Disciple of Immortal

Act 2: Chapter 50: Battle to Death Against Spider-Girl(Side: Pomera)

Act 2: Chapter 50: Battle to Death Against Spider-Girl(Side: Pomera)

After stretching her back, Lily turned around at once and flashing a sadistic smile toward Pomera.

Now Lily changed her target from Kotone to Pomera.

「《Flare Flies》」

Pomera kept firing her magic.

Dozens of fireballs headed towards Lily.

Since Pomera couldn’t hit Lily with 《Laelaps Fang》 which traveled in a straight line, she changed her tactic and used  《Flare Fireflies》 which had both quantity and tracking function.

And yet, the fireballs were still failing to land a hit on Lily, missing their target and creating small explosions as they landed on the ground.

When one fireball managed to almost land a hit, Lily’s claws erased it altogether.

「I-I, Is that, all you got? Kakaka… is that all you got?」

None of them could breach Lily’s defense.

Though 《Flare Flies》 seemed to give her a hard time, it was seriously lacking in firepower and speed to actually land a hit.

「N-No way… P-Pomera who received Kanata-san’s training… should be quite powerful.」

Pomera’s hands holding onto her big cane were trembling.

Even if she was no match against the other party, she thought that she would at least put up a good fight.

Lily’s level turned out to be far higher than Pomera’s.

The current distance was still in Pomera’s favor.

If Pomera did use attack magic again, Lily would use that chance to close in the distance between them and enter close combat, which was the latter’s specialty.

But, even if she knew that, Pomera couldn’t shoot another magic. Because she instinctively realized that she couldn’t hit the other party no matter what magic she used.

「Humph, just as I expected, you’re still too naive… I’ve told you before to use your head before deciding to charging into your death, right? You should at least be prepared to die in this kind of situation.」

After saying so, Rosemonde stepped in front of Pomera as the latter readied her giant metal cross.

「R-Rosmonde-san, what are y——!?」

「Listen to me! I’ll attract that fella’s attention! Use that chance to fire that thunder with your everything! And since I’m literally risking my life here, make sure that you don’t miss the chance, understand!?」

「N-NO! Y-You… You might die if you get hit by that kind of opponent!」

「And that’s even more of a reason as to why I called you naive! Wake up, lass! Our opponent is a demon king! It’s just natural to die against this kind of opponent! And that’s the reason why I wore this bulky equipment so that I can survive this kind of danger! 」


Lily was looking at Rosemonde and shook her head in disappointment.

「P-Poor humans… for you to seriously think that you can turn the tables against me.」


Rosemonde threw her giant metal cross toward Lily.

But, the cross got easily parried by Lily’s foreleg and punched at Rosemonde, sending the latter flying back across the hard ground.

The splinters of her broken goat mask, armor and gauntlets were scattered on the ground.

Though Pomera was following Rosemonde’s idea and pointing her cane toward Lily, Lily was way too powerful for Rosemonde.

「It’s futile, futile… FUTILE!」

Lily’s laugh resounded in the area.

Lily then moved her attention to Rosemonde.

「… Don’t lost your focus, lass.」

Rosemonde raised a sneer as raised her cross.

「《Ground Bomb》!」

The ground in front of Rosemonde got peeled off and formed a huge earth ball. It was Rosemonde’s strongest magic that she used when she fought Kanata.

But, 《Ground Bomb》 was truly ineffective magic as it only sent a lump of earth without any sort of propulsion and blasted the surroundings once it hit the ground, causing Rosemonde herself to get caught up in her own magic’s blast radius.

Using that magic when all her protectors were destroyed was suicidal.

But, Rosemonde herself had already came to terms with that risk. So, Pomera definitely mustn’t let go off this chance.

Pomera absolutely cannot miss the opportunity created by Rosemonde.

Pomera gripped her cane again, completely focusing on increasing the firepower of her spell.

The chance to fire 《Laelaps Fang》 to Lily would definitely came when Rosemonde’s magic imploded.


Rosemonde screamed as she, who also inside the range of 《Ground Detonation》, got blown away by her own magic.

The scope of the magic was too wide, making it impossible for Lily to dodge in time.

