Full Dive: Eternal Phantasy

Chapter 206: The Unsealing Part Three

Chapter 206: The Unsealing Part Three

Lord Mevesis shook his head in disbelief. But then at the same time looking at the angered face of Sariel as he watched Misaki taking his wife away made him chuckle inwardly. "Alright let's deal with the matter at hand."

Brushing things to the side, Lord Mevesis led Misaki outside where he waved his hand and the sky suddenly began turning many different colors. Before long a sudden surge of energy flooded the entire planet. Misaki was confused as to what was going on. "This?"

"This is spiritual qi, magicules, and holy qi. It is the building blocks of everything. The gods realm is filled with these three kinds of energies. Magicules are what will boost your magic. Here take a look at these." Lord Mevesis passed three old books to Misaki.

Misaki took them and looked at them. She knew the writing was not Japanese but she was still able to read it with no problem. One of the books went over how to strengthen one's magic by taking in magicules while the second one explained how to cultivate spiritual qi and lastly the last book explained how to cultivate holy qi. "This..."


[New Main Evolution Quest Added!]

[Reach the Immortal realm or higher in all three cultivation methods.]

[Spiritual Qi: Not completed]

[Magicules: Completed]

[Holy Qi: Not Completed]

Misaki looked at the little box that came up and frowned. Wasn't she already an immortal? She was a demon goddess! Not sure how to make sense of this Misaki looked up at Lord Mevesis and asked: "What is the immortal realm?"

"Hmmm it is a ranking of power. Although you far surpass the immortal realm since you are already of the god realm. But if you were to cultivate any of the other powers, you would be an ant in the eyes of those who use said power." Lord Mevesis answered.

"I see Then it looks like I got my work cut out for me. I will not keep you any longer. Thank you for answering my questions." Misaki said as she looked back down at the books in her hands.

"The pleasure is mine. Remember to grow strong and take over my position!" Lord Mevesis let out a laugh as his body disappeared.

Misaki went back inside and to her bedroom where she sat down on her bed. She opened her menu to see she still had her followers menu and an inventory but no longer had a status screen or equipment screen. 

[Name] Misaki 

[Race]Demon Goddess

[Magicule Realm] Realm: God Rank: 3

[Spiritual Qi Realm] Mortal

[Holy Qi] Mortal

"So I am guessing my strength is now determined by the realm and rank." Misaki pondered for a moment before closing her screen. Then in her mind, she called out to the system. "Hey is this the same for everyone under me?"

"Yes, all the people of Earth now have this kind of leveling system. I made some slight changes and created some of these so-called cultivation methods as well for each of the races I created earlier." The system answered.

"Hmmm I guess I will have to get to work then if I wish to evolve again. But wait what happens when I evolve?" This was something Misaki was actually confused about. If her current strength was able to be raised by means of cultivation then what was the evolution portion of things.

"I am not sure... This is not given by the system itself but by the laws of this realm." The system answered.

"Alright, then I guess I will find out when the time comes." Misaki did not know what to expect but she hoped things would work out one way or another. 

As Misaki went to open the first cultivation book for spiritual qi, the pitter-patter of little feet could be heard as the door to her room burst open and a little figure rushed over to her tackling her stomaching. Misaki smiled and reached down patting the top of the little girl's head. "Did Little Wie miss me?"

Feng Wei nodded her head as she pushed her face into Misaki's stomach even more not saying a word. Her little arms gripping tightly on to her. This made Misaki give a warm loving expression as she lifted Feng Wei up into her arms. It was then that Miyu had finally caught up as she yelled out: "Young miss you can't run off like that!"

"Haha! Miyu did she out run you?" Misaki asked.

"Mitsu you have no idea! She is quicker than Chiho! Not to mention she is small and agile, so she is hard to catch." Miyu complained. A hint of jealousy in her voice as she looked on at Feng Wei whose face was now buried into Misaki's chest.

"Well, she is my daughter so I would expect no less. But Little Wei you need to behave for your mamas, so apologize to mama Miyu!" Misaki gave a cold stern look to Feng Wei who shrunk down in fear, tears welling up in her eyes as she turned to look at Miyu. 

"Mama Miyu Wei'er is sorry..." Seeing the pitiful teary-eyed look Feng Wei was giving there was no way Miyu could stay mad as she walked over and leaned down kissing the top of Feng Wei's head. 

"Hey what about me!?" Misaki asked only to be suddenly kissed on both cheeks by her daughter and her wife. She pulled Miyu into her lap as well and hugged the two of them tightly. "We will be working on a thing called cultivation from now on. I want everyone to do it." 

Misaki held out the three books she had gotten from Lord Mevesis but she was confused as to how she was going to cultivate this thing called holy qi. She was a demon after all"Let's just hope these things won't kill us..." She mumbled, granting her a confused look from Miyu.


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