Gain A Cute Wife By 'Kidnap'

Chapter 321

Chapter 321 - Was Taken away by His Son

“Ah, now it makes sense! Xu Moyu's concern about Mo Ya was more about their relationship than anything else.”

It appears he indeed caused harm and fled, possibly becoming a pawn in past power struggles. Xu Moyu's request to watch over Mo Ya now makes sense.

“You all seem rather relaxed! With Xiao Yi missing and Young Mistress likely furious, shouldn't we be concerned?”

Xi Men Yu, uninterested in gossip, assumed Xiao Yi would surrender after the chaos settled. Little did he expect Xiao Yi's bold escape.

“Calm down, my dear. Xiao Yi won't escape China. Remember, you're pregnant, don't stress yourself.” Gong Haoran tried to pacify Xi Men's agitation.

“Young Master Xu Moyu, surely you're aware Xiao Yi left something behind. If we can't locate it, let's wait. There's no need for haste.” Gong Haoran, like Xi Men, remained composed.

Despite knowing this, Xi Men Yu felt vexed over the failure of Xu Moyu's assignment. Perfection had always been his pursuit.

“Moreover, Xu Moyu must have other concerns at the moment!” “I'm still clueless about where that rascal Xu Mochen took me!” Gong Haoran chuckled, amused.

Mu Sizheng raised an eyebrow. “I heard from headquarters that Young Master left with Young Master Xu Moyu. Is it true?”

“I heard Xu Mochen had a huge spat with his father, Han Shaolin, then whisked away Xu Moyu.” Gong Haoran elaborated with a grin. “But Xu Mochen's audacious! Defying Han Shaolin like that, he must have faced consequences before.”

Gong Haoran appeared entertained, showing no concern.

Mu Sizheng chuckled. “Young Master caused quite a stir in H City. But who knew he'd be bold enough to flee with Young Master Xu Moyu.”

Undoubtedly, Young Master Xu Moyu permitted the top expert's presence. Otherwise, he would've been intercepted. It seems he's inviting Han Shaolin to engage in some play.

Han Shaolin faced a dilemma. Managing a scheming wife and a temperamental son while appeasing his demanding daughter was no easy feat. One might hesitate to follow in his footsteps.

“Ah, so it was deliberate!” Xi Men Yu's mood soured.

“We can't solely blame Xu Moyu. Han Shaolin must have provoked something, my dear.”

“Xu Moyu's at fault; can his son just whisk him away? With his reputed intellect, comparable to Zhuge Liang's, Xu Mochen couldn't have acted without his consent.”

As close friends, Xi Men Xi naturally sided with Han Shaolin.

However, regarding her own husband, his alliance leaned towards Xu Moyu's family, despite Xi Men's current stance. Without Xu Moyu's consent, Xu Mochen's involvement in any scheme would prove challenging.

“Alright, alright, no need to be upset. It was my mistake to oppose you. Let's avoid discussing that matter further. It's late; let's head home and rest. It's not good for pregnant women to stay up late.”

Gong Haoran humbled himself, acknowledging Xi Men Xi's authority. After all, Xi Men Qian being pregnant now made him the eldest.

“We'll depart now. Reach out if you need anything!” Gong Haoran carried Xi Men Xi towards the car, leaving a message for Mu Sizheng.

“Drive safely.”

“Understood, you can head back later!” With that, Gong Haoran drove off.

Once Gong Haoran and company departed, Mu Sizheng lit a cigarette. His habit stemmed mostly from reminiscing about Nong Mobai during his time away, reinforcing this vice.

Nong Mobai, seeing Mu Sizheng smoking, reacted swiftly, “Why do you keep smoking? Do you want to kill yourself?” Glaring at Mu Sizheng, he didn't hold back his disapproval.

“If you want me to quit, then cook three meals a day for me. Otherwise, forget about it.”

With a hint of jest, he pulled out another cigarette, though Nong Mobai didn't find it amusing. Given his grandfather's death from lung cancer, smoking deeply troubled him.

Despite Mu Sizheng's nonchalant demeanor, Nong Mobai took the matter seriously due to his family history with smoking-related illness.

Without a word, Nong Mobai grabbed his car keys and impatiently headed towards the car. Not seeing Mu Sizheng following, he turned back and cursed, “Why the hell are you still standing there? Go home!”

Mu Sizheng was taken aback. Was Nong Mobai serious?

“Damn it, so irritating. I'll support you in quitting smoking. You idiot, are you coming or not?”

Blast it! I extended the offer; why isn't he eagerly following along?

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