Hikari: Rise Of The Weapons Master

Chapter 145 Playing With Fire Will Kill You

Flying over the boundaries of Doogle mansions, Zack saw that mansions occupied by players were marked by a yellow color on the top to make it easy to identify among the huge amount of players.

Due to that, they could be called at a moment's notice without any worries.

'So let's see, I should probably roam around the area where the Twitch bridge is situated. Many people should be around the bridge and in the alleys of the city.'

Doogle mansions were actually cut off from the land by cutting the land and creating rivers artificially. It could be said that the entire thing was situated on an island which made it hard for land attacks or for anyone to easily enter it.

Air attacks also did not work since they would be noticed by the security system and taken care of. The cities surrounding Doogle Mansions were city A and city T. City T was also the place where the duo from Oracroft had tried to take Emma with them.

The Twitch bridge connected the two places meaning that it was almost crowded every single hour of the day. At night, teenagers would take a stroll across the bridge as it contained every single advancement made in gaming history.

It also had the names of a few old-time gamers which made it a very likable place to hang out.

That also made it a very good place to fight. Zack found out that he could easily control the speed of the Phoenix which made him arrive at the bridge in a matter of minutes just to hear a high-pitched scream echoing around the entire place.


What followed was a disaster as a red orb the size of a watermelon shot forward and suddenly exploded. With a huge groan and creaking, the Twitch bridge started breaking.

Zack's heart ached a bit as he saw one of the greatest marvels of history being destroyed. He then turned his gaze towards the people responsible for it.

'Two gangs, both consist of friends while the other side is the enemy. I guess one is the bully team and one is the nerd team.' Zack managed to group the thirty-three people in front of him easily.

The ones on the bully team were wearing torn expensive clothes and other jewelry. Despite the things that the world went through, there were still kids like those who flaunted their wealth.

On the other side were stick-like teenage boys with glasses on their faces. The one who had caused the explosion raised his right hand and pushed his glasses up with a smile.

Two of the opposite side members had fallen down in the river below the bridge while the remaining members had been saved by a floating spell.

'So he managed to turn an individual flight spell into a group flight spell,' Zack's lips curled up a bit. 'I wonder what will happen when he is knocked unconscious.'

Zack's current goal was to see a few things that included:

How many had already developed personal skills and spells and of what difficulty? What would happen if a player ran out of mana? And at last, would killing humans give exp just like the game, and if yes, would it depend on the level?

Zack didn't care about any of the humans in front of him as neither he knew them nor he cared about their life. If they died, it would just be part of his research.

'That's why I should be able to perform the task of a hero easily. The best facade is made by someone who is actually the opposite of the role they are playing.'

Zack decided that he needed to take a closer look at the humans in front of him. He had already used a mask to entirely cover his face which made it impossible for anyone to notice him.

'The Phoenix is going to be a problem on the other hand.' Zack sighed mentally as he knew that the giant stuffed toy was going to attract both parties' attention.

He pushed his luck as far as he could and calmly looked at the fight again.

Three players from the bully team suddenly started performing a few hand signs before jumping forward and saying the name of their attack aloud.

""Water style, water dragon Jutsu!""

Three simultaneous roars echoed around the entire bridge as three Chinese dragons made from water rushed forward from the teenagers' palms.

'They managed to create a spell and make it unique to themselves using hand signs. They used the nearby water to draw its power.'

Zack looked surprised as he saw the three roaring dragons swallow three members of the nerd team.

A spell was something that used a person's mana to use the power of another being or thing. The hand signs would not only stimulate a person's mana but would also attract the energy of the being or the thing.

By chanting a few lines, the name of the spell, or both, the desired attack will be unleashed. Judging from the bully team's attack, they had watched some great action anime.

"I sense the presence of someone watching our great battle," The member of the bully team standing at the far back suddenly said before looking directly at Zack. "My powers tell me that if we don't eliminate him, he will eliminate all of us."

'What a weird psychic. I guess he hasn't developed his skills to an extent that he would be able to know that they die because of me.'

Zack facepalmed as he saw all the youths turning towards him while raising their hands. He suddenly saw one of them, the one who had used the floating magic, falling down on the ground with his body hitting face first in the remaining parts of the bridge.

Those who had been floating had already managed to land back on land. One of them picked up the fallen teenager's body and held it with a grim expression.

"I guess it's his work." He said while staring at the masked man on top of the stuffed toy.

The sheer absurdity of the scene made Zack wonder if someone was pulling the strings of the entire thing from above.

He wanted to shout "Can't you tell that he fell unconscious due to depleting his entire mana" but refrained from doing it.

"I call a truce until this man is defeated. The truce is overseen by the goddess of light." The psychic from earlier said while looking at a fat kid on the other side.

The kid repeated the same thing as a golden circle appeared on their foreheads. Zack on the other hand turned away and started flying to city A.

He was not interested in such things since the matter was too trivial for him.


Suddenly, the same shrill voice resounded around the place as Zack turned around with a deadly glare.

"Playing with fire will kill you." Zack then used his fireball skill and directed it at the bridge.

The entire thing caught fire the moment the fire reached it. The teenagers started screaming as the psychic realized that his vision had been protecting him against the man.

But by then, it was already too late.

"So it does give exp," Zack muttered as he flew away with a burning bridge left in his wake.

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