Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 464 Cornered

Chapter 464 Cornered



Liu Xueyi kept his stance while gazing deeply at Zheng Ying, the hushed atmosphere intermittently disrupted by the rhythmic beeping of medical equipment.

The white curtains flapped softly as the room's sole window let in rays of the early morning sun.

Within the solemn silence, his fingers gently intertwined with Andromeda's, lifting her hand towards his lips in a gesture filled with warmth, affection, and a quiet defiance.

He did it again.

He was pushing her buttons so well. Zheng Ying felt her heart will explode at any given moment from then.

Zheng Ying, standing before them watched the intimate exchange with a darkened expression. Her raven-black hair cascaded down her shoulders, her sharp eyes shimmering with a storm of emotions.

Unable to contain the pent-up frustration and pain, her voice trembled with accusation, "Xueyi, you left him," she accused pointing at her son on the sick bed. "You left your son. How could you? For days!"

Liu Xueyi's response was cold and deliberate, his eyes holding Zheng Ying's with an icy intensity. "You still do not understand, do you? I love Andromeda and not you."

The silence in the room became palpable. Andromeda stood resolute, her posture elegant and dignified even in the face of confrontation.

She could feel Zheng Ying's anger directed at her, a palpable force of fury and bitterness. For a fleeting moment, Andromeda wondered if she had made the right choice to come here to watch this spectacle but knowing how treachous Zheng Ying could be, she knew she couldn't leave Liu Xueyi to her.

Besides she drew strength from Liu Xueyi's steadfastness and knew better than to let Zheng Ying's actions dissuade her.

Zheng Ying's face reddened, her voice rising, the pitch revealing her emotional vulnerability. "You choose her over your own flesh and blood? Your own son?"

Before the fiery confrontation could escalate, Zheng Ying's sudden movement aimed at Andromeda made Liu Xueyi spring into action.

With an agile swiftness, he blocked Zheng Ying's hand mere inches from Andromeda's face. His icy gaze met Zheng Ying's fiery eyes, a potent mix of anger and disgust evident in his features.

"You've crossed many lines, Zheng Ying," Liu Xueyi spat, his voice lowered to a dangerous whisper. "But trying to harm Andromeda, that's the final straw."

Seeing how her plans had failed, Zheng Ying tried wriggling her hand from Liu Xueyi's grasp. "Let go of me," she demanded, her voice trembling slightly.

"Sure, but answer this… You talk about our son," Liu Xueyi continued, "but whose son is he truly, huh?"

Immediately, her eyes widened as she gazed at him with confusion-filled eyes.

On the other hand, seeing how much fear engulfed her, Liu Xueyi snickered. "I know everything. Your schemes, your lies, how you tried to sabotage Andromeda's fashion show. Everything!"

Zheng Ying's features contorted in disbelief and horror. "What do you mean? How could you..."

"And colluding with Gao Yuemi," Liu Xueyi interjected, not letting her gather her thoughts. "But your deception?" He let go of Andromeda's hand and stepped forward, allowing his presence to intimidate Zheng Ying completely.

"Making me believe Zheng Ling was my child, and then manipulating his illness for your twisted desires… Now that's unforgivable, Ying. Every action has consequences. I hope you are prepared for yours."

With those words, he threw her hand away, giving her a cold demeaning look. Shocked by the force with which he released her, Zheng Ying stumbled back, her back pressing against the cold hospital room wall. Her eyes were wide with terror and disbelief.

"H-Ho-oww h-how did you find out?" she managed to whisper. She knew Andromeda would spill the truth concerning the fashion show and she was prepared for how she would act.

But the second Liu Xueyi spat out the truth concerning Zheng Ling, terror shone in her eyes, mirroring the truth of how she felt.

Now that things had come to this, she was left to face Liu Xueyi's wrath all alone.

"That's irrelevant," Liu Xueyi retorted. "What matters now is that you'll face the consequences of your actions."

The weight of Liu Xueyi's words hung in the room, a grim reminder of the entangled webs of deceit that had led to this point.

For a moment, no one moved, the chilling reality sinking in. The foundation of trust and understanding had been shattered, and the pieces were too broken to be put back together.

With shaky breath Zheng Ying tried to savage what was left of the situation. Snapping her head up, she rushed forward, grabbing Liu Xueyi by the arm.

"X-Xueyi… You…' she shifted her gaze from him and stole a glance at Andromeda. "You mustn't believe anything this lady is saying. She is trying to pit you and I against each other so that she can have you."


"Believe me. I mean it. Ling is your son. Trust me. I wouldn't lie to you. I love you. She is the one lying."

With every word falling out of her lips, Liu Xueyi felt sick to the stomach. Leave it to her to throw everything on Andromeda.

"One thing you do not know, Andromeda did not chase after me. I went after her. She doesn't need to put me against anyone to have me because my heart and body belongs to her!"

In anger he snatched his arm from hers causing Zheng Ying to lose her footing and fall backwards with her butt to the ground.

"I…" she tried to scramble to her feet but Andromeda was done having her sprout nonsense.

Quickly she took some steps forward and blocked Zheng Ying's path, cutting her off from reaching Liu Xueyi.

With eyes as cold as the icy blast, her irritation shone brilliantly as she gazed down at Zheng Ying. Holding up her hand in front of Zheng Ying, Andromeda interjected. "You may blame me all you want, but I wonder what your words would say against these DNA reports."

Zheng Ying's eyes widened even more. "N-No… You're lying. It's forged. Liu Xueyi you must believe me. You mustn't believe her," Zheng Ying pleaded.

"Call me fake, but having more than one result from different hospitals, I wonder if you can still deny it. Also, I have the recording of your discussion with the doctor."

Zheng Ying's brows furrowed deeply.

"True. And if I play it, be sure that this case will be taken to court. In the end, you lose everything including your son."

"Lies. You are only bluffing. Nothing more. You think you can trick me like you did Victoria?"

Andromeda chuckled lightly. "With every word coming from your lips you implicate yourself even more. This shows your involvement with Victoria. Oh and I have mad proof of that as well," Andromeda stated.

"Also, I believe the real father of the child would have gotten the invitation I sent to him about this," Liu Xueyi chimed in.

"W-what?" Zheng Ying blinked, unable to fathom what he meant. Did he really contact the real father, she wondered.

"Should you try to fight it, do not blame me for bringing everything up in court and await the consequences of your actions when you lose your son's custody."

All hell seemed to break loose as both parties reigned their horror on Zheng Ying. Her hands trembled.

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