Gain A Cute Wife By 'Kidnap'

Chapter 346

Chapter 346 - Don't like Me to be Bad to You?

“Why is his temper flaring up again?”

They returned to Mu Sifa and Shang Cijie's spot in the hotel parking lot.

At this juncture, Shang Cijie was perplexed by the situation. Yet, here he was, displaying his temper once more, causing Mu Sifa a headache.

Glancing at Mu Sifa, who stood outside the door awaiting his departure, Shang Cijie huffed and turned away in discontent.

Mu Sifa sighed, furrowing his brow. “Okay, I admit fault, but you need to pinpoint where I went wrong.”

Wasn't he fine at Xu Moyu's place? Why the sudden outburst upon leaving?

“You truly have no idea?” Shang Cijie's lips twitched as he inquired.

“I genuinely don't, so enlighten me! I'll rectify it.” Shang Cijie's tone had softened, his patience evidently depleted.

“How could you be so disrespectful to Mr. Moyu earlier? He even had to forcibly remove me.”

Mr. Moyu has been caring for me for the past five years, so it's only fair to show gratitude for his assistance in looking after his wife.

Damn it, Xu Moyu again?

Mu Sifa's good mood evaporated the moment Shang Cijie mentioned Xu Moyu.

“Mr. Moyu not only nurtured me, but he also raised Mingming. Why harbor resentment towards someone so considerate to us? Are you envious of Mr. Moyu as well?”

Shang Cijie grumbled once more, though his anger had dissipated, and he exited the car.

“Okay, I understand. I'll apologize to him next time I see him. That should suffice, right?” Mu Sifa bent down to pick up Shang Cijie, his actions somewhat perfunctory.

It wasn't that Mu Sifa lacked patience, but upon hearing Shang Cijie attribute his upbringing and that of Shang Mingming to Xu Moyu, irritation flared. After all, his own wife had been raised by someone else.

“Really? If you don't apologize to Mr. Moyu, I'll give you the silent treatment.” Softness returned to his voice.

A smile graced Mu Sifa's lips. “I promise you, I'll apologize to him.”

How could Mu Sifa not catch his breath upon hearing Shang Cijie's soft, endearing voice?

“That's more like it.” Shang Cijie's smile mirrored the beauty of the moment.

Suddenly, Mu Sifa froze. It wasn't Shang Cijie's charm that left him speechless, but the sight of Shang Cijie aiming a gun at Xiao Yi's head.

This coldness emanating from Shang Cijie was unfamiliar. As Mu Sifa stared, he wondered if the person before him was truly the same man with the adorable smile.

“You disappoint me. This is a public parking lot.”

Observing passersby exchanging glances and murmurs, Shang Cijie swiftly nudged Mu Sifa aside.

“Husband, we're already a familiar sight. No need to fret.”

Ignoring the onlookers, Mu Sifa scooped up Shang Cijie and headed towards the hotel entrance.

“But we're not…”

Shang Cijie fell silent as Mu Sifa habitually referred to him as his wife, blurring the lines between them.

“Not what?” Mu Sifa's smile hinted at recognition as he prodded Shang Cijie.

“Let's not dwell on it. I don't want to argue with you.” Shang Cijie's words conveyed his unspoken thoughts.

Nestling into Mu Sifa's embrace, Shang Cijie whispered softly, his demeanor utterly adorable.

“I've heard that only mean guys attract attention. Do you secretly prefer your wife being tough on you?” There was a hint of teasing in his words.

Shang Cijie's blush deepened, as if he had sensed the underlying implication.

Playfully slapping Mu Sifa's chest, he retorted in a bashful tone, “You're the one who's mean. I won't indulge you anymore.”

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