Devil’s Music

Chapter 199: The Doll of Red Castle

Chapter 199: The Doll of Red Castle

Leaving the streets of New York City, Geon Kim arrived at Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, and got out of the taxi in front of a huge mansion. Men in black suits and sunglasses, seemingly hiding guns inside their jackets, were standing guard in front of the mansion. Geon, recalling his conversation with Daniel and Sharon, looked slightly tense.

"What is the Red Mafia?"

"It's a term for the Russian mafia, Kay."

"Is the Russian mafia in the United States?"

"Not just Russia, but also the Albanian, Italian, and even the Chinese Triads are present in the U.S."

Sharon said with a worried look.

"It's better to decline this request, Kay. It's too dangerous. You never know what might happen to you if you get involved with them."

Geon asked with a puzzled look.

"But it's a request from a father with a sick daughter. What could possibly happen to me?"

Sharon sighed and said to Daniel.

"Mr. Daniel, please explain the situation."

Daniel nodded and after a moment's hesitation, he began.

"Five years ago, a friend of mine from the Chechen mafia came to the U.S. He had been donating to the Metropolitan Museum of Art for a long time and we were close friends. His occupation was never a big deal to me. I was just happy that he wanted to live in America. But I didn't realize that meant he was bringing his entire organization to the U.S."

Daniel, seeing Geon listening intently, swallowed and continued.

"My friend had a daughter at the age of 50, which was quite late. Given the nature of his job, it was hard for him to have a family. But then he met a woman he truly loved, fell in love at first sight, and married her, having his current daughter. I still remember his laughter while showing his daughter the paintings in the museum. His wife was also very beautiful and gentle."

Geon nodded and said.

"It must have been a precious time for someone who has lived a life stained with mafia blood."

Daniel nodded vigorously and said.

"That's right. We once shared a drink and he said, 'Sometimes, when I see the happy smiles of my wife and child, I want to quit this job.' Seeing a friend full of pride in the Red Mafia say such things made me think he looked truly happy."

"That's interesting. But what caused the child to be traumatized?"

Daniel sighed deeply and said.

"It was four years ago. There was a conflict under the Brooklyn Bridge in Brooklyn Heights between the Red Mafia and the Albanian mafia. The Albanian mafia, which kidnaps tourists coming to America and Europe, injects them with drugs, and forces them into prostitution, had set fire to the car of a Red Mafia mid-boss.

That incident led to a three-month war between the two organizations, shooting at each other whenever they crossed paths."

Geon was shocked by the story, something that seemed like it could only happen in movies, especially because in Korea, where gun ownership is restricted, such events were unimaginable.

"Did the child witness this shootout?"

Daniel looked at Sharon for a moment and then said.

"Fortunately, it wasn't that bad. The wife and child, protected by ten mafia members, were attacked while at a department store. The attacking Albanian mafia numbered about 50, armed with machine guns, and all ten protectors were killed on the spot. And then, the wife was also killed. The child witnessed her mother being shot and dying."

Geon looked back and forth between Sharon and Daniel, shocked.

"What? The child witnessed her mother's death? By gunfire?"

"Yes, that's correct. Everyone except the child was killed. After that, the child stopped speaking and seemed to have lost the ability to express emotions, no longer laughing or crying."

Geon made a sad face upon hearing the tragic story, and Sharon hurriedly said.

"Kay, I know you can't just pass by people in need because of your nature, but the Albanian mafia is still in the U.S. You could become their target if you get involved. Think carefully."

Daniel shrugged and said.

"Technically, only remnants of the Albanian mafia are left. Their boss is dead."

Sharon glared at Daniel, supporting him, and said.

"Still, it's dangerous, Mr. Daniel."

"I understand."

Daniel said with a serious expression.

"That's why I'm really sorry to even bring this up, and to ask for your help. Even if you refuse, Kay, I would never hold it against you. It's natural for me to still want to be your guardian. I know it's a lot to ask, and it might even be a nuisance to you. But please understand the feelings that make me convey my friend's request."

Geon looked deeply into Daniel's earnest eyes and then turned to Sharon. She continuously shook her head, signaling him to decline. Geon seemed to ponder for a moment before Daniel quietly took a sip of water to quench his thirst. After a while, Geon finally spoke up.

"Did you say the child is now ten years old? Did she stop speaking right after her mother died?"

Daniel nodded and replied.

"That's correct. When she saw her father arriving late that day, she didn't cry or show any reaction, just stood there blankly, her cheeks smeared with her mother's blood."

