Devil’s Music

Chapter 203: The Doll of Red Castle

Chapter 203: The Doll of Red Castle

"Huh? There's a grand piano?"

The first thing Geon noticed upon entering the house was a black grand piano placed on a low step. He saw the piano, shining as if well-maintained, placed in a bright spot where cyclamen flowers were visible outside the windows framed in white. Geon, holding Kiska, sat on the piano bench. As he lifted the lid and removed the red cover, the keys, looking brand new, were revealed. Kiska, with her eyes wide open, watched as Geon gently placed his hands on the keys to check if it was in tune.

Seeing Kiska's reaction, Geon said, "Is this your first time hearing a piano sound? It seems no one has played this nice piano at home for you?"

Kiska, lifting her eyes to Geon, made a curious expression. Geon, with both hands on the piano, smiled playfully.

"Do you know the 'Chopsticks' song? We can play it together. Shall I teach you?"

Kiska placed only one finger on the keyboard, watching Geon's hands as he started playing.

Ding ding ding ding ding ding

Kiska, intrigued by the melody played with just two fingers, watched Geon's hands. After playing for a while, Geon grabbed Kiska's hand and said, "Want to try?"

Geon didn't force her to play but seeing Kiska stretch her index finger, he stood behind her, guiding her small hands to play. Kiska looked at the sounds produced by her fingertips in wonder. After playing through a piece from start to finish, Geon sat next to her again, placed his hands on a different octave of the keyboard, and played a note.

"This is how you do it, want to try?"

Kiska, placing her hands on the keyboard by herself, started playing after recalling the sequence. Geon smiled broadly. Kiska, having played to her limit of memory, looked up at Geon with big eyes. Geon, smiling, said, "Wow, Kiska, that's impressive. I'll teach you the next part. Look."

As Geon repeated the part Kiska had played, she started following along. The performance, despite a few mistakes, reached a level where a complete song could be played after about two hours. Kiska, fascinated by the piano, didn't notice sweat beads forming on her forehead as she was engrossed in practice.

"Now you can play a whole song. Well done, haha. Shall we play together now?"

Kiska, not understanding what playing together meant, looked up with wide eyes. Geon said, "Just play as you just did. Shall we?"

Kiska, looking up at Geon, placed her fern-like hands on the keyboard and started playing. As she focused on her solo performance, she noticed Geon's white, long fingers softly landing on the lower keys to her left. After 16 measures, as Geon's white fingers began creating low harmonies, the song gained a completely different richness. The notes, full of richness floating in the air, made Kiska play excitedly, and unfortunately, the song ended too soon.

Even after the song finished, Kiska couldn't take her hands off the keyboard and quietly looked at Geon. The brother, smiling mischievously, said, "How was it? Fun?"

Kiska, lowering her head and fiddling with her hands on the keyboard, started playing the "Chopsticks" song again. Watching her, Geon laughed, showing his teeth.

"Want to play again? Alright, let's do something different this time."

Following the performance, Geon entered with a jazz rhythm, different from before. Kiska, clearly playing the same song, was surprised by the completely different piece. Thus, Geon and Kiska spent hours playing the piano, bathed in sunlight by the window, on the sparkling grand piano.


In Gregory's room. A CCTV connected to a large TV showed 16 split screens displaying various parts of the annex. Gregory, sitting at his desk smoking a cigar, watched Geon and Kiska on the screen, lost in thought.

'Is our Kiska playing the piano? It would have been nice to hear it.. Should I go now? No, it might make Kiska uncomfortable. How long has it been since the child showed interest in something? I can't miss this opportunity. No, I must wait.'

Gregory picked up the intercom on his desk and said, "It's me. Contact the front gate and send up Miroslav."

After putting down the intercom, Gregory exhaled a long puff of cigar smoke and fixed his gaze on the CCTV. A moment later, a knock was heard, and Gregory, still holding the cigar in his mouth, switched the TV's split screen to a single screen showing the two by the piano and said, "Come in."

Miroslav, a large, bald man, entered and said, "Boss, did you call for me?"

Gregory gestured for him to sit, and as Miroslav approached the sofa, he noticed Kiska and Geon on the large TV screen and exclaimed in surprise, "No way? The young lady? Is that really her? She’s playing the piano?"

Gregory chuckled and chewed on his cigar. "Indeed. I’m as surprised as you are. That young man, Kay, he’s quite something. To think that my daughter, who has kept her heart closed for so long, would open up in just a few hours of meeting him."

