Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 437 Inner Peace Destruction



When the next contest took place, Andromeda found out she was not in the best of state like she used to be and ended up being one of the last two designers to make it into the semi-final round.

Her little episode caused murmurings in the show as they least expected anyone to best her designs.

Now that the event had ended, the next round would be 7 ladies from which only 3 would advance to the finals.

Backstage, Victoria and Serena, found themselves hidden away in a dimly lit corner. The tension between them crackled in the air, a reflection of their competitive nature and the animosity they held for Andromeda.

As they glanced towards where Andromeda's creations were being kept, they couldn't help but snicker and whisper, their voices laced with bitterness and envy.

"I knew that she was all fake. Imagine, take a look at her designs. If she really was the best as they say, she should have been the first to advance to the semi-finals," Victoria stated loudly.

"You are right there. Even Lian Rui who was supporting her got called in after the famous Mrs Liang at third place."

"I know right?"

"Look at that atrocious design," Victoria sneered, her eyes narrowing as she focused on the model wearing one of the dresses.

"Who in their right mind would wear something so garish?"

Serena chuckled in agreement, her voice dripping with disdain. "Absolutely dreadful. It's a wonder Andromeda even made it to the quarterfinals with such lackluster creativity."

Their words floated through the air like poisonous darts, their intention clear—to undermine Andromeda's talent and tarnish her reputation.

The bitterness that fueled their disdain for her success grew stronger with each passing moment.

Just then, Victoria's phone rang, interrupting their devious conversation. She answered the call, her eyes glimmering with satisfaction as she listened intently.

A wicked smile played on her lips, her mind racing with malicious intent.

Ending the call, Victoria turned her attention to Serena, her voice a low murmur filled with anticipation.

"It's time, Serena. Our plan must be set into motion. Andromeda will rue the day she thought she could surpass us. The semifinals will be her downfall."

Serena's eyes sparkled with a mixture of excitement and trepidation.

She had been waiting for this moment, yearning to witness Andromeda's dreams crumble beneath the weight of their cunning scheme.

Nodding in agreement, she whispered, "Let the games begin. Andromeda won't know what hit her."

Their shared determination radiated through the air as they prepared to unleash their plot of destruction.

In their minds, this was a battle they could not afford to lose. Their egos, fueled by resentment and jealousy, pushed them to orchestrate Andromeda's downfall with meticulous precision alongside a backing from an outsider.

The stage was set, the semifinals would be the battleground where their sinister machinations would unfold.

Andromeda, unaware of the storm brewing against her would face an onslaught of obstacles carefully crafted to shatter her confidence and dismantle her career.

Victoria and Serena exchanged a knowing glance, their eyes alight with a vindictive fire. Since they had lost and did not make it into the quarterfinals rank, their shared goal to obliterate Andromeda united them in a common purpose.

With hearts filled with malice and determination, they ventured into the shadows, ready to execute their plan of ruin. 


Andromeda stepped through the threshold of Liu Xueyi's elegant yet somberly adorned home, exhaustion etched upon her face.

The air carried a heavy weight, an invisible burden that seemed to have settled upon her shoulders.

The second Liu Xueyi saw her, he watched her with concern, his eyes reflecting both love and worry.

"My love, welcome."

"Xueyi, I've had an exhausting day," Andromeda sighed, sinking into the plush comfort of their living room sofa.

Her mind was still consumed by the events of the quarterfinal contest, the intricate dance of fabrics and the whispers of critics.

Liu Xueyi sat beside her, his gaze unwavering as he reached out to gently grasp her hand.

"Andromeda, I know you are tired but I believe you are letting it weigh on you. If you want to talk I am," he began, his voice laced with worry but then, she withdrew her hand.

Immediately he said those words, her heart skipped a beat, her eyes darting away from his as a mixture of fear and denial surged within her.

Andromeda averted her gaze, her voice taking on a tone of evasiveness. "Xueyi, I understand your intentions, but let's not dwell on the medical matters now. There are other things I'd like to discuss."

Liu Xueyi's eyes flickered with a flicker of disappointment, but he respected Andromeda's need for distance. He knew the intricacies of her emotions, the fragility of her spirit beneath the veneer of strength she projected.

He nodded, masking his disappointment with a soft smile. "Of course, my love. We can talk about whatever you wish."

Andromeda's voice carried a hint of relief as she shifted the conversation towards a safer topic.

"I've been contemplating a new collection, something that pushes the boundaries of colour and texture. I think it's time to embark on a new creative journey, to explore uncharted territories of design."

Liu Xueyi listened attentively, his eyes lighting up with genuine interest. He was always her pillar of support, willing to traverse the depths of her mind and dreams.

"Andromeda, your talent knows no bounds. I'm certain your new collection will be nothing short of breathtaking."

A small smile played on her lips as she met his gaze, appreciating his unwavering belief in her abilities.

"Thank you, honey." 

But deep within, a whirlwind of conflicted emotions raged on—a battle between her devotion to her art and the weight of her responsibilities as his girlfriend.

In that fleeting moment, the air hung heavy with unspoken words, desires, and fears. Andromeda knew that she could not evade the reality of his child's illness forever and his need to bear another child. 

This was an issue that she needed to confront head-on. But for now, she wished to find solace in the realm of creativity, where colours danced upon her canvas and her mind could momentarily escape the harshness of their situation.

So it would seem but now it felt as though even her creative world was clashing with reality in a way that was destroying both. 

Instinctively she leaned to her side, into his protective arms and snuggled close to him. 

"Let's be like this forever," Andromeda muttered as she let the cradling hands of sleep whisk her away to a place where she could rest.

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