"Has there been any change in her emotions since then?"

"Not at all. She didn't cry at the funerals of the organization members or her mother. I was there at her mother's funeral, and she just stood emotionlessly."

"And you're saying that after four years of showing no emotion, the child cried while watching a charity broadcast in Nepal?"

Daniel, with a grave expression, said.

"It's more like she shed a single tear. It seemed odd to a friend, who kept showing her the broadcast recordings, and she never took her eyes off the screen. Ah, and the music used in the broadcast. Was that sung by you, Kay?"

"Yes, that's right."

"Hmm, I thought it was sung by someone else because it sounded different from Kay's usual voice, but it was indeed your song. Anyway, she just quietly listened to the music without any other reaction, unlike any other music. So, grasping at straws, I invited Kay here."

Sharon, seeing Geon digging into the situation, became anxious and said urgently.

"Kay! Do you know how the Albanian mafia boss died? Gregory Miocic was torn to pieces alive! They kept him alive as long as possible to inflict the maximum amount of pain, tearing him apart little by little over several days, and then fed his body to the mafia's guard dogs! You're considering helping someone associated with that?"

Geon glanced at Daniel with a slightly surprised look, and he sighed and nodded.

"The professor is right. It was like that. But can you imagine the husband's feelings after avenging his beloved wife? Violence and revenge are certainly bad, but it's not like I can't understand his feelings."

Geon fell into deep thought, recalling the words of Shiva he met in Nepal.

'Sing about forgiveness. Forgiveness is the role of a king, while revenge is the act of the lowly. And love. It's impossible to become wiser while loving someone, but try loving the world instead of just a person. A person who loves only themselves makes society harsh and desolate.'

Geon asked Daniel in a low voice.

"So, did Gregory find peace after taking his revenge?"

Daniel paused before shaking his head and replying.

"No. He was consumed by a terrible emptiness and sorrow, unable to live a day without drinking. If it weren't for his child, he might have given up on life."

Geon looked up and met Sharon's worried gaze. He then spoke.

"What's the child's name?"

"The child's name is Kiska Miocic. It means 'pure' in Russian."

"I'll take the case."

"Kay!!! Are you out of your mind?"

As the approval Sharon had so desperately tried to prevent fell from Geon's lips, she let out a sharp cry.

"That's insane! You're helping someone violent and cruel! Think again, Kay!"

Geon looked at Sharon with a faint smile. Sharon, trying to persuade him, filled her gaze with emotion, but seeing Geon just smiling back silently, she sighed in resignation.

"Well, who can argue with your stubbornness?"

Seeing Sharon's gesture of giving up, Geon smiled and said.

"I'll avoid dangerous situations as much as possible, professor. I still have four months until I return to school. That's enough time to lend a helping hand to a child in need. Don't worry."

As Geon recalled the conversation from a few days ago, he sweated upon seeing the imposing mafia guards and the majestic mansion.

'Reality is indeed threatening. The American mafia is incomparable to Korean gangs. Look at those sizes. They must be over 2 meters tall, all of them.'

Approaching the gate made of giant black iron bars, a large man of Russian descent approached and asked.

"What's happening? If you're just passing by, there's no road here, turn back."

Struggling with the unfamiliar Russian, Geon replied in English.

"Uh... could you speak in English, please? I have an appointment with Gregory Miocic."

Hearing Gregory's name, the man lowered his sunglasses and shouted towards another.

"Miroslav! Come over here!"

A skin-headed giant named Miroslav approached upon the call and asked.

"Why? What's happening?"

"He's here on behalf of a friend, mentioning the boss's name. Ask him in English what he wants."

Miroslav, imposing with his skin head and tattoos, looked down at Geon. Geon, looking up at him, sweated nervously.

'Tattoos on his head! That's really intimidating!'

Miroslav then addressed Geon in English.

"You mentioned the boss's name? Do you have an appointment?"

Geon, with an awkward smile, responded.

"Yes, I'm Kay."

Miroslav looked surprised, examining Geon more closely before bursting into a hearty laugh.

"Oh! I didn't recognize Kay! Ha-ha. Just a moment, please. I'll check inside."

Miroslav entered the security booth to make a call on the intercom. The conversation was in Russian, so Geon couldn't understand, but soon Miroslav hung up and approached Geon with a smile, indicating that everything was alright. Miroslav then gestured towards the inside of the mansion.

"It's been confirmed. Please come in. Welcome to the Red Castle!"


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