Full Dive: Eternal Phantasy

Chapter 205: The Unsealing Part Two (R-18)

Chapter 205: The Unsealing Part Two (R-18)

As Misaki's eyes fluttered as her mind came back to the real world, she felt the sudden urge to let out a moan. It took her a minute to realize that there was something grinding up against her pussy. She reached up and pulled the full dive gear off her head to see Chiho going at it in a scissors position grinding away at her body. To her side was Mo'mo, naked, passed out sleeping soundly. She sat up and reached her arms out and wrapped them around Chiho's neck pulling her into a kiss. Chiho was stunned for a moment but quickly got lost in Misaki's kiss. 

As their tongue's intertwined Misaki matched Chiho's movements causing them to both let out steady moans of pleasure. "Ah, Mitsu..." Chiho let out a muffled moan calling out Misaki's name. 

Misaki broke her kiss with Chiho and smiled as she placed her forehead against Chiho's forehead. "Sorry, my time in the game took longer than I thought it would. But waking up to a cute girl grinding against my pussy was very nice." 

Chiho blushed as she pressed her pussy hard up against Misaki's. "I just couldn't hold back any longer."

"And Mo'mo?" Misaki asked.

"She went first..." Chiho answered, suddenly feeling embarrassed. 

"It's fine. My body belongs to all of you. So you can do with it as you wish. Just make sure Little Wei is not around when you do." Misaki picked up her pace as she felt herself reaching her breaking point. Chiho seemed to be on the verge as well. Both their breaths became heavy as they stared into each other's eyes. Misaki finally exploded as she leaned forward and bit into Chiho's shoulder drawing blood as her body stiffened and slightly convulsed. As soon as she felt the pain of Misaki's bite, Chiho moaned loudly and her back arched backward as she cummed. 

Chiho collapsed into Misaki's arms. Misaki licked the blood on her lips and then cleaned off the blood from Chiho's shoulder. She watched as the wound quickly healed not leaving behind any kind of mark. Misaki laid down with Chiho resting her head on her small mounds. "You seem satisfied." 

"How could I not be? The girl I have been in love with all these years is my lover. Although we have changed drastically from what we used to be, you are still the only person I have ever loved. Just knowing I can have sex with you makes me wet." Chiho said as her cheeks blushed.

"MMm" Misaki did not know what to say so she leaned her head down and kissed Chiho. "Well, you do not have to worry about not being wet any time soon." 

After finishing her words the two went at it one more time. 


After a hot shower and eating some food, Misaki was sitting in the meeting room. Standing there with his hands behind his back was Lord Mevesis. "It seems you have accomplished the task I had given you."

"That I have. Does this mean Earth will now be unsealed?" Misaki asked.

"That is the plan. From this day forth you will be officially in the gods realm. The life or death of your planet is now in your hands. Once you actually enter the gods realm you will understand that even if you are as powerful as you are, there is always someone stronger. Our little area in this space that we run is only able to keep themselves going because we band together during times of need. " Lord Mevesis said these words which contradicted everything he had said before.

Misaki was very confused as to what to make of his words since he did not elaborate on what he meant. She could only take it as her needing to be careful in her actions from now on. "Lord Mevesis may I ask what you mean by your area?"

"The gods realm is split up into many realms. I rule over one of these realms, the human realm. It is where the humanoid races and other races that do not fit in with the other realms can be found. Although it may seem like a huge area at a glance, with so many planets that it is hard to count. The are other realms like the spirit realm, the fairy realm, and many others. They each have a supreme god ranking elder such as myself that rules over the realm. But sometimes clashes between these realms do happen. It is during these times that we will need to band together to keep our realm from being taken over." Lord Mevesis explained.

"What happens when it is taken over?" Misaki asked out of curiosity.

"From complete annihilation to slavery. You would be collard and placed on auction and sold to the highest bidder. Those with good looks like yourself would end up having to warm the bed of the person who bought you. Those without good looks would end up being used for labor." Lord Mevesis answered.

Misaki got lost in thought and wondered if she had made a mistake coming to the gods realm. "Well, whatever the case may be, they would first have to take me alive... I will say this though, no matter who it is, if they tried to touch my family or my kin I will slaughter them. Whether it be fairy or spirit I will find a way to kill them all."

"Haha! That is what I thought you would say. I knew I was right in choosing you. Alright then. Let me see what you can do. But a fair warning, ever since Sariel came back after you took his daughter away he has been acting strangely and his movements show that he is up to something." Lord Mevesis had been keeping him under close watch but there were times when he had escaped his surveillance.

"I understand. He is just mad because his daughter has sex with a demon every day, its no big deal. I wonder what he would think once I took his wife from him too?"


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