techniques, he simply answered he looted them from other people.

He was expecting a lot more interrogation from Butler Sun but the only thing he got was a thumbs up and praise, "Good job, Young Master!"

It seems like morality was also a little bit different in his family. He does like that part of his family though.

Right at this moment, Wang Ling was fighting with Qiyu who had his cultivation raised to a half-step energy palace stage. Wang Ling still had his cultivation sealed but he was fighting with Qiyu on equal grounds.

His eyes were hurting as he fully utilized his Devil's Pupils to its limits. Wang Ling had never used the Devil's Pupils to its fullest because he had yet to see its usefulness. But now, he could see how strong it was if used in fights, Wang Ling was pushing himself to the brink.

He was doing his best and was making his body work up a sweat. Following the movements of Qiyu's saber. Wang Ling made sure to strike the opening between Qiyu's defenses.


Wang Ling's sword moved swiftly as he used Retribution. Using both swords to corner Qiyu, Wang Ling retracted his short sword and focused on using his sword.

After doing so, he dragged everything out and only made his move as soon as Qiyu got drawn enough. An opening presented itself to Wang Ling.

Going down low on the ground, Wang Ling gave Qiyu an unexpected kick to his right foot and tipped him down. Qiyu tried his best to regain balance but Wang Ling gave him a hard hit on the back and brought him down.

As he tried getting up, Qiyu saw Wang Ling's black sword and raised his hands as he admitted his defeat, "First Young Master, aren't your strikes getting more vicious? I almost had my hands cut off at the fortieth move you know."

Keeping his swords inside his storage ring, Wang Ling laughed as he said, "You should stop complaining, senior. If I don't move viciously, I won't be able to beat you when you have your cultivation at the energy palace stage."

"Then just let me win once. Being beaten every time we have a duel." Qiyu protested, he did not look like an all-powerful celestial right now. He resembled a little student complaining to his master.

"So, do you wish to stop our duels?" Wang Ling questioned.

"Nah, you're the only one who makes me sweat so I don't wish to stop." Qiyu retrieved his breath and got up from the ground. He left feeling satisfied as he said, "I'll cheer myself up by beating Qigang today."

Wang Ling saw him off and he himself went to clean himself and changed into a new set of clothes. Going out, Wang Ling saw Butler Sun looking for him. Butler Sun had been rather busy for the past few days that they never really got to meet.

But now, Butler Sun stood before Wang Ling. He had an urgent look on his face.

"Is there a problem!?" Wang Ling asked.

"No, but I have come to give you this, Young Master." Butler Sun handed Wang Ling a ring and had him checked its contents.

Wang Ling checked its contents and Wang Ling's face beamed after seeing its contents, "Butler Sun, go and prepare a big pot. Big enough to have Yue enter it. Also, I want you to isolate the 100-meter radius surrounding the Alchemy Pavilion and have Qiqi cleanse Yue's body, I'll do the rest complete this in three hours."

Wang Ling instructed Butler Sun as quickly as he could. Butler Sun moved quickly and ordered the maids to do the preparations. Butler Sun isolated the 100-meter radius surrounding the Alchemy Pavilion.

Wang Ling went and entered the Alchemy Pavilion, there he saw a big clay pot that he had asked for. The clay pot was little over a meter high. Wang Yue could soak her body inside without a problem.

Wang Ling had maids fill the pot with water and after a while, the pot was filled to the brim. Wang Ling made his angelic qi and supreme qi enter the pot. He wanted to infuse the water and pot with angelic qi as much as possible.

He then went ahead and used his Heavenly Flames to boil the water. He needed to purify the water and ensure that no impurities could be found. Wang Ling's qi was being burnt at a very fast rate.

Eating a bunch of Revitalizing Qi Pill, Wang Ling managed to restore his qi supply. His continuous purification and giving the water angelic and supreme qi made the water glow with mystifying golden light.

Wang Ling brought out the storage ring and began putting the important spirit plants inside. [Holy Dragon's Essence], [Spring Water of the Elves], [Light Bearing Lotus], [Heavenly Grass], [Celestial Holyroot]

Ninety-nine sprit plants that range from grade-1 to grade-4 was thrown inside. There was three grade-4 spirit plant in the medicine bath he was creating, each of those spirit plants was a priceless treasure, but Wang Ling had thrown them without hesitation whatsoever, this whole thing was for Wang Yue, his own sister.

The medicine bath he was creating was not an actual medicine bath. It was a pill recipe that he had revised after hours of consideration and research. He finally threw the final ingredient inside and the mystifying light grew exploded with a sweet and calming aroma.

The aroma spread all over the Main House and the sweet smell of the medicine bath garnered the attention of many.

