Disciple of Immortal

Act 4: Chapter 20: Battle Against The Reaper(Side: Pomera)

Act 4: Chapter 20: Battle Against The Reaper(Side: Pomera)

TN: Check out my new project too! The Replacement for Suicidal Undead catches up with the raw.

TN: Ko-Fi Exclusive Project for $10 Supporter Is Available for Monthly Subscriber Here


「Damia, Yozakura, none of you shall disturb my fight, understand?」

Lovis’ subordinates nodded and then retreated till their backs touched the wall.

Lovis readied his scythe with a smile on his face.

「Here I come, Hero Pomera! Wind Magic, 4th Rank《Sickle Wind》!」

Lovis swung his scythe three times.

Three wind blades appeared along with his swing, and shot toward Pomera.

Pomera jumped to the side to dodge the wind blades.

「Nice reaction… but, that’s still far from enough!」

The wind blades that missed Pomera had left huge scars along the wall.

During her training in Kanata’s 《Distorted World of Cursed Mirror》, Pomera had seen much more powerful magic tricks performed by the devils in there.

Lovis’ magic was nothing compared to the brutal onslaught from those devils.

Without even mentioning their level, the level 200 Pomera already had a slight advantage against level 180 Lovis.

「Flame Magic, 7th Rank《Flare Flies》」

Pomera raised her cane, from which a magic circle deployed.

Following that, ten fireballs appeared around her, moving as if they had their own will.

「For her to be able to invoke 7th rank magic with such ease… Lovis-sama, it seems his decision to let go off 《Ares Hand》 was correct. And yet, to think that this kind of prodigy is unknown until a while ago…」

Yozakura muttered upon seeing the magic that was casted by Pomera.

「Splendid… Your magic precision has met the passing mark.」

Lovis’ eyes were chasing after the movement of the fireballs as he smacked his lips.

「You’re surrounded! This is the end!」

The ten fireballs surrounded Lovis, and then moved as if encircling him.

「Lovis-sama! Why aren’t you using your teleport magic!」

Damia raised a frustrated voice.

As if to answer that, Lovis swung his scythe, and erased the fireballs before him.

And then, he jumped, took a low posture to the point that his body was almost parallel to the ground.

Spinning in the air like a cartwheel, moving haphazardly, landing in between the fireballs, and jumping toward Pomera again upon landing on the ground.

「It’s been a long time since the last time I met an opponent that can force me to go all out! You really are the best, Hero Pomera! This is truly a fight that I want from the bottom of my heart!」

Lovis showed an excited smile as he spoke.

Pomera had guessed that attack pattern.

Maybe, she knew that she won in terms of level and her mastery of magic.

But, in terms of other things such as agility, and pure combat experience, she was far below her opponent.

If their position was reversed, Pomera wouldn’t be able to dodge her own magic with such ease while moving haphazardly like that.

Even if she did, she knew that it was impossible without keen insight from combat experience and training.

Thus, she realized that if tracking-type magic couldn’t touch her opponent, she had no choice but to use short but fast-type attack magic.

Magic like 《Flare Flies》 wasn’t too effective against an agile opponent like Lovis.

Upon realizing that, Pomera readied her big cane again as she closed her eyes.

「Hou, spirit magic huh.」

Lovis spoke delightfully.

「Spirit Magic, 8th-Rank, (Salamander Claw》」

She unleashed a flaming claw’s strike.

Flashes of flame ran in the surrounding area.

It swept anything under the floor, leaving behind claw marks from salamander spirit on the wall.

Due to the impact of that attack, even Damia and Yozakura who stayed closest in the room had to get away, barely dodging the claws’ strike.

「S-She is… This powerful!」

Even Yozakura couldn’t hide their shock.

Pomera was looking around while heaving a sigh.

Summoning spirits and borrowing their power need a strong concentration.

Thus, Pomera couldn’t track Lovis when she invoked her magic.

But then, she couldn’t find Lovis’ figure along the traces of her attack.

「I see now. It’s a big move to defeat small fries huh, a trump card to turn the table and overcome the difference in number, and yet, not enough to overcome an elite opponent… Just when I am wondering what kind of spirit magic you’re going to use, it turns out you’re still a greenhorn. You never fought against an opponent of the same rank huh. You closed your eyes when you deployed your magic as if praying to gods, and used half-hearted magic like that. It truly bores me out, tsk.」

Lovis’ bored voice could be heard from behind Pomera.


