Eye System

Chapter 134: Looming Threat Part 2

Chapter 134: Looming Threat Part 2

Body Jolt

Lex jolted himself forwards through space and deactivated the skill as he reached behind Mason and with his forwards momentum Lex pushed him over, landing on top of Mason.

Instantly streaming large amounts of energy throughout his body to reinforce his already powerful body, Lex managed to hold down Mason who attempted struggled under his grip.

Lex was shocked by how easy it was to hold down Mason and Mason's struggle was too weak to even move him in the slightest.

It felt too easy and Lex felt that something was off.

Forming a dagger in his hand with the Item Creation Skill, Lex was about to slash down and kill Mason, exploiting the weakened state he was in, without asking too many questions.

But, Just as he was about to strike Mason, his body began to collapse and visibly began to disintegrate under Lex.

Lex had no idea what was going on with Mason, but remembering how the ice leopard and others that he had defeated had exploded after their deaths, he instantly became alert.

The explosion after their deaths would only occur if they died while wielding their energy or activating a skill as the energy they were going to use before their death would be released.

The energy of those who died, before having the chance to wield it, would slowly become part of the atmosphere as their body decomposed, without any explosion, as it wouldn't have ownership of a user and would be absorbed into the atmosphere.

Therefore energy that was about to be wielded, was owned by the now deceased user, and would clash with the energy of the atmosphere that wasn't owned by anybody.

While reacting and clashing, it would cause an explosion that burnt the energy that had nowhere to go after the death of its owner.

Kowing this, Lex jumped up and jolted his body as far away as he could, while withdrawing Kano from his inventory.

"Quickly fly as far away from here as you can" ordered Lex urgently.

The mountainous region had already been heavily damaged by the explosion caused by the ice leopard, but Mason wasn't normal and Lex didn't know what to expect from the explosion that his body would cause.

A black and red cocoon formed around Mason's disintegrating body that was bursting with energy and clashing with the energy in the atmosphere.

Lex who was flying away at rapid speeds, with Kano's help, saw from a few kilometres away, the cocoon and the sudden explosion around Mason that was multiple times larger than the explosion the ice leopard caused.

Pouring more and more energy into Kano to fly away faster, they were still swept up by the explosion and were launched crashing into the ground dozens of kilometres away.

The impact was so strong that Lex began to vomit blood profusely and was almost at the point of losing consciousness.

However, Lex quickly withdrew two pills, one to recover his Internal energy and another to recovery his External body, and after scoffing them down in a single gulp, began to recover himself.

Even with the assistance of pills, it took him hours to recover and getting up he found himself in a crater of some sort that must have been caused by the impact of him hitting the ground.

Lex was extremely grateful and happy about the decision he made to continue to increase not only his Internal Cultivation, but also his External Cultivation, that most had given up on as it became harder to continue to strengthen at higher levels.

Stretching his body that had been through a rough time for the past month of continuous battles, Lex despite being victorious still had a worried expression and couldn't shake off the looming threat of the demonic cultivator master that Mason had spoken of.

[Eye Demon, why did Mason suddenly die] asked Lex within his min, preferring the Eye Demon's tone of speech to the monotonous system's tone of speech.

[Well, he was bound by some sort of blood oath and went against it by unknowingly telling us secrets that he wasn't allowed to tell anybody. After going against the blood oath, his body destroyed itself as part of the condition he signed the blood oath with] explained the Eye Demon while chuckling, amused by Mason's stupidity.

Lex, however, was deep in thought and could weirdly see himself in Mason.

Both had an extreme drive to be powerful and succeed, because of either hate, jealousy or some sort of negative feeling that was caused by something in their past.

The main difference was that Lex was extremely lucky, had many opportunities and still clung onto any morality or salvation he could attain, while Mason who was less lucky took any opportunity that presented itself, no matter how immoral or destructive it was.

Realising this, Lex couldn't help but be even more grateful for the system, Ella and Angela and even the Eye Demon, that despite the problems it caused had saved him multiple times.

He had something to live for and protect which was Angela, Ella and the continent that he wasn't willing to allow to be destroyed.

The despite smaller and much different continent, was still valuable as it still represented all that Lex knew in his past reality and he had caused it to be destroyed once and didn't want to let that happen again.

As he continued to contemplate his life and everything he had he couldn't help but notice how much the system had changed with him over time.

It was previously subtle changes that wouldn't be noticeable but the system also seemed to be growing with Lex.

It went from being completely numerical and controlling, making Lex have to aim only for gaining system points to gain Eye Powers, but was now actually helping Lex grow and giving him missions that would help him and unlock him Eye Powers.

Before it would wipe his memories and forcefully get him on the correct path, but now that he was beginning to find the right path that would help him ascend, it was guiding him more smoothly.

Just like the system had told him it was an inheritance of some sort, and he was inheriting all these Eye Powers from someone or something and the Eye Demon was somehow the fuel in order for the system to work.

As he continued to match all the thoughts and speculations he had managed to come up with since integrating with the Eye System, Lex came up with the most obvious yet wild thought that connected all the dots.

"The Eye Demon had a past life where he was a god-like figure and made a stupid mistake that bought him down to the depths of hell and negativity. And is now trapped within me by the system that was formed by some entity to give a lucky person the inheritance of what the Eye Demon was previously capable of before he made his mistake" speculated Lex.

It was a wild speculation and he didn't really believe it himself, but little did he know that there was truth in what he had gathered and he had finally stepped onto the right track of understanding the origin of the Eye Demon and the system.

However, he was still too far from the complete truth and didn't have any details to make the information useful or important to him in his current situation as he abruptly stood up.

"I need to alert the continent and get them to ally and form a stronghold all together, while I also need time to train and prepare myself for battle" decided Lex.

He had 6 months to prepare himself to face against this demonic cultivator master that was a supposedly much more powerful than Mason, making him not want to waste even a second of time he could use for preparation.

[And you must also complete your end of our deal] reminded the Eye Demon.

[You don't want to end up like Mason who went against his blood pact. Our deal is even stronger and bound not your body but your soul] stated the Eye Demon.

"Alright, let me give Ella and Angela a farewell before I seclude myself to complete our deal" decided Lex.

Scouting Eye

Dashing towards the mountainous regions, that had become more of an arctic region, with rubble everywhere, Lex spread out his vision looking for any signs of Angela or Ella.

He suddenly felt a disturbance in the space around him and saw Ella appear out of thin air.

If he had his Spacial Eye activated he would have seen Ella open a portal through space and hop through without much difficulty and would have been in awe of Ella making teleportation seem easy.

Before Lex could speak, Ella embraced him with a heartfelt hug.

Releasing him, Lex scratched his head slightly embarrassed but also had a wide smile that he hadn't had in a long time.

"That is for staying alive, but it won't happen again until you are stronger than me" stated Ella while pouting as she looked at his shocked and happy expression.

"I nearly died for a little hug" mumbled Lex, pretending to be upset.

"What did you say" she screamed while forming an orb of energy within her hand.

"Nothing, nothing" answered Lex as they both began to laugh.

After a few minutes of joking and flirting with each other, that they both enjoyed and was a rare occurrence between them, Lex had to cut the joyous time short.

"We have to talk seriously" stated Lex becoming completely serious.

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