Celestial Peak

Chapter 484: Dulir's Job

Chapter 484: Dulir's Job

According to the Legends, the All-Father was the magnanimous being born outside of time and space. When he opened his eyes, he was all that there was and a cloud of the impregnable gathering of light. It was a time when even the Mother of Beast had yet to escape from the confines of the Chaos Egg.

When he was born he was already fully grown, with wings and haloes, without time he was everlasting he was infinity incarnate. Often, he would close his eyes, and images of things he had not known would appear, and with these images came the path to his creation of the Universe.

Copying what he saw in his visions, the All-Father waved his hands and formed everything out of his own. The Universe was created, but it was empty thus he created everything else from dirt to stars, it was said that all of it was created by the hands of the All-Father.

The All-Father then brought his every creation into one world and named it, the Origin World. In this world, only the All-Father lived, until he decided to create something from nothing, a being as close to him as possible.

He created the first being, a being with no name nor distinction a close copy of him but different. From there he created other beings, the Devils and the Holy Race. 

From his feathers and flesh, the Devils were born, and from his blood and veins, the Holy Race rose. From there, versions of the story would shift varying from ancient cultures to ancient cultures.

Who was created first, who was favored? That the Devils were the personification of the All-Father's darkness, and the Holy Race his compassion. How there was another who was loved most by the All-Father. Either way, these cultures were no more and only the facts remained.

The Devils inherited the flesh and feathers of the All-Father. Setting aside the Holy Race, the Devils from then on would become one of the greatest and strongest creations of the All-Father. From a part of his image, the Devils were born and their nigh-indestructible bodies were born and as a gift, the All-Father even created the three layers of Hell for them.

From their beginnings, the Devils have set their civilization that lasted till this day revolving around the All-Father. Devils have a set hierarchy based on the number of their pair of wings they have in possession. The more meant the stronger the Origin Lineage flowing in their veins, and the closer they were to their Creator; thus, such beings were revered. 

Even after millions of years, the number of Devils who have more than four pair of wings been no more than 147, few, but considering their strength, these numbers was enough to eradicate the entirety of the Universe, if the Primordial Races were taken out of the picture, of course. The Devils with Five Pair of Wings had never surpassed the figure of 5, and a Devil with Six Pair of Wings was and would always be a singular existence since the start of their Race.

Every devil could fight, thus even the normal Devils were called either Soldiers or General. Like any member of the Primordial Race, any Devil would reach the peak of cultivation at an early age and would focus on mastering their innate abilities in the coming years.

The Devils would master any path they want, it was not mandatory for them to do so, but it was a tradition that had survived for eons. By mastering a path, like a sword path, alchemy path, taming path or anything of the matter would mean that they were about to take on the Coming-of-Age ceremony a millennium later.




These were the titles that distinguish them from one another. Their strength was made without limitations, an infinite chance to grow, their bodies superior in all manner, their eyes able to see everything from illusions to lies. Of course, the more potent one's bloodline, the stronger and the more respected they were almost making them sacred.

No human, elf, beastman, or as the Primordial Race calls them, [Mortal Race], would dare try anything against a Devil, as their monolithic ways and culture would result in a quick visit from them and these beings do not know the word "impossible".

But, one foolish Mortal, a human no less dared snuck into the study of the great Devil God's Right-Hand Man a Devil Emperor.

Anyone would think, that such an act would result in instantaneous death, but instead, the Devil Emperor was bewildered. Not by the power of the man who dared enter his study alone, but by his actions.

Hell Realm, inside the study of the Black Hand Manor. Hours before the Arrival of the All-Father on the Origin World.

Dulir was on all fours, his hands turned to the ceiling, his behind sticking out as he looked up he looked ridiculous, to say the least.

"What are you doing?"  the Devil Emperor asked while watching Dulir from behind his desk.

"I was taught that this is the only way for me to live when I meet a Devil Emperor or any Devil for that matter," Dulir spoke respectfully, his eyes never leaving the ground.

The Devil Emperor grabbed his head and rubbed his temples. He looked at the human before him and let out a long sigh, "By any chance, was the one who said for you to do this a Devil by the name of Roan?"

"Yes, it was Devil King Roan who spoke of this magnificent lifesaving greeting."

"did he also tell you to call it that if you ever meet someone?"

"Yesif I would be so bold did he lie? Will I die? If so, can I please write a will first to Roan in order to flip him off?" Roan asked the Devil Emperor as he looked up from above.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you stand up already, we can't speak like this. I already reckon you're trustworthy if that Roan opens a Portal directly to the Hell Realm for someone." The Devil Emperor finally had enough of how Dulir looked, "As unorthodox as it may be, this action in fact saved your life, don't worry. So, what did you need of me? Considering how Roan hasn't been in contact with me for a hundred years, meant that this is important."

Dulir nodded as he let out a sigh of relief, "Indeed, the Devil King Roan asked me to deliver you a message."

Dulir cleared his throat, "He told me to say, "Father has turned up, and I am entering the Origin World today" ah wait, this should be yesterday now, sorry, ahem, moving on again, "come quickly to my manor on the Thousand God City, and bring me my weapon, I am planning to return to Hell now.", and that is it and you're already gone."

Dulir saw the opened window and above the manor, The Devil Emperor gathering his qi on his hands. The Devil Emperor's hands were wrapped with an obsidian tattoo, he whispered, "Tear"

A giant silvery path opened before the Devil Emperor, taking out seven jade runes and crushing it, a golden path opened. A stable Golden Portal appeared and with blinding speed, the Devil Emperor crossed the Portal, leaving Dulir in the study.

Dulir stood there, flabbergasted, and then from below, he noticed that the Devils who notice the commotion saw him inside the Devil Emperor's study.

Dulir sighed as he prepared himself to go back on getting on all fours, "Damn, this is not worth the same as being saved from the mouth of a Wyrm Devil."

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