Full Dive: Eternal Phantasy

Chapter 229: Misty Cloud Sect

Chapter 229: Misty Cloud Sect

The next morning Misaki put her clothes on feeling much more refreshed than the day before. Wenya still laid on the bed in the nude sound asleep. A small bloody stain on the sheets showed that she had finally become a woman. After getting dressed, Misaki paid no more attention to the girl on the bed and went next door to Su Fan's room. 

Su Fan who had just gone to bed was suddenly rudely awakened by a loud knocking on her door. After trying to ignore it for a few minutes, she reluctantly got out of bed and answered the door. "Hello?"

Misaki looked at Su Fan who had dark circles under her eyes and asked: "Oh Fan, what's with the dark circles?"

Su Fan almost burst out in anger at Misaki's question but she held it in as she forced a smile and said: "I didn't sleep well last night."

And of course Misaki not understanding why asked: "Why's that?"

Su Fan's face went black as her inner monologue went on a rampage within her mind. 'What do you mean why is that? If you were not up all night fucking the owner's daughter making the damn girl scream at the top of her lungs so the whole damn town can hear her, I wouldn't have only gotten three hours of sleep!' But externally Su Fan kept her fake smile and answered: "Nightmares."

Misaki nodded her head as she remembered humans did indeed have such things. She had a few too when she was little as well. Shrugging her shoulders not caring about any of that she said: "Come on let's go I would like to start cultivating soon." 

It was at this time that Su Fan wondered if she had gotten herself into trouble agreeing to help this girl. Unfortunately, Misaki was too powerful so she was helpless and could only comply. She decided she would use every drop of spiritual qi in her body to rush back to the sect as quickly as possible. 

After Misaki and Su Fan left, the owner ran upstairs to find her daughter naked laying in bed peacefully sleeping. When she saw the red blood stain on the bed the owner dropped to her knees and began crying. Her daughter had been deflowered by a woman! 

Half a day passed and Misaki found herself at the entrance of the Misty Cloud Sect, Su Fan landed her sword just outside the gates and said: "They are testing new disciples today so go ahead and register. I will go speak with the elder in charge so he knows to look out for you." Su Fan went to run away but stopped her steps as she turned around and looked at Misaki saying: "I would suggest not killing anyone here, it could lead to you not being able to enter the sect." 

Misaki nodded and waved Su Fan away. She chuckled as she watched the girl runaway as if she was set on fire. "System, I do not think she likes me too much..."

"Maybe, she is just shy?" The system asked.

"This could be so. I would not mind taking a taste of her but I could not make her my wife. I do not think she would fit in very well. But it seems there is not a shortage of beauties on this world. Every girl I have seen is pretty cute, although some of them are too young. Anyway, time to pass this test." Misaki answered as she walked towards the table where a youth was sitting. 

This youth was very handsome, a lady killer at that, and when his eyes fell on Misaki, he instantly fell in love. Misaki stood in front of him and said: "I wish to register." 

"Huh? Ahh sure, sure. Your name please" Coming back to his senses the youth quickly went about his task.

"Misaki Mitsu" Misaki answered.

"A very unique name Miss Misaki, please take this badge and wait over to the left your group will be taken in soon." The youth was having issues with where to look since Misaki's clothes were on the tight side.

Misaki completely ignored him and walked over to the other group. Right as she walked over, all their heads turned to look at her. Misaki paid them no mind and found a place to sit. But just because she was ignoring them did not mean others were ignoring her. A young man around twenty years of age quickly walked up. He adjusted his hair and put on his best smile. To other girls, he was very handsome but to Misaki, he looked like a pig trying to catch a phoenix.

"Beautiful lady! How about sharing some time together after the sect test?" But even after standing there for ten minutes, he got no reply from Misaki. This angered him to no end. "Hey! Listen here, you should feel honored that this young master is talking to you! After the test I expect you to warm this young master's bed!" 

The young man held his head high and proud as if he was the greatest thing to walk this planet. But sadly for him, Misaki still completely ignored him. Misaki promised she wouldn't cause a scene so she wouldn't cause a scene. The young man in front of her was nothing but a fly that she could swat at any time so she paid him no mind. But being so bluntly ignored enraged the young man even more to the point that his whole head was now red. Where he came from he was the top chosen! The one even one of the younger generation looked up to and revered but here this girl was completely ignoring him. There was no way he was going to stand for such blatant disrespect! "Listen here bitch just because you look a little pretty doesn't mean you can act like you are a goddess! This young master will teach you a lesson right now!" 


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