Celestial Peak

Chapter 513: Vessel

Chapter 513: Vessel

Inside a well-kept room where tens of World Treasures were brought out by Qinyang was Wang Ling lying, silently. His breathing was weak and so was his soul's energy. His ending could already have been ended yet he was not dead.

By his side was Qinyang, watching over every little change that occurs. Holding his hands Qinyang quietly poured her qi to Wang Ling. Only she could supply what it was that she could, only she had the qi capacity and qi compatibility to match Wang Ling.

No one was inside the room other than those that have a direct link to Wang Ling. Not even Kareem was allowed entry in fear of qi contamination.

Wang Ling's qi was unstable, and due to the Essence of Origin's components, it would react to anything nearby and might endanger Wang Ling if it changes. The World Treasure was not created by the All-Father, but they were born from the Worlds the All-Father created.

Qinyang was his daughter and her qi was the closest to what he could get from a living being. Qinyang's qi was adaptable to anything like her mother's, but, unlike Bai Xue's she could actually ingest the qi of the Holy and Devil Races. 

But even her was having a hard time keeping up with Wang Ling's demands. She was someone who had long crossed the Heaven Hell Harmony Realm, but, she was having trouble giving Wang Ling what he needed.

The qi he needed for him not to disintegrate rapidly grew to absurd amounts as if his body wanted to eat everything. She did not know what was happening inside Wang Ling, but as long as she could see the light of the essence, then she knew that everything was all right.


"FA-FATHER!" A surge of power burst as Wang Ling's body slowly disintegrated from existence. It was quickly disappearing and Wang Ling was being 

However, even the little bit of comfort she had in here quickly disappeared as the light dimmed. She did not know what was happening and all she could do was panic and him with her qi, wishing that she could give him enough.

That, a form of comfort disappeared the next moment when all of a sudden, Wang Ling's body took a dramatic shift. The light dimmed and if that alone was not enough, Wang Ling also stopped taking qi from Qinyang altogether. "No! No! No! Please don't die please I beg of you."

"Young Miss, wha-what is happening inside? Is everything all right!?" shouted Butler Sun from outside the room.

"Young Princess, is the All-Father all right? Did something happen? Do you need something from the Devils or even the Holy Race? I can make roundtrips easily if you so desire!" 

Kareem was also worried about Wang Ling's situation.

The two ancient beings shouted from outside but they received no answer from within. Qinyang could barely care for anything else other than the safety of her father. Now that all hope seemed to have left the room slowly, tears fell.

She who had desired for a father now slowly watched him die right before her eyes due to the mistakes she herself caused. Wang Ling was forced to call upon the power he did not have complete control over because of her weakness now, he was the one to suffer for it.

She made a mistake, and everything that she wished to do for him failed to even keep him alive until they arrived at the place she wished to enter, "Please" Qinyang held Wang Ling's hands trembling afraid of what might happen.

"Please don't die I need you I don't want you to disappear from me again" Qinyang's tears could no longer be stopped, "Mother she needs your presence please do not die."


The Sailer they boarded exited the Origin World and as it did Wang Ling's body exploded in a blue luminescence and slowly lifted from the ground. In a room where wind cannot enter a gust surfaced and formed a tornado.

The World Treasures, the swords, shields, orbs, and everything inside that room turned to dust, slowly becoming stronger by the passage of seconds.


A sharp sound pierced Qinyang's and even those outside of the room. It was a simple sound from Wang Ling's, but it echoed all throughout the cosmos reaching every corner letting urging them to look up as if someone had called upon them a single tear streak appeared from their eyes not knowing why.

The dim light escaped its limitations as now, Wang Ling's body was filled with what he previously lacked. The dust that was the World Treasures swirled around Wang Ling and when it was not enough, the ceiling which covered them was blown to pieces.


Qinyang worried for his safety but, she saw a figure from the floating vessel. An ethereal image bearing a different face from the body, yet Qinyang knew who he was for his image matched the ones in her dreams.

He was smiling, but she was not looking at her the ethereal image instead clutched his hand and atop his palms was that of glowing light. He mumbled something to himself and Wang Ling's external body glowed ever so resplendent.

The flesh writhed and the wings and haloes appeared from his back. The wings covered Wang Ling's body and the dust that was the World Treasures surrounded his external vessel.

The qi of the Cosmos responded and then Wang Ling was encased in gray sphere and the ethereal figure lifted his head and looked into Qinyang's eyes, "I'll be back my daughter."


He disappeared into the sphere

Qinyang was bewildered yet she understood what was happening. She wiped her tears and then looked at the sphere for a good while before stepping outside of the room, where she was asked what happened to Wang Ling and to which she answered with, "He's reforging his vessel"

Finally, the Mortal Coil was being lifted from not only his soul but his flesh.

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