Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 106

106 Chapter 106: Fighting Adam (3)

With the spell complete and the pressure removed, Frost slumped forward onto his knees panting and gasping for air.

“Hu hu hu ptuah,” he also spat out some blood that found its way into his lungs, he was hurt, not life threatening thankfully but hurt none the less, his physical abilities would certainly be reduced. His body wracked with pain, he turned his gaze over to Leo and Luna hoping that they survived.

‘Eh?’ He was gobsmacked the two of them were practically fine, a few gashes but nothing else. His lips subconsciously twitched as he caught the sight of a pseudo mana shield re-entering Leo’s armour and the many enchantments starting to fade on Luna’s robes. He was seriously outclassed equipment wise, and he felt the repercussions of such a state just now.

Regardless of his superior strength -of which it was quite substantial over Leo and Luna- he came out looking far worse in this exchange. His gifted leather armour was now in tatters and offered zero protection anymore and his robes although expensive in appearance only repaired their damage giving no defence value- of course he could always pay DP to change that but at the moment he lacked the money and ability since he was out of the dungeon.

His physical body though fairly well toned and muscular was nothing like that of a monster’s. Wherein a polar bear’s hide would deflect most low level weapons his skin couldn’t, like that of any other humans or elf’s, flexible but not super tough.

To not get irritated at his would be friends for their advantage in wealth he looked towards the cause of his injuries, Adam. And the moment he did he wished he didn’t.

Other than looking a little tired, Adam was perfectly fine. His large mana expenditure from using one of the more powerful 3rd circle spells was slowly being restored by his mana absorbing ring yet he didn’t immediately move to finish of his foes which was strange.

“[Heal]” as Frost struggled to his feet to resume the battle, Luna casted a healing spell that quickly got to work, closing some of his more shallow cuts, staunching his bleeding. It was a temporary fix but enough to get him back into fighting action but still Adam didn’t move only glaring directly at him with flames in his eyes, not happy with the results of his grand spell.

“He can’t cast another spell so soon, now’s our chance, destroy the ring on his left index finger.” Luna shouted out and started to channel her mana to irritate Adam while Frost and Leo moved in. To destroy a magic ring such as that they’d need something physical i.e., Frost’s glaive or Leo’s sword.


“Bitch!” Adam turned to glare at Luna in anger, his fury evident. She was right, although he still had a decent amount of mana leftover and was gradually regaining the mana, he used to cast his last spell, the veins in which his mana flowed were overheated. Basically, the mana was too much and too dense for him to support repeated casting. Thus, he was temporarily unable to cast magic under the threat of burning his mana veins and causing serious and possibly permanent damage.

It didn’t help that he casted the most powerful 3rd circle spell he knew all while enhancing it with a high quality magic crystal and pumping the spell with as much mana as his construct would allow. And what did he get for his effort, diddly squat that’s what. Leo and Luna barely received a scratch thanks to their super armour and robes as well as quick thinking to work together. And the one he wanted to take care or most, Frost, well he although injured was still clearly in the fight and with Luna’s quick healing spell the damage he’d just done would eventually be erased, it was incredibly infuriating.

At the very least he pictured cleaving a couple limbs off his targets but was met with such poor results. Luna the failure of a mage that she was, pointed out the location of his mana absorbing ring at the worst possible timing, a blood vessel burst in his eye as he did his best to restrain his wrath.

Hearing Luna’s announcement both Frost and Leo sprang into action, Frost ignoring his pain and Leo tossing his badly carved up shield at Adam, it’d only be a heavy weight drag in its current condition might as well use it as an offensive weapon.

“[Shield lob]” luckily, he knew a ranged shield skill, thus increasing its offensive might.

His shield spun rapidly as it flew through the air and towards Adam, while Frost started to run from his side.

“Tsk” Adam clicked his tongue as he swung out his short sword at impending shield.

“[Slash]” he activated a skill and smashed into the shield with his sword successfully deflecting it away, however the impact shook his arm sending a jolt of pain. Leo threw it with a fair amount of strength and given the material it was made of it was heavier than expected.

Frost quickly arrived with his glaive in hand with refuelled vigour knowing that he’d never get a chance as good as this to attack. Not having to worry about getting a firebolt or earth bullet to the face he swung quickly with his glaive, not using his skill instead going for speed and quantity, taking advantage of his recently achieved adept glaive mastery.

Dong dong dong

Frost’s glaive was repeatedly swung and repeatedly met by Adam’s short sword, with Frost slowly gaining ground and speed with each swing.


Eventually Frost sliced with enough force and speed that he forced Adam’s sword up and out of his grip, sending it flying into the nearest wall, and with grace rapidly brought his glaive down to remove Adam’s entire hand along with his mana absorbing ring, shame however that that was wishful thinking.

Adam still had his staff which he promptly brought to bear against Frost’s glaive just in the nick of time catching the glaive’s edge, lodging it within the wood of the staff, trapping it.

Frost tried to pull back his glaive to continue his onslaught, but it was lodged in pretty deep, and he only succeeded in pulling Adam closer.

Adam smirked as his eyes opened wide with glee, he rapidly withdrew his other short sword and moved to cleave Frost’s face. Since he couldn’t use magic as of yet a sword to the face would do just as well, perhaps even better.

