Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 2631

Chapter 2631: Akara meeting

Translator: 549690339

It was unknown whether ju man Li was afraid that Yuan Zhou would hang up the phone quickly or because he was too excited, but he spoke very quickly. He was speaking English but with a very strong accent. If Yuan Zhou hadn’t studied a lot of related languages, he would have been totally confused.

After saying the general meaning, he continued without waiting for Yuan Zhou’s response,””This seminar is Akara’s conference. It is one of the highest-level conferences in the world of cooking that are held only once every five years. Those who are able to attend are the leaders of the cooking field of each country. It is also the first time that a Chinese chef is invited. I hope that head chef Yuan will consider it carefully.”

Yuan Zhou’s original refusal was immediately swallowed back. Although he had only been famous for five years, his cooking skills were really superb. Not only in China, but also in Asia and Europe, he was quite famous. People in different circles naturally had different relationships.

He had really heard of Akara’s meeting before. The first time he heard of it was from Chu Xiao. The year Yuan Zhou became famous, he had just held a meeting and Chu Xiao was not qualified to attend it.

He was the new representative of French cuisine, but there were still many other representatives of French cuisine above him, such as ju man Li and Auguste. They were all big mountains above him. Chu Xiao was still quite far away from being able to attend this meeting.

However, it didn’t mean that Chu Xiao hadn’t heard of it before. This meeting was mentioned when he explained some things about France to Yuan Zhou previously. However, Chu Xiao didn’t know some specific things. If he didn’t know, he naturally couldn’t tell Yuan Zhou about it.

The second time he heard it was from August. The third time was when Zhou Shijie accidentally sighed with emotion and said that the Chinese chefs had not been able to participate. It wasn’t entirely because of the problem of cooking skills, but rather because it was a problem for the Chinese cuisines to invite more than one person. This was the fourth time he heard it from ju man Li. Not to mention that he could have an exchange with the top chefs in the world, Yuan Zhou wouldn’t refuse just because it was the first time that the Chinese cooking circle could participate.

“Okay, I got it, head chef ju man Li. I’ll be there.” Yuan Zhou said.

“Alright, I knew that head chef Yuan would definitely be interested. I will personally send the invitation over. Head chef Yuan, please don’t worry about these trivial matters.” Ju man Li said, his eyebrows dancing.

Ju man Li appeared to be very happy, probably because he had another reason to go to Chengdu. At least, Yuan Zhou could feel his happy mood through the telephone line. One could imagine how excited he was.

“Then I’ll have to trouble you, head chef li.” Yuan Zhou thought for a while and then said.

He had originally wanted to ask the other side to send it over, but thinking of ju man Li’s usual behavior, Yuan Zhou felt that it would be better to let ju man Li send it over by himself.

Ju man Li, on the other side, raised his eyebrows at August smugly after getting Yuan Zhou’s affirmative answer. If it wasn’t for the fact that he hadn’t hung up the phone yet, he would have probably said something smug.


Of course, Yuan Zhou on the other side of the phone was more important now. After talking about the business, ju man Li also talked about some trifles and discussed the best conditions to use the masurishi. Then, he hung up the phone.

“I told you that there would be no problem if I called head chef Yuan, but you didn’t believe me. Look at how much face head chef Yuan gave me. The moment I said so, he said that he would come. If you had called him, he might not have come.”

Ju man Li hung up the phone and walked directly to August, looking very proud. His posture with his nose up really made people want to punch him in the face.

Even the spectators had such thoughts, let alone Auguste, who was facing him directly. He really wanted to fight.

However, what he was most concerned about was still Yuan Zhou’s question. He spent a great effort to suppress the burning flame in his heart and asked,””Did you say that head chef Yuan really agreed to attend Akara’s meeting?”

Although the meaning of ju man Li’s phone call and his smug words indicated that Yuan Zhou was indeed going to attend the event, August still felt like he was in a dream. The main reason was that Yuan Zhou was really too indifferent to fame and fortune.

After the previous bogus cooking competition, Yuan Zhou had never attended any other meetings or competitions. As a result, many people in the European cooking circle had only heard about him but had never met him. At most, they had only seen him in videos.

All Asians look the same to Europeans, just like how Europeans look the same to us Asians with high noses, big eyes, and golden hair.

Since Yuan Zhou’s aura was different, he wasn’t afraid of making a mistake. However, August still hoped that Yuan Zhou could participate in more activities. In that case, he would have many opportunities to discuss cooking skills with Yuan Zhou. However, as the chairman of the International famous chef Alliance, he was really busy. Even if he wanted to go to Chengdu more often, he wouldn’t allow it.

Ju man Li, on the other hand, had a lot more free time, especially since he had given Auguste many things that he could do, and Auguste could do as well. Thus, Auguste became busier.

Therefore, he hoped that Yuan Zhou could come to Europe so that they could have more exchanges. Unfortunately, Yuan Zhou was even busier than him. He had never come here since the competition. It was no wonder that August was so uncertain.

“That’s not true. How could there be any problems if I were to go?” Ju man Li was very proud.

“If it wasn’t for the fact that this meeting is beneficial to China’s cooking circle, head chef Yuan would not be here.”

After the initial surprise, August’s intelligence came back to life. After thinking carefully, he knew why Yuan Zhou agreed so readily this time. It was just because he had a general view.

He directly stepped on ju man Li to prevent him from getting carried away.

“I don’t care. Anyway, the result is that I called head chef Yuan and he agreed. Since you called him before and he didn’t agree, that means I’m better than you. It’s that simple.” Ju man Li’s expression didn’t change.

Ju man Li had his own reasons for saying that. It was mainly because he wanted to have more time to go to China’s Chengdu to meet Yuan Zhou and discuss cooking skills. In addition, he wanted to eat Yuan Zhou’s dishes. Therefore, ju man Li and August didn’t give in to each other. Neither of them was convinced.

The two of them had similar qualifications and cooking skills. Even if they had a fight, they would be evenly matched. In the end, each of them had to take a step back and take turns to send an invitation to Yuan Zhou for every activity or competition. No matter what method they used to inform Yuan Zhou about the news, it was definitely up to Yuan Zhou to decide whether he would attend the event or not.

It was up to Auguste and the others to inform them, and it was ju man Li’s turn to do so. It was the only success in a long time, and one could imagine how proud ju man Li was.

Yuan Zhou didn’t know about the case of ju man Li and the others. After he put down the phone, he suddenly felt a sense of tension.

“At present, although my cooking level can be compared with those head chefs, I definitely don’t have much of an advantage. I still need to practice more and master a few more cuisines. This way, I can be confident, especially in the current Chinese cuisines. It seems that I need to be more serious.”

Having made up his mind, Yuan Zhou didn’t think too much about it. Instead, he started to get busy quickly, processing the cassavas separately. After all, everything else was just empty talk. The current mission was the most practical one.


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