Gain A Cute Wife By “Kidnap”

Chapter 350

C350 – Scared of What?

“Why wouldn’t I be upset?” Shang Mingming jabbed Shang Cijie’s forehead in frustration.

“I did apologize, didn’t I!?” Shang Cijie retorted, lowering his head and gesturing in a sorry manner.

“You’re too forgiving, Xiaojie. Without my vigilance, your father would have taken advantage of you,” Shang Mingming remarked protectively.

Sensing Shang Cijie’s remorse, Shang Mingming’s tone softened slightly, unable to sustain his anger.

“I understand you’re looking out for me, not harboring any ill will towards your father,” Shang Cijie murmured.

Shang Mingming sighed, “As long as you understand.” Tenderly, he brushed Shang Cijie’s forehead and asked, “Does it hurt?”

“I’m fine, not a child anymore. It doesn’t hurt,” Shang Cijie reassured, embracing Shang Mingming before playfully tickling him, eliciting hearty laughter.

“Hahaha, stop, Xiaojie, it tickles,” Shang Mingming laughed heartily.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

At the sound of knocking, attention shifted to the door.

Curiously, Shang Cijie inquired, “Who could it be?”

Shang Mingming chuckled sinisterly. “Is your husband back?”

“You’re always teasing me,” Shang Cijie pouted.

Shang Cijie’s cheeks flushed, an adorable sight.

“It’s just a jest, no need to blush like that. It’s evident your father is quite the scoundrel,” Shang Mingming remarked.

“Quit with the pretense, open the door for your husband already!” Shang Mingming rolled his eyes impatiently.


Shang Cijie beamed with excitement, scooping up Shang Mingming and heading for the door.

“Hey, hey, hey! Why are you carrying me?” Shang Mingming protested, struggling in Shang Cijie’s embrace.

“Resistance is futile,” Shang Cijie quipped, smiling sweetly as they approached the door.

However, upon opening the door, Shang Cijie’s smile froze.

“I said I didn’t want to see my father,” Shang Mingming remarked, oblivious to Shang Cijie’s change in demeanor, as he pushed past him.

“What’s the matter, Xiaojie?”

Shang Cijie finally took notice of Shang Mingming’s pause, following his gaze to Hee Meier and Elina at the doorstep.

“You’re being disrespectful. Are you blocking the door on purpose?” Hee Meier chided.

Shang Cijie’s shock only deepened, drawing disapproval from Hee Meier.

“Apologies,” Shang Cijie stepped aside hurriedly. Yet, a nagging guilt gnawed at him. Why did he feel remorseful? It’s not like he’s involved with Mu Sifa, right?

“What’s the matter?” Shang Cijie adopted a cold demeanor, shedding his previous vulnerability.

Shang Cijie’s abrupt change irked Hee Meier, furrowing her brows.

“Ah! A son’s true colors emerge once his guardian’s gone! Let Sifa witness this and sever ties,” Hee Meier mused to herself.

“Do you have nothing better to do than intrude? Or are you just here to feed off my misery?” Shang Cijie retorted with a composed smile, unflustered.

Hee Meier’s disdain was palpable. “Am I free to visit? Or are you always this hostile?”

It appears she has ulterior motives for her visit, especially with Mu Sifa absent.

Elina observed the scene with a smug grin, anticipating the drama.

Shang Cijie hadn’t expected Hee Meier to contact him directly. This time, he wouldn’t escape her grasp! With Mu Sifa absent, what trouble could he possibly stir?

“How would I know if you’re just nosy or truly concerned? Not a parasite, are you?” Shang Cijie retorted with a polite smile, unperturbed.


Hee Meier was rendered speechless by Shang Cijie’s retort.

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