Devil’s Music

Chapter 204: The Doll of Red Castle

Chapter 204: The Doll of Red Castle

At 10 p.m., Gregory, while watching the CCTV in the study, saw Kay carrying a sleeping Kiska across to the main building and picked up the intercom.

"Tell the nanny to receive Kiska at the front gate. Bring Kay to me."

Soon after, a knock was heard, and Geon entered the room. Gregory approached him with a delighted expression, asking.

"Ah, how was your day? Did Kiska enjoy herself?"

Geon smirked, gesturing towards the turned-off large TV as Gregory, slightly embarrassed, cleared his throat, then laughed and said,

"Ha-ha, Kiska had fun and fell asleep. I'm going to step out for a bit."

Gregory, puzzled, asked,

"Where to at this hour?"

"Oh, I've booked a hotel for tonight. I'll stay there and come back tomorrow afternoon with my stuff."

"Ah, is that so? Well, I can't fetch your stuff for you then. Which hotel?"

"The Hampton Hotel."

Gregory picked up the desk intercom,

"It's me. Kay is leaving, so get ready."

After a brief call, Geon, curious, asked,

"What preparation?"

Gregory lit a leftover cigar, puffing smoke,

"To arrange your escort."

"Me? Why?"

"Well, you're a celebrity; it's not safe to wander alone."

"Ha-ha, I came here by taxi alone. I'm fine, Gregory."

"Then, I'll at least send you off. That should be okay, right? I'll send a car tomorrow too."

"Thanks, taxis seem hard to come by here. Ha-ha."

Shortly, the intercom rang, and after a brief conversation, Gregory said,

"A driver will be waiting with the car outside. See you tomorrow."

As Geon stood up, smiling,

"I'll be back around two. Rest well. Oh, and thanks for letting me stay."

Watching Geon leave, Gregory picked up the intercom once the door was shut,

"It seems he's uncomfortable with the escort. Just send the driver, and have the security tail discreetly. Talk to the hotel to clear out the floor Kay is staying on and keep the security unnoticed."

As Geon stepped out, a black Rolls Royce was parked with a man, presumably a gang member, opening the door for him. As Geon got in, the driver swiftly took off from the mansion. Seconds after Geon's departure, the mansion gates opened, and over ten black vehicles followed. Miroslav, leading the convoy, checked his machine gun, speaking into the radio,

"Follow discreetly without being noticed."

A multitude of vehicles tailed the leading Rolls Royce into the night. The CIA, also in ambush on a hillside, was busy on their radios,

"The protectee is moving."

"Over ten vehicles, appearing to be mafia, are following."

"Looks like more than 40 individuals are involved. Awaiting orders."

"Follow and keep track of the protectee's route."

With the CIA joining, over two hundred personnel followed. Unaware Geon, enjoying the view and the car's comfort, smiled contently. That night, the floor at the Hampton Hotel where Geon stayed was quietly cleared by the gang members, with hidden guards in stairwells and elevators providing security throughout the night. The CIA also had to stay vigilant in cars in the lobby and parking lot.


As morning sunlight filled the room and birds chirped, Kiska woke up alone in the large bed. Surprised, not because she couldn’t remember when she fell asleep or because Geon was missing, but because the nightmares that had tormented her for the past four years were absent. Whether it was because she was exhausted from playing piano with Geon or simply his presence didn't matter; she hadn't had a nightmare.

Jumping out of bed, Kiska ran down to the first floor, flinging open the door to the vast garden where the household men were already busy. Everything was as it was the previous morning. Spotting the guest house bathed in sunlight, she ran towards it, energy unfailing. By the time the nanny caught up at the front gate, Kiska was already running back towards the guest house.

"Miss! You shouldn't go out in just your slippers!"

Reaching the guest house, out of breath but determined, Kiska stood before the brown door, then pushed it open, finding the piano she had played with Geon. The closed grand piano made yesterday seem like a dream, unsettling her.

