Disciple of Immortal

Act 3: Chapter 17: 《Bahal The Executioner》

Act 3: Chapter 17: 《Bahal The Executioner》

TN: Check out my new project too! The Replacement for Suicidal Undead catches up with the raw.


I fought against a group of 《Blood Cup》 in the alley of the city.

The enemy’s swordsman and Bennet were locking their swords at each other.

「Your skill isn’t bad for a lowly criminal but, this is the end!」

After another few clashes, Bennet closed in quickly toward his opponent.

His opponent’s reaction was too late, and got slashed on his chest.

「Well then, who’s next?」

Bennet turned around as he spoke, looking at me.

「It ended a long time ago, Bennet-san.」

Six swordsmen from 《Blood Cup》 collapsed around me.

We were ambushed by seven people but I ended up facing six at once for some reason.

「Eh… Ah, I see…」

Bennet relaxed his stance, seemingly bewildered for some reason.

「T-They’re not that strong eh.」

「Let’s not waste our time in this place, Bennet-san. You’ve said it before that Noel-san, the woman who carry the 《Red Authority Cane》 might be in danger, right?」


Bennet swung his sword to the side to get rid of the blood sticking on his sword’s blade, and returned it into its sheath.

「Kanata, can I ask why are you still a C-rank adventurer despite your strength? Should I help you to get more appropriate job from the nobles?」

「Well, no reason I guess. I just feel that this is the most comfortable way to life.」

「… I see」

That moment, Bennet frowned, and looked at a certain building.

「Just now, I heard Noel’s scream from the opposite direction! We have to to get around this building!」

「Wind Magic, 3rd Rank-《Flugel(Wings of Wind)》」

Shining magic circle wrapped around my body, carrying it with the wind to the air.

I seized Bennet’s by his shoulder as I jumped up toward the roof of the building.

Since Bennet almost fell below, I gripped his body even tighter.

「Are you okay?」

「P-Please tell me first if you’re going to do this next time! Though it just short distance, I have to brace myself from this kind of situation.」

The other side of the roof was a plaza.

Right at the center of the plaza was a crudely made cross from plank wood, and Noel was crucified right on to that cross.


Bennet called out to me.

Noel was still breathing, albeit barely, and her purple hair was hung down, covering her face.

Her head, wrist and feet are held by briars.

And then, a man stood right in front of the crucified Noel.

That man was half-naked, carrying a huge axe on his shoulder.

He wore headgear with holes for the eyes.

The blade of his huge axe shone with mysterious purple light.

And the other one was a black haired woman, whose entire body was wrapped in bandages.

She was towering tall, around two meters.

Her simple dress gave the impression of a mourning dress.

She wore a dark, Chaplin hat.

「《Bahal The Executioner》 and 《Hylis The Thorn Witch》! Both of them are A-rank criminal!」

Bennet’s face paled upon seeing the two.

「Are they famous?」

「Both of them are devilish homicides. As far as I know, the total number of their victims are more than thousand people. I thought they’re not the kind of people who will join any organization but, it turned out they join 《Blood Cup》 of all organizations. They’re dangerous, especially so for the one called Bahal, two royal capital’s knights are killed by him. His axe used a rare, and deadly poisonous ore, something comparable to national treasure. A graze from it is enough to cause fatal wound.」

「Hohou, it’s rare to see someone know such details about this 《Poisonous Dragon Axe; Hydra》.」

Bahal raised his face while laughing from under his headgear.

「Look, another knight is coming when we torture their comrade. I really hate knight-sama who loves to put on airs like you. The one who looking down on other is the one who I hate, back down youngster.」

Bahal pointed the blade of his axe toward Noel.

Bennette frowned upon seeing that.

「… Oi, Kanata, do you think both of us can take care of them? You’ll take care of Hylis. Leave Bahal to me. He seems to target me after all.」

「Sure bu—」

「Be careful, Hylis is an extremely tough opponent who can use both necromancy and white magic. The use of two opposite magic is also the reason why part beneath the bandage is more like monster than human. She used the combination of close combat and restrain magic… And be careful of her unknown trump card too. Sorry for forcing you to face her, because depending on the situation, she might be the most troublesome opponent within 《Blood Cup》. Try to keep her at bay before I can come to safe you.」

「Thanks for the advice.」

「Oioi, are you saying that I’m such an easy opponent? Guess I’ll let you and that brat to taste the hell on earth.」

Bahal swung his axe to the ground.

