Hero System! Transported to Another World

Chapter 113: Mission?

Chapter 113: Mission?

Alex jumped backward and equipped his dagger, This time, It wasn't taken from his hands. 'It didn't let me equip the dagger last round but this time, It is allowing me This just shows that the person behind all of this can somehow manipulate the system I don't believe that the system is doing all this however, sounds like the system took me to some other place Maybe in another gate or something like that'

Ale shook his head 'But I shouldn't think about that. For now, I need to focus on surviving and taking down these weird monsters!' Alex put his dagger up and looked around the room. 

There were 2 gremlins that he could see but he knew that there were more around him, just hidden. 'Doesn't matter, I need to learn how to take them down.' He jumped towards one of the gremlins and struck it. The gremlins squealed like a pig but its wounds were quickly healed. A small green light illuminated from its back but Alex didn't notice it. Alex was distracted by another gremlin which tried to slash his legs. Alex jumped above the attack and stabbed the gremlin at its neck. However this time, Alex noticed that the gremlin quickly healed from the wound. His dagger slowly being forced out from the gremlin's body. Alex looked shocked by seeing how the gremlin has small green auras around the part where it healing. 

He quickly grabbed on to his dagger and ran back, creating distance from the gremlins. The room was quite big and Alex did make some distance but soon, he realized that he was locked inside with these bloodthirsty gremlins. Alex felt something cold drop on his head, He felt it and realized that it was a liquid. Knowing exactly what the liquid was and where it originated from, Alex ran once more. 'I need to fight them at some point but these creatures are very weird and different from reapers.' Alex thought. 

He looked as the gremlins ran quickly towards him. They had humanoid features but moved like a four-legged animal. It was wild in how it acted and didn't seem to phased by the initial pain of being stabbed or cut from attacks as it could heal nearly instantly. Alex felt a chill in his spines when he realized that he was being cornered by them. More and more gremlins seemed to have appeared and soon, There were nearly over a dozen gremlins in front of Alex. All of them seemed to be ready to pounce at any time.

"Okay, now that we are ready I'll tell you all the exact details." Ryan stood in front of a meeting room and spoke. He looked at the table and smiled. Everyone within int room looked at Ryan and nodded, everyone seemed to be serious at this moment. Midnight asked, "There are only 6 of us here: Me, you, Imani, Oj, Master Zhun, and Mary. What kind of mission do we have?" She seemed to be a bit stressed out. 

Ryan gestured Midnight to calm down and smiled, "Don't worry, The facility was attacked but it was only EMP. Everyone is fine and their generators will be back on soon. I repeat everyone is fine." Hearing Ryan's words made Midnight calm down a little bit. She was relieved. 

Ryan then continued, "Like you, all were briefed on before, there was an attack on the facility. No one was hurt and it seemed to only be an attack to slow down the scientists there, no physical attackers, no bombs, nothing of that sort. Just a large scale EMP that took down the electricity and jammed all outgoing signals. I went to the double gates late today because I went to check upon them. I know some of you were worried but it's all fine. But, looking at the attack It seems like they knew the facility pretty well. All the proper spots were attached with emps which were blown up so that they couldn't use the backup power as well. Only the superiors know the blueprints of the place, them or employees of the place who move around a lot. SO until we question everyone, no one will have contact with the people within the facility." He looked at Midnight. 

Hearing Ryan's words, Midnight seemed to be shocked. But she quickly nodded, She knew that she had to accept the situation as it was. Ryan then turned to Master Zhun and nodded.

Master Zhun nodded and stood up, "Now, I didn't want to get involved in all this. But I believe that the military is involved in this At least in some fashion. That also we don't know if it was intentional or now. But basically, the emps used to attack the facility were military-grade explosives that are only created in military-controlled factories The places which are protected by the military itself. It can't be found in barracks or anywhere else because of their power." Master Zhun walked to Ryan and continued. "You all are to study and investigate the military. We have one person who has decided to help us, someone sent by the special routine squad of the military itself as a form of telling us that they weren't involved." 

Master Zhun then looked at Mary and shook his head, "I don't trust you all but I know you since you were a kid. I only allowed the military request as they sent you if it was someone else. I would have never let them down. Mary, you know how much shady things go down in the military so you do understand what we are talking about, don't you?" He looked serious. 

Mary smiled and nodded, "I can't deny that some of our captains are indeed corrupted. They might have decided to defect and take things into their hands, and attack the facility But it's very unlikely. I was sent here to inform you that the problem might be the new terrorist organization. They attacked the facility once already." She answered.

Ryan stood up and nodded, He looked at Master Zhun and asked him to sit down. After MAster Zhun took a seat, Ryan spoke, "We know I don't think that the military was involved in this attack but it still showed a lack of proper inforcing of people within it. Weapons that were supposed to be protected were lost and we expect to find out much more from this investigation. Just be sure that we will not take this attack on our people so lightly. So once we find the attackers, be it that terrorist group or the military defectors, We will have them pay." He looked angry. 

Mary nodded and smiled at Ryan, "We understand. But I think we should get back to the topic at hand. All I can say is that we haven't done this job. It might be a few defectors Or it might be what we believe to be the most likely thing, Mind-controlled Military soldiers." She looked around the room. 

Ryan coughed and nodded, "Indeed, that's what I hoped the least but it would be the most likely answer. If the virus entered the military, then it's a huge problem. I wouldn't mind it being defectors that the virus option." He then turned to the others in the room, "I'll have you all in two teams, one team investigates the military factories while the other will investigate the terrorists behind the mind controls. Remember, just try not to cross paths with Hana, She seemed to be in a bad mood recently, and seeing people also hunt down her mortal enemy would probably push her off the edge." He nervously spoke while talking about the angry Hana. 

Alex jumped over the gremlins but he felt a stinging pain on his thighs. Alex didn't feel the pain at first but he quickly realized that the pain just grew and grew. He looked at his health to see that it was steadily decreasing. 

Alex took a deep breath, a stream of green light illuminated his wound, quickly healing him. 'It works properly At least this stinging pain won't last even if I get attacked by these gremlins.' He thought as another few jumped on him. 

Alex pushed them off of his body but he had a few cuts on his back. It felt like nothing but there still seemed to be some stinging feeling with it. Alex took a deep breath and healed himself again. 

He continued to strike the gremlins. But after every cut, they just healing like it was nothing to them. Alex, angry and frustrated by the amazing healing of these gremlins, jumped to one and with all of his strength, He decapitated it. 'By using might and going all out with as much strength I could muster up, these things are still so powerful.' He took a deep breath. 

Alex heard a weird noise from the gremlin but his eyes drowned in horror as Alex watched the gremlin heal Not only did it heal but the body grew a new head and the decapitated head grew a new body.

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