Full Dive: Eternal Phantasy

Chapter 234: Entrance Test Part Five

Chapter 234: Entrance Test Part Five

The next day, Misaki was standing next to Qian Yan getting ready to draw lots. Out of the one thousand people, almost five hundred were already eliminated the previous day. Some were even seriously injured in the process since the rules stated that if you lose you could not join the sect. This caused everyone to battle as if their life was on the line. 

After drawing lots Misaki stood off to the side and waited for her number to be called. Her wait was not long when the elder suddenly shouted: "Numbers one hundred and twelve and sixteen"

Misaki looked at the number sixteen on the wooden token that she was given and nodded her head. She turned to Qian Yan and smiled as she said: "I will be back in a minute." Then she walked up onto the stage. 

"As was stated before, if you lose you will not be able to join the sect, so make sure you give it your all!" The Elder explained. He then sent a voice transmission to Misaki saying: "Try not to kill anyone." He did not know why but he felt he had to say this or there might be a few deaths. 

Misaki nodded at the Elder and the match started. The young man across from her wielded his sword and yelled out before charging at Misaki. Misaki just stood in place and let out a yawned before waving her hand. The young man who was in mid charge suddenly lifted off the ground and shot off the battle stage like an arrow shot from a bow, slamming into a tree far off into the distance. Misaki yawned once more and turned to the elder with a smile on her face as she said: "He's not dead but he won't get up for a while." 

The Elder had no words, he could only let out a dry laugh as he watched Misaki casually walk off the stage as if what she did just now was normal. Shaking his head, he recomposed himself and went about the matches.

On this day Misaki fought only two times before everyone began to forfeit. No matter how strong or how highly they thought of their own skills, with Misaki only waving a hand to send people flying away, they knew they were no match. Instead of being seen as a joke to others, it was easier to just give up before the match even started, even if it meant not joining the sect. 

No one could fault the people who gave up since they had all seen Misaki's display of strength. They too figured if it was them they would also give up. Like this, Misaki's day went without much happening. After the battles were done for the day only the top ten were left. The thing that was confusing though was that no one was allowed to leave from the very start. Even if they had lost and had no chance of joining the sect they still could not leave to return home. 

The elder stood on top of the stage and looked at the over one thousand participants and nodded his head before saying: "Some of you must be wondering why you were not allowed to leave, well the answer is simple. We lied. You all had already been accepted into the sect as disciples after passing the first test. All the other tests were just a formality to gauge your individual strengths. This past test and the last test are to find out who is the heavens chosen for the new incoming disciples. The top two will gain extra resources in their path of cultivation. The reason we lied was so we could see you at your max potential and you all did not disappoint me. Tomorrow morning we will find out who is the top for this test before taking you all to the next testing area for the final tests. Rest well." 

The stunned expressions on all the disciples' faces caused the Elder to chuckle before leaving. Only after he left did an outburst happen in the arena area. Many people were crying while others were cursing the sect for causing them trauma. As for Misaki, she did not care. She walked back to her small hut that she shared with Qian Yan. As they were settling in for the night Misaki thought of something. Since Qian Yan had been such a big help to her she wished to do something in return. "Yan'er tomorrow if you want I can..."

Before Misaki could even finish, Qian Yan cut her off as she curtly said: "Don't even think about it. Although I may lose I still wish to battle against you." 

Seeing the determined look in Qian Yan's eyes Misaki smiled and nodded in approval. She remembered what the system said and her smile grew wider. "I will drop my power to your level then. How about that?" 

Qian Yan's eyes grew wide as she smiled and nodded her head. "That's only fair since you seem to be on a whole nother level!" 

"You're not going to ask how strong I actually am?" Misaki asked. She could see the curiosity in Qian Yan's eyes but she still held herself back from asking.

"Nope! I will wait until you tell me yourself. As your friend, it wouldn't be right to try to pry things out of you. Especially if you wish to keep it a secret." Qian Yan replied.

"Not much of a secret. Hmmm How do I explain it I am not from this world so I do not know much about the rankings here on strength but where I come from I am a demon goddess. "


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