I went forward, kicking the roof as I jumped forward.

「O-Oi, wait, match your timing with me!You’ll fight both of them!」

Bennette chased after me in a hurry.

「Humph, weakling trying to look cool eh.」

Bahal sneered upon hearing Bennette’s remark.

The moment I landed on the ground, Hylis, who stayed still, moved immediately.

Her atmosphere resembled that of a monster.

Rather, she didn’t feel like a human at all.

Her bizarre fingertips were abnormally long.

The skin under the bandage was red brown.

「Earth Magic, 6th-Rank《Malice Thorn》」

Hylis’ hoarse voice resounded in the air.

Black briars suddenly appeared, rushing toward me.

「Oi Kanata! You’re way too close to her!」

Bennet called out to me.

But, 《Lunaire Robe》 could protect me from magic of 10th rank and below.

The black briars stopped in its place and lost its brilliance the moment it touched my robe.

That scene was enough to shake Hylis, making her stop where she stood.

「The fact that you believe in your opponent’s words is proof that you’re just a brat, right? Die, brat.」

Bahal’s huge axe was swung toward my exposed back.

I seized the briars and spun my body.

Pulling Hylis toward me and using her body as a meat shield.


The axe’s blade dug into Hylis’ back.

「… What?」

I followed with a kick that landed on the side of the head of Bahal’s head whose attack just missed its target.

The huge axe separated from Bahal’s hands as his body rolled on the ground, and crashed into a dragon’s sculpture in the plaza.

The wreckage of the sculpture then fell on Bahal’s back.

Bennette landed on the ground as I’m done with them.

He looked at Bahal and Hylis with a dumbfounded look on his face.

I thought that Hylis was going to stand against since Bennette said that she was tough one alas, it turned out to be an overstatement.

The poison in 《Poisonous Dragon Axe; Hydra》 that could turn a graze into a fatal wound is truly worthy of its fame.

「Sorry for getting ahead. They don’t seem to be as strong as you said.」

I turned around to face Bennette.

Though Bennette was still looking dumbfoundedly at Bahal and Hylis, he snapped back immediately and looked at me a while after that.

「Kanata… Will you join the knight order?」

「Sorry but, no.」

After that, we managed to save Noel from the crucifixion.

Her wound was horrible but, Pomera should be able to heal her in no time.

After Bennette chugged the potion into Noel’s mouth, she managed to regain consciousness.

「U-Ugh… B-Bennett-san?」

「Thank god you’re safe. After realizing that the scale of our enemies are bigger than our expectation, I can’t help but worry about you.」

「Thanks… You’ve saved me.」

「… Well, I’m not doing anything at all though.」

Bennette said the last sentence in a low voice.

「So, where is the 《Red Authority Cane》?」

「That’s… Stolen by someone who seems like Bosgin…」

Noel replied with a feeble voice.

Bennette fell on his rear.

「N-No… Way? It’s over… Sorry, Dad…」

… It seems the situation has become really troublesome now.

The item had already fallen in the hand of the boss of 《Blood Cup》.

He might’ve left Manarak since he already obtained the 《Red Authority Cane》.

Bennette suddenly turned around as if he just noticed my existence.


「… Since when did I become your friend?」


「Sorry but, I can’t afford to leave when Manarak is still in this chaotic situation. I won’t stop you if you want to leave the city to go after Bosgin but, I’m indebted to this city. Lat’s part way here.」

Bennette’s shoulder dropped dejectedly when I told him so.

「You’re… Right. I need to escort Noel to safe place too, there’s still some member of 《Blood Cup》 left in this city after all.」

… But, was Bosgin really had escaped from this city?

Though even Bennette had suspected that something was off when he saw that there were too many members of 《Blood Cup》 in this city, and from my perspective, there were even more suspicious parts about this invasion.

It felt like they had another goal.

If that really was the case, Bosgin might’ve yet to leave Manarak.


TN: Check out my new project too! The Replacement for Suicidal Undead catches up with the raw.

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