Full Dive: Eternal Phantasy

Chapter 230: Entrance Test Part One

Chapter 230: Entrance Test Part One

Misaki's brow twitched when the young man called her a bitch. But she still put on a smile as she looked up at the young man. But this smile did not reach her eyes. But because of how beautiful Misaki's smile was, the young man got lost in her gaze only to suddenly feel as if his whole body was being ripped apart by some mysterious force. Cold sweat dripped down his face and he felt a warmth between his legs. He nervously looked down to see that he had actually pissed himself! He looked up at Misaki with a look of fear only to see that she was no longer even paying attention to him. He did not know why but he felt that he had just dropped a rock on his foot after trying to talk to this girl. He quickly turned around and fled as fast as he could, not caring about taking the test anymore. 

The people around him had no idea what happened, they only saw the beautiful girl ignore him, and then he suddenly pissed himself and ran away. As for the culprit she was just wishing things would speed along already.

Twenty minutes passed and finally, an old man came and got them and brought them over to the testing area. "Here you will be tested for talent. Anything below green talent will not be accepted. "

Hearing the old man's words Misaki was a bit confused since she knew nothing about this world. She had no idea what green talent meant or if that was good or not. But from how the old man was talking She guessed it was good. She watched as people walked up and placed their hand on a floating stone that would glow different colors. Some were red, others were orange and even yellow. Those people's faces instantly went crestfallen as they lowered their heads and walked away. Misaki also saw greens, blues, cyans, and even some purples. These people held their heads high as they walked over to another waiting area to prepare to take the next test. 

After waiting around for almost an hour, it was finally time for her to take her test. She was second to last in line. Behind her was another girl that Misaki guessed to be around fifteen years of age. Misaki glanced at the girl and gave her a friendly nod before walking up to the floating stone. The girl looked at Misaki curiously but soon turned her attention to the stone. She had a feeling that Misaki was not normal.

"Just place your hand on the stone and let the energy flow into your body. It will then Identify your spiritual roots." An elder of the Misty Cloud Sect that sat behind the table, instructed.

Misaki nodded her head and placed her hand on the stone and waited for the energy the elder had talked about to enter her body. But who would have thought that the stone would shatter almost instantly? Misaki looked at the now debris resting on the table and then looked at the Elder who had the same shocked expression as Misaki and wondered if she was now in trouble.

It was then that the Elder thought of something and asked: "Miss, are you perhaps Misaki Mitsu?"

"Hmm? Yes, I am why?" Misaki answered, tilting her head to the side somewhat confused.

"Then you are the one Su Fan told us about. It seems your power is much too strong for this low rank testing stone, please give us a few minutes to bring out a high rank testing stone." The Elder said with a smile. He seemed very calm as he spoke but internally he was filled with joy. For such a talent to show up out of nowhere and pick his Misty Cloud Sect was a huge thing.

Soon the high ranked testing stone was brought over and placed in front of Misaki. Misaki looked at the stone that looked identical to the last one and frowned. She looked at the elder and said: "If this one breaks you won't be mad right?"

"Miss, if this one breaks you will auto pass this test." The Elder replied, he was actually hoping it would break! But he did not see that happening with a high rank testing stone.

Misaki looked at the elder who just gave his word and nodded before placing her hand on the new stone. Not even a fraction of a second after her hand touched it went by before, just like the last stone, it turned into dust on the table. "Ermmm Are these expensive?" 

"It's fine, it's fine!" The Elder said excitedly. He could no longer keep his calm. "You passed, go ahead and wait at the side." 

Misaki watched the Elder run off for another stone and chuckled. It seemed the people here were pretty interesting. A lot of eyes were on her. Those who were proud about their spiritual roots looked at Misaki wondering what kind of spiritual root she actually had. Was her spiritual root so powerful that it could destroy the testing stones? Everyone, except for Misaki, knew that the testing stone sent energy into their dantian to stimulate the spiritual roots to get a reaction out of it. Once the spiritual root was bothered it would attack the energy trying to probe it and in turn give off how powerful the spiritual root was. Normally the best spiritual root one could have would be purple. But there were three ranks after that that were basically only seen once in a few tens of millions of years. This consisted of Black, Silver, and Gold.


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