Lily, who had no idea about suicide bombing, was really confused at seeing Rosemonde unleash 《Ground Detonation》 which definitely going to hit her too.

「Thanks a lot, Rosemonde-san! 《Laelaps Fang》!」

The plasma beast unleashed from Pomera’s cane was heading straight toward Lily.

「A-As if… you can hit me with such an obvious tactic!」

Lily jumped high in the air, escaping from the explosion range.

「S-She got away…」

The hand that holding on to her cane lowered powerlessly as Pomera said so.

But then, right at that moment, something dropped from the air right above Lily.

「《Frickle Blade(Guillotine of Capricious Princess)》!」

It was Kotone.

Her hand was holding onto a bright red blade almost as tall as her, dropping right into Lily.

The blade had no handle at all, just a massive red blade.

Kotone also didn’t let go of the chance created by Rosemonde, she used 《Short Gate》 to appear right above Lily and launch a surprise attack.

「N-N-N-NO WAY…!」

Lily parried Kotone’s blade with her right-hand but her arm ended up being severed off by the blade and fell below along with her.

Lily’s body fluids danced in the air and her body smashed to the ground with a loud bang.


Lily grasped her severed arm with her other hand.

That moment, Pomera’s plasma beast arrived in front of her.

The lightning pierced through Lily’s body.


Lily’s body shook and fell powerlessly right there.

「T-Thank god….」

Pomera heaved a sigh and ran in a hurry towards Rosemonde.

「H-Hang in there Rosemonde-san! I’ll use healing magic on you!」

「G… Good job, lass.」

Rosemonde tried to stand on her feet only to flop back down again on the spot.

「Please don’t force yourself for now!」

The adventurers who watched their battle from afar raised a cheer.

「D-did they actually manage to beat that monster?」

「Awesome! That mage actually defeated the monster that cannot even be defeated by 《Ares Hand》!」

「Rosemonde’s assist also played central role in distracting that monster…」

As Pomera arrived at Rosemonde’s side, Rosemonde was looking at the adventurers who were looking at their battle from afar.

「… Humph, turned out they’re lucky that they didn’t escape. It’s thanks to us that they didn’t become the prey of that spider girl.」

「Yeah. We saved a lot of people.」

The moment Pomera said so… Lily, who had fallen close to her current position, suddenly stood up again.

「Kakaka, I’ll be in trouble if you think you can beat me that easily, you know?」

「N-No way…」

Pomera muttered with a dumbfounded look on her face upon seeing Lily standing up again.

「M-My body was just paralyzed for a few seconds after receiving that lightning, you know? Kakaka, do you really think that puppy-like lightning is enough to defeat me?」

Lily was holding on to her right-arm.

Just when all of them were wondering why Lily’s arm was spasming violently, a new right-arm grew from her body.

Seeing the look of despair on Pomera and Rosemonde, Lily laughed with an extremely satisfied look on her face.

The adventurers who were cheering for Pomera and co a moment ago fell silent at once too.

「Y-You think just the few of you can kill me… Humans are… truly pitiful creatures!」

Lily then sprung toward Pomera.

That moment, when Pomera clenched her teeth, prepared for the incoming death a pair of giant arms suddenly sprouted from the ground and caught Lily.

「E…h? Eh, eh?」

And just right after Lily voiced her confusion, the hand of the arms clapped together.

When the hands separated again and vanished, Lily had already become a lump of meat and fell to the ground with a “Plop”.

「I-I-I-Impossible… W-What in the world just happened?」

Thus, Lily died a miserable death without even knowing the reason behind her death.

When Pomera turned around, she saw Philia standing behind her with an apologetic look on her face.

「Sorry… Pomera. Y-You see, Philia, uhm… Philia missed the timing… Philia should’ve used it a bit earlier, right?… Pomera, are you… angry?」

Pomera was at a loss for words but she snapped back immediately and patted Philia on the head.

「… No, your timing was correct, thank you Philia-chan. But, uhm… maybe we’ll have to apologizing to Rosemonde-san. Don’t worry, I’ll accompany you to apologize to her…」

Rosemonde was looking at Philia with a look of dread on her face.

The adventurers who saw the event were still dumbfounded. They really couldn’t understand as to what had just occurred.

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