Miroslav, too stunned to sit, pointed at the large screen and gaped, "Has she ever focused on something like this before? That was all Kay's doing?"

"Don't be so surprised. I even saw Kiska smile today."


"Ha. True. It's the first time in four years I've seen my daughter smile. It was just a small smile, but even the hope of seeing her smile brightly like other kids her age makes me incredibly happy."

"That’s... she smiled?"

"Ha, sit down."

Miroslav, still dazed, plopped down on the sofa, unable to take his eyes off the CCTV, as Gregory chuckled, then turned serious again and took a puff of his cigar.

"What’s the situation with those Albanian guys?"

Miroslav quickly regained his composure, sat up straight, and said, "Since that bastard Lindro died, they've been fighting amongst themselves."

"Is there a leading power?"

"It seems Aurel from the homeland might come over."


"Yes, unlike Lindro, who even kidnapped women from his country to force them into prostitution, Aurel is known for his business acumen back home. They call him Arion, which means 'gold' in Albanian, for his prowess."

"Is that so? Hmm... Make room for him when he arrives."

"Sir? You intend to meet him personally?"

"Yes, can't be at war forever, can we?"

"Understood, boss."

"And the police movements?"

"Since Lindro went missing, they’ve been shadowing us, but since Lindro himself was an illegal immigrant and not a U.S. citizen, they don’t seem to be too invested in the investigation."

"We must be under scrutiny due to the conflict?"

"Indeed. But the ones who shot at civilians in the department store were their men, not ours, right? The Albanian thugs are the ones getting grilled by the police."

"Hmm... I see. Be careful, and arrange a dinner with Captain Maiden soon."

"Yes, boss."

Gregory exhaled a long stream of smoke towards the large TV.

"And about that Kay..."

"Yes, boss. Go ahead."

"Classify him as top priority and assign a security detail. I want him protected at the same level as me."

Miroslav, looking at Geon on the large TV, was surprised. "The same level of protection as you, sir?"

Gregory put his cigar in the ashtray and snipped off the burnt end with scissors. "Yes, you see, it seems Kiska likes him. I don't want to create a situation where she loses someone she cares about, like what happened with her mother."


At the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) headquarters in Langley, Virginia, two men sat opposite each other in a meeting room made entirely of metal, giving it a somewhat desolate look. One of them was the Chief of Staff Geon had encountered in Nepal with Harold Winston. He was facing a middle-aged man sitting leisurely before him.

"Director Mitchell, what are you saying?"

Director Mitchell, the head of the CIA, pushed a folder towards him. "Just as I said. Kay has been in contact with Gregory Miočić, the boss of the Russian Red Mafia. He entered his house a few days after arriving in the USA. Take a look at the documents."

The Chief of Staff opened the folder handed by Mitchell to see satellite images that appeared to be taken from above. Struggling to recognize Kay from the bird's-eye view, he grimaced, prompting Mitchell to turn the laptop screen to show a video. Captured by a drone, it clearly showed Kay entering the Red Castle with Miroslav in a golf cart. The Chief of Staff frowned and asked, "Why did Kay go there?"

Mitchell, crossing his arms, replied, "We’re looking into it. So far, we’ve learned that Gregory Miočić’s closest friend is the CEO of the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art, Daniel Weiss. It appears Kay was asked by him to visit Miočić’s home. We have agents on it, so we should know the reason soon."

The Chief of Staff, examining Miočić's details in the documents, as Mitchell inquired, "But why are we assigning CIA agents to someone who, although internationally renowned, is just a student and doesn’t seem to pose any danger? We have plenty of other things to attend to."

The Chief of Staff handed back the folder and said with a stern face, "It's the President's orders. Remember, the objective is not surveillance but protection. Have all agents on standby and maintain 24-hour surveillance. If Kay is in any danger, a rescue operation must be initiated immediately. This is a directive from President Harold Winston, so please ensure it is executed properly."

After making his point clear, the Chief of Staff left the meeting room without another word, leaving Mitchell with a furrowed brow. Mitchell picked up the phone.

"That arrogant kid... Yes, it's me. Send all available agents to the Red Castle within two hours. Make sure they are not detected under any circumstances. What? How many did you say? Didn't you hear me? I said all available agents! Whether it's a hundred or two hundred, gather them all and have them on standby until further notice."

Mitchell threw the phone onto the table and sighed.

"Ah, the Red Mafia... This is going to be a headache."


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