Wang Ling was sweating bullets and began devouring more and more Revitalizing Qi Pill. The amount of qi being used up as he tried to make the bath denser in terms of angelic qi was terrifying.

Not only so but his supreme spirit qi was also being utilized quickly. He needed angelic qi to further heighten the concentration of the bath's attribute and also his supreme spirit qi to draw together the ingredients that was used and further enhance their compatibility.

And so, Wang Ling's experience of having his qi being drained and revitalized happened more times than Wang Ling could count. Right now, he was thankful he had created a lot of pills that regenerates qi.

He had been continuously practicing and the pill he had continuously trained in was Revitalizing Qi Pill.

"It is completed."

Wang Ling was efficiently moving his flames and as three hours came, the medicine bath was completed and was glowing with golden light.

Wang Yue came and entered the Alchemy Hall. She had clothes all over her and Wang Ling observed that there was no dirt on her clothes. She was purified from dirt, at least her physical body was.

Butler Sun saw Wang Ling's pale complexion and became worried. He wanted to approach and help him stand but Wang Ling stopped him and beckoned Wang Yue to come to him.

"Come, Yue." Wang Ling called Wang Yue over. His face was pale and he was sweating all over his body, Wang Yue knows that Wang Ling had been working hard to make this golden bath.

She had already been briefed by Butler Sun and Qiqi who came with her. According to them, Wang Ling had a method that might unlock her qi pillars.

She was disbelieving, many methods had been tried and nothing worked for her. She didn't want to hold any hope inside her heart, it might, after all, lead into another disappointment.

But after seeing Wang Ling's pale face as he showed a warm and soft smile. Wang Yue wanted to believe that this will work. She didn't want to waste Wang Ling's effort and have him be disappointed.

"This may hurt a little bit, but bear with it for a while." Wang Ling saw Wang Yue nodding her tiny head resolutely. He picked her up and covered his hands with angelic qi before sending the angelic qi inside Wang Yue's body.

Wang Ling placed Wang Yue inside the pot and ten seconds after she got inside. Wang Yue let out a pained groan. Her pores were itching as her body was beginning to feel like it was being torn apart.

Wang Yue was no hardened cultivator, she was a mere young girl who wanted to cultivate. The pain she was experiencing now was something even a grown man would not willingly take and so, Wang Yue screamed with her soft voice.

Qiqi and Butler Sun became alarmed as they heard his voice, they stepped forward but Wang Ling stopped them as he spoke, "It is starting."

Wang Yue's pores began opening up and from her pores, black impurities were forced out. There were many impurities, and as her body had never had the taste of qi. The impurities that built up insider her body was an abnormal amount.

Wang Ling saw Wang Yue scream and wanted to help her but he stopped himself from doing so. He stood firm and only approached her five minutes into the process.

He circulated his qi and then his blood. He made his Lower Holy Bloodline circulate all over his body and cut his palms with his sword.


Blood flowed out of Wang Ling's hands and into the pot. The blood made the pot glow bright red and Wang Ling, upon having lost blood essence felt weaker than normal.

It was as if he had just executed bloodline ignition.

The red light of the pot ignited Wang Yue's withered meridians. The shriveled meridians were brought back to life as Wang Ling had his blood essence continuously flow out.

The atmosphere of the Alchemy Pavilion became more and more mystical. Wang Yue received the blood essence coming from Wang Ling and as she finally had her fill a strong suction force coming from her own body appeared.

Wang Yue's dried out qi pillars began to move and rotate. Wang Yue's qi pillars greedily sucked every spirit qi around. The qi that was remained in the medicinal bath was absorbed by the qi pillars.


The pot exploded while Wang Yue was still inside.

"YOUNG MISS!!" Qiqi called out as she dashed forward to save Wang Yue.

"YOUNG MASTER!! YOUNG MISS!!!" Butler Sun also cried out as he too moved. He moved faster than Qiqi and had already saved Wang Yue and Wang Ling from the explosion of the pot.

Butler Sun quickly brought ought Wang Ling and Wang Yue from the suffocating room of the Alchemy Pavilion.

Butler Sun first checked Wang Ling who had lost consciousness and said, "He used too much of his blood essence."

Taking out a red pill and feeding it into Wang Ling. Wang Ling's complexion became better. He heaved a sigh of relief.

Butler Sun then checked Wang Yue and as he touched Wang Yue's pulse. Butler Sun felt qi flowing inside her body. He tried having his qi inside Wang Yue and unlike before, his qi was not rejected by Wang Yue.

Butler Sun looked at Qiqi and said in a trembling voice, "The Young Miss has qi."

Wang Yue was cured and can finally utilize qi.

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