Pomera turned around and swung her big cane immediately.

Lovis retreated, dodging Pomera’s swing with ease.

「With your current capabilities, this fight is boring unless you raise your level a bit more. What a huge let down, I should just go for 《Ares Hand》if I know it’ll be like this.」

Lovis heaved a sigh, covering his eyes with his hand.

Pomera’s breathing was already ragged and her heart throbbing loudly.

Pomera knew that if Lovis swung his scythe immediately back then instead of calling out to her, she would die in his hand.

If not for Lovis’ whim, Pomera would’ve already died right now. Pomera was overwhelmed by dread right now.

Compared with the adventurers she met until now, Lovis’ strength was clearly abnormal.

「Spirit Magic, 6th-Rank; 《Fonsball(Fire Spirit Fox’s Fireball)》」

Pomera bit her lips, raised her big cane and deployed another spell.

And then, a magic circle deployed on the tip of Pomera’s cane and a fireball as big as a human head fired from inside the magic circle..

「Hou, that magic is a good choice indeed.」

《Fonsball》 was a magic with long duration and most of its movement was controlled by the spirit.

For that reason, anyone who could perfectly control 《Fonsball》 would let it stay without disappearing while using another magic, increasing the number of moves they could use during the battle.

But, doing so was akin to letting a thread into a needle’s hole.

In this kind of situation where she was exhausted from casting her previous magic, the degree of difficulties increased even further.

Fine beads of sweat started to appear on Pomera’s forehead.

Pomera controlled the 《Fonsball》 to move between her and Lovis.

It would prevent her from entering into the range of Lovis’ scythe.

The flame would drop on Lovis’ head the moment he tried to approach Pomera.

「Flame Magic, 7th Rank《Flare Flies》」

Pomera then invoked fire magic.

Ten fireballs rushed toward Lovis.

「Yes, that’s the correct move. Keeping the distance with defensive magic that required delicate control while letting out a barrage of offensive magic to attack is the correct answer. That’s an established tactic for mage.」

Lovis’ lips formed a satisfied smile.

Lovis was bombarded by fireballs from all directions again.

「《Short Gate》」

A magic circle appeared beneath Lovis’ feet.

His body was wrapped by light, and vanished from his current position.

Lovis teleported behind Pomera, taking a stance with his scythe.

「Well, only if that tactic can work on someone like me though. Only B-rank adventurer and below will use such obvious tactic.」

「《Sylph Sword》」

Pomera swung her big cane as she unleashed another magic.

Lovis dodged the wind blade fired from point blank range by paper-thin margin, and closed in toward Pomera as it was.

Pomera’s head was reflected in his eyes.

It was as if he didn’t even try to hide his aim.

Pomera was gripping tightly on her big cane due to the dread that she felt from something other than a monster.

Regarding the result, she succeeded.

Lovis’ scythe only sliced off her big cane.

The blade of his scythe strayed slightly from its orbit, and gouged Pomera’s chest.

「Ah, uh…!」

Pomera’s lightweight body got thrown back due to the force behind Lovis’ strike and slammed on the floor.

Blood fluttering in the air.

Pomera touched her bloodied chest amidst her dimmed consciousness.

Her chest was wet since it got soaked in somesort of liquid.

Pomera snapped back in fear the moment she realized that the liquid was her own blood.

「My… ca, ne…」

Pomera was groping around her, and managed to retrieve the big cane that she let go off a moment ago.

But, despite managing to regain her cane, it had already been sliced in two by Lovis’ scythe.


Behind her, Lovis had already raised his scythe overhead.

「You’re such a let-down. But, kukuku, seeing how you’re lacking combat experience in spite of your high level, you’re definitely got involved with otherworlder. I’m really grateful to know that there’s another naive otherworlder nearby aside from 《Ares Hand》. Is he around level 300? No hard feeling if I showed them your head as declaration of war oka–」

That moment, Lovis suddenly stopped talking for some reason.

「… Uhm? Otherworlder?」


TN: Check out my new project too! The Replacement for Suicidal Undead catches up with the raw.

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