Rushing inside, she opened the first door she saw, finding an empty bed. The next room was the same. With trembling lips and bite marks from her teeth, she opened the last door, only to find it empty too. Disappointed, she ran out to the garden, passing the swing she and Geon used, but he was nowhere to be found.

Standing still, head bowed in resignation, the nanny finally caught up, panting heavily.

"Heavens, miss! Where have you been running to so urgently?"

Kiska, seemingly not hearing the nanny, remained still, her head bowed. Observing her distress, the nanny took a moment to catch her breath before gently touching Kiska's damp nightgown, saying,

"Kay. Are you looking for him, miss?"

Hearing Kay's name from the nanny's lips, Kiska kept her head down, showing no sign of acknowledgment. The nanny, smoothing the hair at the nape of Kiska's neck, reassured her,

"Kay will be back this afternoon."

At this, Kiska's head shot up, her eyes wide as she looked at the nanny. The nanny chuckled softly,

"Oh, our miss was looking for Kay? He said he'd be back by two this afternoon to pick up his things. So don't worry and have some breakfast. Kay mentioned he hoped you'd have breakfast."

Kiska then firmly grabbed the nanny's hand, pulling her forward. The nanny laughed,

"My, look at our miss's strength. Where to now?"

Without responding, Kiska continued to pull the nanny's hand, eliciting a covered laugh from her,

"Oh ho, heading to have breakfast, are we? Alright, let's go together, miss. Shall we have breakfast with your father today?"

Matching her pace to Kiska's, the nanny smiled as they walked quickly together.

Moments later, they arrived at the dining room on the first floor where Gregory was sitting alone at the long table, his breakfast routine unchanged: simple bread, scrambled eggs, and borscht, the Russian soup. Engrossed in his newspaper, Gregory valued his solitude during meals, a preference respected by everyone in the house since his wife's passing.

As he ate, a female voice addressed him,

"Excuse me... boss."

Surprised at being interrupted during his meal, Gregory looked up to see the nanny, his bewilderment turning into a smile upon spotting Kiska by her side.

"Oh! Kiska, up early today? What brings you to the dining room? You've always skipped breakfast since you were little. Thought of something to tell daddy?"

Kiska climbed into a chair at the table without a word, prompting Gregory to look quizzically at the nanny, who smiled warmly, saying,

"The miss wishes to have breakfast."

Gregory, about to exclaim in surprise, remembered something Kay had said and covered his mouth, though his eyes still widened in astonishment at Kiska. He gestured for the nanny to come closer and whispered,

"What's going on? She's never had breakfast before."

The nanny, still smiling, shared,

"She went out looking for Kay as soon as she woke up. I told her Kay insisted she have breakfast. Then she agreed, oh ho."

Gregory looked back and forth between the nanny and Kiska, finally sighing,

"Sigh, am I less important than someone she just met yesterday?"

The nanny laughed lightly, "Well, it seems she really likes him."

That day, Gregory had breakfast with his daughter for the first time in five years, his mood noticeably lighter throughout the day, amusing his subordinates. Later, as Kiska began rummaging through her wardrobe with the nanny's curious gaze upon her,

"What are you looking for now, miss?"

Kiska, with a slight frown, continued to search until she pulled out a light blue dress from the back of a drawer,

"Oh, you wanted to wear that light blue dress? Let me help you put it on."

After helping Kiska into her dress, the nanny brushed her hair, tears of happiness in her eyes,

'How I've longed to see our miss like this. She looks just like a little lady her age should!'

Kiska, now dressed, ran to the vanity, taking a seat. She handed a brush to the nanny, indicating she wanted her hair brushed. The nanny, wiping away a tear with a smile, obliged,

"You want me to brush your hair? Of course, miss. I'll make it beautiful."

Watching through the mirror as the nanny brushed her hair, Kiska's gaze landed on an elegant clock on the wall. It was 10 a.m.; four hours until Kay's return.


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