Full Dive: Eternal Phantasy

Chapter 201: Cheating System

Chapter 201: Cheating System

After the second boss being a slime, Misaki had no more hopes for this dungeon. At the same time, she was also kind of glad that they had not needed to fight a boss yet. She and Rika continued on their warpath and continued to kill the trash mobs until they reached the third boss door. This was the second to last boss for this dungeon before they met with the ruler of the dungeon. A dual scythe wielding skeleton.

"Alright Rika, same game plan as we normally have. Although there might be a good chance at this point of it being a slime." Misaki scratched her head. She did not know what to say. She had warned Rika that this would be very dangerous but so far it had been a cake walk.

They opened the door to see a similar set up as the previous boss rooms except this one was three times as big. As before, Rika went into hiding while Misaki walked directly into the boss room to activate it. As always the smoke in the middle of the room began to flow up, but this time Misaki felt something was wrong there were three sets of smokes that were three different colors. Sensing danger, Misaki immediately yelled out. "Rika leave now!"

"The doors locked!" Rika yelled back. She had been near the door the entire time per Misaki's instructions. This way she could escape at any time if needed but this time the door was actually locked. 

Misaki now understood that her feelings were not wrong. This room was a dangerous place to be right now. She couldn't help but laugh when she saw the three boss monsters spawn in front of her. Two of which should have been from the rooms before. "Rika use your talisman!"

Rika quickly took out her talisman and added some magic power to it. But all the talisman did was glow brightly for a second as if it was going to activate before dimming and nothing happened. "Mitsu, it's not working!"

Misaki's face fell. It seemed she would need to fight this battle out. But verse three bosses it would be hard. "Rika, just stay hidden, do not come out no matter what. Even if you see me die do not come out of hiding and stay where you are. I will run back and rejoin you. Do you understand?"

Misaki finally realized why her quest had such a high reward to it. In order to give Rika a new life you would need to most likely pass through to the next area with her in your team. The two boss slimes from before were just bonuses to try to level up Rika. This meant that the real challenge was to pass this room and then the boss. This was truly a difficult quest!

Three large boss monsters stood before Misaki. One giant eyeball, one headless horseman, and one specter. Each one with over five hundred thousand health. Just seeing their long health bars made Misaki want to cry. 

"You know what screw it I have been playing this game normally long enough. Although the system said I could end up breaking the game if I used my demon goddess powers and tried to seal them she wasn't actually able to seal my powers. Since the game wants to fuck around and toss me into a fight with three boss monster in a world where finding allies is basically impossible since I would just kill them for the experience. I guess I do not mind if I screw things up a bit." Misaki suddenly waved her hand removing the limiter on her avatar unleashing her goddess aura throughout the boss room. 

"Well, it was fun while it lasted." With a wave of her hand, Misaki sent out three small black flames. These flames were no bigger than that of a candle flame. The flames slowly floated in the air before finally coming in contact with the three bosses. A rumble filled the room when suddenly the three small flames instantly increased in size. Engulfing the three boss monsters. The health of these three boss monsters quickly dropped to zero before turning in to particles that disappeared into the air.

Misaki dusted off her hands with a smile on her face. Only to end up with a headache from a familiar annoying voice. "What did you do!? Why did you use your goddess powers!?"

"Well maybe if the damn game wasn't busted I wouldn't have had to. Did you expect me and one other person to defeat three raid bosses at the same time? Not to mention if Rika dies, she dies for good. That's bullshit. I will not stand here and play a game that is busted. If you want to play unfair so can I!" Misaki yelled out in her mind. Giving the system a good piece of her mind.

"Fine! I see I went a little too overboard but can you please refrain from using your goddess powers? How did you even unseal them!?" The system asked.

"How? Why wouldn't I be able to? Remember I am a demon goddess. Such restrictions won't work on me and if you do not want me to use my powers on the bosses make it so Rika can't die for good!" Misaki stated firmly. She would continue to rampage through each area with her demon goddess powers until she reached the so called final boss and defeated it. All in order to protect Rika.

"I can't at this time how about this, can you not use your demon goddess powers on the regular monsters? I will not care if you use them on the bosses since they are in a separate space from the rest of the game world." The system could only do this much since She had no way to respawn Rika if she died. 

"That's fine. We will do it like that then."


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