Celestial Peak

Chapter 508: True Blood Seeking Sword I

Chapter 508: True Blood Seeking Sword I

'Mother loved talking about Father. She would smile brightly when she tells me of their fights against evil men who kill and rape for their pleasure. She would tell me how they would protect those who needed protection by doing what it takes.

'She once told me how she didn't even know that she had fallen for him. Telling me that, despite his strength, his wits, and his will to surpass everything in his path, the one thing that stood out to her when she thinks of him would be how his care for his family never wavered for a single moment and how she was attracted to the desire to protect and be protected.

'That my father was the kind of man who will go against Fate itself to protect those he saw as valuable to him. I thought she was exaggerating, but now I see that she was underestimating who he was.' 

Qinyang inherited the abilities of her mother and father. She inherited Bai Xue's ability to assimilate everything in her system and more, and she got the power of elementals and the physique belonging to the All-Father.

Her eyes were like Wang Ling's, her qi was like her parents, or so she had thought. Qinyang could see it, the ethereal glow that did not belong to her but Wang Ling and his alone, the qi of Creation, the power that led to the birth of worlds and lives.

At this moment, she could see that Wang Ling was in the midst of metamorphosing.


Wang Ling tore through the grasps of the Abyssal Demons and escaped up. But even there, the tide of Demons and Revenants never ended. Swords, claws, tendrils, all of which came after him to claim the life of the being that allowed them to exist.

They ravaged space itself, tearing through it in order to move faster and catch up to Wang Ling. The Revenants and the demons were relentless, anyone would have died long ago, much less someone at Wang Ling's cultivation stage. However, he was no ordinary man. He was not a cultivator at this time, Wang Ling already passed that stage.

Wang Ling soar through the skies cutting through the layers upon layers of enemies, caked in his own blood, he never stopped. He was moving, faster, and faster, and faster. He flapped his wings, and cut through space!

Eventually, he broke through the hold of the demons, Wang Ling knew that he was outnumbered, he knew that he would be killed if this went on. He needed to destroy them all as fast as possible in order to get a fighting chance.

Wang Ling knew even he would break if he pushed himself too far, so, he needed help in order to fight back.

With how he had been doing, such a thing would be an impossibility. He needed to find a way for him to win, for him to decimate the enemy forces with little lost from his qi.

Thus, Wang Ling channeled his qi into his very soul, he drew out the very essence of the flames lying dormant within him! 

The Hellish Qi roared pulled out the True Hell Flames and the Holy Qi dragged out the True Heavenly Flames! Black and White Flames appeared and as they did Wang Ling did not cast it upon the enemy! 

Instead, Wang Ling grabbed space itself! 

In the Origin World space was under his control, he could travel anywhere if he could tore open a path. However, this world was not the only place under his command, this world was not the only thing born from the All-Father's Hands and with the influence of the Essence of Origin, Wang Ling could see the truth of spatial law!

He could see it, and he would not waste any time in grasping it! 

"OPEN!" Wang Ling roared as he tore space apart opening two giant Portals! 

The Portals was laced with the flames he controlled.

These Two Portals were connected to different worlds that was born from the hands of the All-Father. Crafted for his children before he left, the All-Father had domain over these worlds the gates to Heaven and Hell opened and from beyond the Portals were two dots floating ominously.



A White Serpent and a Black Lion's head squeezed the size of mountains squeezed their way out of the Portals. 

Fer, the Hell God Beast.

Suzhen, the Heavenly God Beast.

Both beings that took over the first two layers of Heaven and Hell appeared at the command of the All-Father. 



For thousands upon thousands of kilometers, temperature skyrocketed, and all the while standing above all and in front of the Portals, Wang Ling passively spoke, "Incinerate."

The Beasts followed the command of the Father they missed for so long. They did not know what was happening, but seeing the Devils and Revenants, the Beast Gods let out the flames from their mouth!


The skies were filled with the Wang Ling's intent. Gradually, the skies turned from dark to that of blood. His killing intent raged; the heavens rumbled with his screams! The earth cracked with his rage! 

The Experts who saw this fight all wished to join and help Wang Ling, but seeing the insanity he was doing could not be replicated. They knew that if they attempted to do anything they will be smothered and die either from the Demons or Wang Ling's own sword.

"So, this is the Great Ancestor? He's we have done his name injustice." 

Blood Seeking Sword: Blood Falls!

Blood Seeking Sword: Culling River!

Blood Seeking Sword: Calamity Connection!

Wang Ling was transforming to that of a true slaughterer, his quintessence of True Death made it so that his sword was sharp that and would kill anyone that came his way! But his intent was too strong, the swords he used were too delicate for his preference, and after burning through swords he raised both hands, saying, "From her letters, Xue told me that you have them..." 

The two God Beasts stopped what they were doing and opened their mouths.

"We have kept them safe while tempering them within us, for Father's return."

"For millennia, we have infused them with the life you gave us, sharpening them, to the best of our abilities."

From their mouths, two lights came out, one black and one white.


Searing sounds was heard as it touched Wang Ling's flesh. The Black and White sword, his Natal Weapons that had been protected for so long, while being tempered and nurtured by the flames of the two God Beasts finally found their way in his hands.


Heaven's Will

The moment Wang Ling touched the swords, he felt joy, as it felt like what he had been missing, came back to him. he could feel the dense qi in the swords, the essence of Heaven and Hell oozed out of them. 

Their edges were unmatched.

"Finally, a sword that could withstand and properly circulate my qi."

Finally... Wang Ling has retrieved his Natal Weapons.

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