Frost winced trying once again to remove his glaive from Adam’s staff but failed, clicking his tongue he moved to fire an ice bolt at him but with Adam’s enchanted robes it’d be brushed off at best. He didn’t want to abandon his weapon; without it he’d be severely weakened.

As his mind raced at frantic speed analysing the best option to take, he caught something in the corner of his eye, Leo. He internally smiled not wanting to give away Adam’s impending doom by showing a physical expression. He maintained his worried and frantic look as though he was stumped, stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Adam was more than happy to relish in Frost’s expressions but knew he only had a short moment.

“Rahhhhhhhhh!” Adam roared and with all his strength swinging his sword upwards aiming to slice Frost’s immaculate face(though now with red whiskers) in two but that didn’t come to pass.


Don don don

With incredible precision Leo appeared at Adam’s side and swung his fire enchanted blade down upon his uncle’s wrist, severing it in single motion. Adam’s wrist, hand and sword fell to the ground gushing out blood, yet Adam didn’t scream.

There was silence as Adam was in shock, he couldn’t believe what happened.

‘Why is his face not carved up?’ Adam looked up at Frost in confusion, completely bewildered by the lack of sliced up elf flesh staring down on him with contempt. He then noticed his annoying nephew to his side with blood on his sword and anger in his eyes.

‘Why’s Leo there?’ Still in shock he followed Leo’s sword to the tip and there he found a severed hand that strangely looked familiar.

‘Wait tha..’

“Ahhhhhhhhhhh! My arm!” At the sudden realisation of his arm lying on the ground covered in blood and detached from his elbow the pain came almost instantly and he screamed.

Frost and Leo had to quickly cover their ears, the scream was so loud and bloodcurdling.

‘Fuck that hurts!’ With his ears ringing from the scream Frost glared at Adam, lifting up his leg he covered his foot in ice chakra and kicked Adam in the abdomen while still clinging to his glaive.

The resulting opposing forces allowed him to dislodge his glaive from Adam’s staff all while sending the still screaming Baron who now sported a broken rib from the kick.

That kick however took out the last of Frost’s stamina and he wasn’t able to follow up and end the fight then and there. He stumbled when he moved, falling to one knee, and gasping for breath.

Luna’s healing spell only repaired the simplest of cuts and along with the urgency of the situation his revigorated stamina and strength was only temporary. He turned to Leo to let him know that he needed to finish it.

Leo nodded in understanding and swiftly moved, charging after his uncle with the intent to end him once and for all. Luna also wasn’t one to hold back, casting magic towards the rolling Adam.

“[Fire bolt]” she sent two fire bolts flying at Adam, one hitting his stub for a left arm resulting in another scream from the Baron.

Leo arrived in a moment; his sword raised.

“[Slash]” he called out the command word for his skill and slashed down with great force. If this strike met true, Adam would be in great danger, but would it happen so easily.

The moment Leo’s sword struck down and was about to sever Adam’s neck something suddenly shone out, generating an invisible barrier successfully blocking the strike.

The invisible barrier was the concoction of a life saving magic device that Adam kept attached to his neck. It’d only act when the wearer was about to be struck by a fatal blow and in reaction it would create a powerful mana barrier that would save the user’s life.

The barrier reflected the majority of the sword’s force causing Leo’s hand to rip open and come loose flinging the sword out of his grasp.


The invisible barrier cracked and returned to harmless mana, the magic device had been used up, the light faded, its power used up, it was now an empty vessel. To use it again an artificer would need to recharge the magic crest, but it did what it was made for, saving its users life.

Leo winced from the shooting pain from his sword hand but didn’t give up, winding back his arm to punch his uncle to death but again he was rebuffed.

This time however it wasn’t a magic device or spell, no Adam had regained some of his focus thanks to the lifesaving magic device going off and responded to Leo in kind, using his fist.

Adam although missing half an arm and in immense pain was still a C-rank opponent, he was much stronger than his nephew, faster too.


Leo was punched directly in the face by a stronger maddened opponent, the force was enough to break his nose and send him reeling back, spurting blood from his nostrils.

Leo fell backwards and his momentum caused him to roll back to where Frost was still kneeling as he gathered some strength.

Frost caught his young friend stopping his roll and inspecting his injuries.

‘His nose is a mess, and his eyes are unfocused.’ Frost frowned, Leo was probably out the fight after that strike, it was a miracle he wasn’t knocked unconscious by the blow.

“Leo!” Luna screamed in despair as she ran towards him, her heart in pain. So distraught was she that she failed to notice Adam glaring in her direction.

“[Fire ball]” ignoring the searing pain sent throughout his body from using mana so soon, Adam in his anger fired off a fire ball from his hands. He dropped his staff on the ground as he rolled back due to Frost’s kick, but it still packed a punch.


Luna was struck from the side and sent flying into the nearby wall, her head hitting hard against the concrete nearly knocking her unconscious. Her robes protected her from most of the magical damage but the physical bash to the head was another matter.

She slumped down prone, her mind and vision hazy all she could think about was Leo and how she needed to save him.

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