Hero System! Transported to Another World

Chapter 109: Healing

Chapter 109: Healing

Alex felt instant relief when the green energy flowed into his body. He looked at his stats and saw that his health was being regenerated. 'This feels more potent than the ones in the simulation This healing feels even better than my own healing ability' Alex thought to himself. He could feel that Oj's healing magic was much more effective than his own. 

After healing Alex, Oj stood up and smiled, "Well? Feeling Better?" He asked. Alex nodded in response and spoke, "Your magic is amazing. It's so much more potent than my own healing And even more than the ones in the simulation." Alex smiled. 

Oj laughed when he heard Alex's words. He looked at Imani and Midnight, "Well, You two You should be briefed on a recent event that might relate to the mind controlling You can go to the meeting room and someone will brief you on that. I'll stick with Alex and have a little chat with him." He put his hand around Alex's shoulders and smiled. 

The two looked concerned by Oj's words. They nodded and walked out of the arena. Oj looked at Alex and smiled, "Thank you for the compliment. Healing and other forms of magic are actually very particular things. They aren't static in terms of power. As you use them more, Your control over it as well as your overall power of the magic increases. So if you train using your magical abilities, You'll get more powerful with them." He slowly explained. 

Hearing Oj's words, Alex nodded. He looked at Oj and asked, "What's happening for those two to be called off to be briefed on something? Is it serious?" He was concerned. 

Oj shook his head, "No, It's nothing of concern to you. It's for A ranks and higher but Imani is a special case as she is the head of security for the hotel. Which, I wanted to ask about How's the special triple S class room?" 

Alex nodded, 'It seems like something huge must of happened And I won't be able to find out much about it looking at the fact that Oj tried to change topics I guess I'll follow along with this.'

Alex smiled and spoke, "SSS class room? I don't follow." He was also curious about what Oj was talking about.

Oj furrowed his eyebrows and smiled, "It seems like they didn't tell you about the Rooms properly. You already know that the hotel Well is a hotel. People can come, pay up, and stay in a room for some time. But it isn't an apartment. But For awakened like us, It has special privileges." Oj smiled. 

Alex asked curiously, "What type of privileges?" 

"Well, It's a hotel for others but for us, It's like special rooms. For higher ranked awakened, they can just ask for a room here and if there is space in the top 5 floors, One room will be reserved. The top 5 floors are high class rooms that are made for us. The cost of the rooms will be taken from our paychecks. However, This hotel only has one triple S class room Made for the top tier Awakened Well, It's first come first served and Hana was the one who came first and could actually afford it. It's actually the penthouse of the hotel. That's why the room is gigantic and you have almost everything. Bathtubs that turn into hot tubs, An amazing view of the city and much more." Oj looked excited. 

Alex was taken aback, He looked at Oj and asked, "What? That bathtub could also be a hot tub?" Oj laughed when he saw Alex's reaction, "It seems like you're taking advantage of Hana without knowing it. Well, It doesn't matter She seems to never use it so it might as well be in use by you. But indeed, It's an amazing place. How is it living there?" Oj asked once again.

Alex smiled, He scratched his head awkwardly and answered, "It's really comfortable I didn't know about this all but it seems really expensive now" Alex felt a bit guilty. Oj shook his head and spoke, "Don't sweat it. Hana's pockets are deep it should be fine. For now, I think we can change topics to your training." Oj smiled. 

Alex nodded, he rolled his eyes slightly and smiled, 'I fell for it He wanted to change topics and I fell for it. At least I got more information from this as well though. It seems like If I get more powerful, I don't need to live there any longer, I can just rent my own room. Speaking of Money It seems like I don't even know how much money I have or where I have it.' Alex thought to himself. He then shook his head and looked at Oj, he would focus on money some other time. 

Oj looked at Alex and stood, He told Alex to stand there and took out a small knife. Oj then proceeded to cut his hand. It wasn't a deep cut but it was bleeding a lot. Alex opened his eyes wide and asked, "Why did you do that?" He looked at Oj like a mad man. 

Oj shook his head and spoke, "Leave that. Concentrate your healing magic. Try to heal me. Imagine healing yourself The sensations that you felt while doing that but this time, Instead of imagining it happen to you Imagine it happening to me. Your energy helping me nourish my cells and speeding up the regeneration process." Oj explained. 

Alex nodded, 'I'll start off slowly and then heal properly. At least like that, I won't look like I'm lying.' Alex put his hands up to Oj's wounds and use the healing ability. He used the ability and stopped it, making it seems like he was struggling. But after a minute or so, Alex started to heal Oj properly. 

Oj looked at his arm where the cut was and nodded, "hmm Good. At least you can heal others It wouldn't have made sense if self-regeneration worked from the exteriors of your body but it just looks like You've never had the chance to do this to others so you lacked confidence and experience. Now you have some experience in healing someone, I'm more than confident that I can call you for medical missions. It's nothing huge, just going to the hospital to look at patients and helping with minor wounds. Maybe even sometimes keeping patients company. The name might be misleading though." Oj started to laugh. 

Alex laughed as well, 'It's indeed weird calling care taking, missions but I wouldn't mind doing it. At least I can use my abilities to do something else than just =kill.' 

Oj looked at Alex and nodded, "Good. I have some medical knowledge to give to you as well. We have an hour or so before I need to go so why don't I explain about healing itself The theory behind this magic. Sounds boring, right?" Oj smiled. 

Alex shook his head, "no, It's not boring. I'd love to hear about it!" He smiled. Oj smiled back and started to explain the healing process when using magic. After nearly 30 minutes of theory, Oj smiled, "That's a lot of information. You just need to understand it. Memorizing it is no use." He smiled after explaining how healing magic worked. 

Alex nodded, he was processing everything right now. "So in short It's just energy that enters the body and helps activate the god's blood in our system so for a limited amount of time, we have more energy in our body which is all focused on the cells. Those cells work together to clean up the cut parts of the body or even more complicated things The bone marrow will also create more blood cells to get blood levels back to normal That way, everything slowly starts to heal and return to normal as if nothing happened?" 

OJ nodded when he heard Alex, "That's not the specifics but you understood properly. I don't need to teach more to you for now. I'll need to go. You can go home, those two have a few things to do as well. So take care, Alex. I'll teach you more tomorrow when I get my free time. Good luck Alex.!" Oj said as he hurriedly looked at his phone and ran out of the arena. 

Hey people! You might have noticed a weird section where I explained about the hotel. That was after some confusion that was caused by me renaming the apartment into the hotel. I hope you all don't mind that. I didn't want you all to be confused (although this is pretty far from when I renamed but I still wanted a good opportunity to explain how they worked.)

Now to the holidays 

It's New Year's Eve! By the time most people will read this chapter, it's probably New Years'! So I hope you all have an amazing 2021. 2020 must have been harsh on many, it has been for me. I've lost a loved one, covid hit my education hard But I've also learned a lot from this year as well. I know that 2021 will be better. So let's all have an amazing 2021!

(writing this here isn't increasing the prices of the chapter)

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