Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 436 Processing It All



As Liu Xueyi's words sank in, Andromeda felt her world shatter into a million pieces.

It was one thing to know that he was willing to go to great lengths to save his son, but hearing him admit it out loud was a different kind of pain.

The truth was now laid bare before her, and it tore at her heart.

All she wanted at that moment was for Liu Xueyi to hold her tight, to assure her that everything would be alright.

But deep down, she knew that such reassurances would be empty.

The thought of him being intimate with another woman, the mother of his child, was a knife twisting in her chest.

She couldn't bear to listen any longer. It was too painful, too real.

Her hand dropped from his face, and she took a step back, creating a physical distance to match the emotional chasm that had opened between them.

The weight of their situation pressed upon her, and the fact that she had not yet given him a child amplified her feelings of inadequacy.

Despite their deep love for each other, he was going to have two children with his ex, even before they were married.

It felt like her rightful place was being taken away from her, the promise of marriage and a family slipping through her fingers.

"I'm sorry, Xueyi," Andromeda choked out, her voice filled with pain and confusion. "This is too much for me to process right now. Please, just give me… I need some space, right now."

She turned away from him, refusing to meet his eyes, and walked away as fast as her legs would carry her.

Tears streamed down her face, mingling with the droplets of rain that began to fall. The silence hung heavy in the air, a poignant backdrop to the problem of their relationship.

Minutes stretched into eternity as Andromeda wandered aimlessly, her mind clouded with a mixture of despair and determination.

She found herself at the end of a quiet street, devoid of any passing cars or bustling crowds.

Seeking solace in her phone, she fumbled in her small chain bag and retrieved it, only to discover there was no signal.

"Oh, come on! No service?" she muttered in frustration, her breath hitching.

How long could she keep wandering until she found her way back home? Frustrated, she retraced her steps, hoping to find familiar landmarks that would guide her.

After a few minutes, she arrived at a crossroads and paused, feeling lost not only in her physical surroundings but also in her own thoughts.

"How did I get so lost in my own mind?" Andromeda lamented aloud; her voice filled with self-deprecation. "Xueyi must be worried sick by now."

Almost as if her words summoned him, she caught sight of his unmistakable red Lamborghini approaching her.

The car came to a stop, and Liu Xueyi stepped out, coughing loudly.

His once vibrant presence seemed diminished, his pale complexion and dishevelled appearance mirroring the turmoil within his heart.

Andromeda's own heart skipped several beats at the sight of him, realizing how deeply she had affected him.

His voice trembled with restrained emotions as he spoke softly, trying to maintain his composure despite the sadness weighing heavily on his shoulders.

"Are you okay?" he asked, concern etched in his eyes.

"I'm fine," Andromeda replied, her voice lacking conviction.

He lifted his brow questioningly at her. "I seem to recall your skin getting chaffed when you walk for long. I am sorry for not hurrying earlier. I got the road mixed up."

As much as she wished to be angry, watching the sadness in his eyes broke her heart and she felt guilty that all of it happened because of what they were going through right now

She turned away from him, leaning against the car door, her hand covering her face. She felt utterly drained, both physically and emotionally, after the events that had unfolded.

"What are we doing here, anyway?" she muttered, her words muffled by her hand.

She didn't look back at him, but she knew he could hear the weariness in her voice. "You should go home first."

Liu Xueyi's reply was immediate and resolute. "I can't leave my girlfriend out here, alone. Besides, you need to rest and get ready for the event. The contest still needs its star."

At the mention of the contest, Andromeda's heart began to race, the adrenaline surging through her veins.

Amidst all the turmoil and distraction, she had momentarily forgotten the magnitude of the competition.

Now, she realized that diving into this challenge might be the respite she needed from the storm raging within her.

"Come with me, Andy," Liu Xueyi implored, his voice filled with sincerity. "Please. Once you return, we can face this together. I promise you."

Andromeda turned to face him, her eyes meeting his, filled with a mixture of uncertainty and longing.

She hesitated for a moment, weighing the options before her.

With a deep breath, she made her decision, silently vowing to confront the challenges that lay ahead, both in the contest and in their relationship.

Nodding, she stepped into the Lamborghini, knowing that this journey was not just about reaching a physical destination but also about finding the strength to navigate the intricate paths that lay ahead.

As the car sped away, carrying them into an uncertain future, Andromeda held onto a glimmer of hope, willing to fight for the love they shared, no matter the obstacles.


On the other hand, Zheng Ying, with a devious smile on her face, walked briskly into the hospital as she pulled out her phone from the back of her trouser pocket.

She knew exactly who to call to share her recent triumphs.

Wiping her cheeks, she dialled Gao Yuemi's number, the anticipation palpable in her voice as she greeted her accomplice, "How did everything go?"

A sinister chuckle emanated from the other end of the line. "Just as expected. Now, with my son's illness, Liu Xueyi is finally going to lean over to me."

Zheng Ying couldn't hide her satisfaction. It was a twisted game she had been playing, manipulating the delicate strings of their lives to bend them to her will.

But even in her moment of triumph, Gao Yuemi's cautionary words pierced through her complacency, reminding her of the one chess piece she needed to take out before actualizing her goal.

"And Andromeda? I do not think you can rejoice just yet, you know," Gao Yuemi warned, her voice laced with a hint of scepticism.

Zheng Ying's smile wavered for a fleeting moment, her confidence momentarily shaken.

She understood that Andromeda, with her fierce determination and undeniable talent, was not one to be underestimated.

However, Zheng Ying was determined to crush any obstacles in her path, no matter the cost.

"I know," Zheng Ying replied, her voice oozing with arrogance.

"Her fashion show contest is looming on the horizon. Perhaps I should intervene, pay someone to help rebrand her designs and ruin her chances in the semi-finals. With everything crashing down around her, she will have no choice but to take it out on Xueyi."

A pause followed as Gao Yuemi contemplated the proposition. The two women had become partners in this malicious game, each driven by their own twisted desires.

"Good," Gao Yuemi finally responded, a hint of satisfaction in her voice. She relished the idea of witnessing Andromeda's downfall, revelling in the chaos that would ensue.

But Zheng Ying's sinister plans did not end there. Her mind was already plotting the next move, fueled by a malevolent determination.

"No, I am not done," Zheng Ying continued, her voice dripping with malice. "I will have her drugged and arrange for someone to compromise her. Perhaps even involve one of the judges. Once it gets out, it will decimate her reputation and ruin the competition."

Gao Yuemi's response was chillingly calculated. "Either that, or we work with blackmail," she suggested, her tone matching Zheng Ying's nefarious intent.

Zheng Ying's lips curled into a wicked smile. "Yes, I am glad we are on the same page," she murmured, the satisfaction evident in her voice.

They were partners in darkness, united by their shared thirst for power and revenge.

Little did they know the plans they were about to carry out would set in motion a chain of events that would test the strength of bonds, challenge the depths of loyalty and love of Andromeda and Liu Xueyi and expose the true nature of those involved.

"Keep me posted on anything. I would see what I can do to help."

"Sure. And how is your take on the Liu family?"

"Xiao Xin is providing annoying but even she can be taken care of."

"Okay. But if you want, we can leak the news of Liu Xueyi's son to the press and have the Liu family look bad. I bet it would trample Andromeda further."

"Yes, but tone it down a notch or else you will lose Liu Xueyi before anything."

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