His Dearest Wife

Chapter 648

Chapter 648

Occasionally, light and shadow fall on her face and body, which outline her good figure and reflect it into men's eyes. The dark eyes are even more unfathomable.

"You seem to be afraid of me. "He said.

Lin Xi was slightly stunned, and then she frankly said, "yes, I'm afraid of you. "

" what are you afraid of me? Can I eat, can't you? "Leng Yaochen was amused by her words. There was a kind of speechless and strange laughter in Lin Xi's ear.

It's like the brush of feathers, a kind of exciting feeling.

"I'm not afraid of that. I mean your temperament is too high and cold. It gives people a sense of pressure. "Lin Xi said truthfully.

"I hope that after you get married, you can overcome this psychological pressure and get along with me. I am married to a wife, not a slave who is afraid of me. Remember? "

the tone of a man is unquestionable.

It's really overbearing and unreasonable.

If she could overcome it, she would not be so nervous to see him now.

"Why don't you talk? Didn't you understand what I just said? "Leng Yaochen didn't like to be ignored.

"I remember. I'll try my best. "Lin Xi replied cleverly.

I'd like to add one item to the content of learning medicine. I hope you won't object. "

" what? "

" I think in these three years of marriage agreement, you can give birth to a child for me. "Men and light, without a trace of temperature, more, without any feelings.

"Have a baby? Mr. Leng, are you kidding me? "Lin Xi's eyes were wide open in surprise, and he looked at him quickly.

"I'm not joking with you. I'm serious. I really need a child. If you don't want me to touch it, you can. I have a sperm bank that can be implanted into your body and give birth to my child. "

it's more and more outrageous. Lin Xi doesn't know what to say, but he just thinks that this man, how can he give birth to his next generation so irresponsibly.

"I don't agree. Lin Xi was very angry.

Although she didn't know what children meant, he knew that if two people didn't have love, the children would not be happy.

She can suffer by herself, but she must not allow her children to suffer with her.

Leng Yaochen tightened his eyebrows. He didn't expect that this woman would be so firmly opposed.

Would it hurt her to give birth to his child?

"You can raise the conditions, as long as I can promise, you will be satisfied. "Leng Yaochen wants to negotiate with her again.

I won't agree to any terms unless you go to another woman. Lin Xi was also very persistent.

"My health is not very good. I want to have a child for the sake of my family. I don't mean to hurt you. "Leng Yaochen explained faintly.

Hearing him talk about his physical condition, Lin Xi's heart jerked.

Last time he ran out of the party, he came after him. At that time, his face was strangely pale.

"Mr. Leng, what's wrong with you? Lin Xi couldn't help worrying about him.

The man fell into a moment's meditation and didn't answer her.

Lin Xi suddenly felt as if he had asked something he shouldn't have asked.

The space suddenly came to a standstill.

"I had heart surgery. "For a long time, the man's voice sounded low.

Lin Xi's chest seemed to be pressed hard by something, and his breath became a little tight.

I didn't expect that his condition had something to do with his heart. It must be very serious.

Lin Xi could not help worrying.

"Since your illness is in the heart, you'd better not be so intense in the future. "

" as long as you don't make me angry, I'm in a good mood. "The man laughed softly.

Lin Xi was speechless. When did she make him angry? Didn't he bully her all the time?

Although in the heart some small grudges, read to Lin Xi or clever reply: "I try my best.". "

it was just a joke with her. Unexpectedly, she was serious. Leng Yaochen could not help but treat this woman differently.

Lin is not such a clever person.

He also always thought that he would not like girls with low eyebrows.

But at the moment, the strange feeling in his heart made him tighten his eyebrows slightly.

The car was parked in front of a high-end restaurant, which is famous for its seafood.

Lin Xi took a look at the sign on the door and let out a little breath: "we're so late, don't we have a place? The last time I had dinner with my assistant, I had no place. My business was very good. "

Cold Yao Chen thin lips slightly hook once.

Don't answer her, just get off.Lin Xi had no choice but to follow him, and suddenly he felt ashamed.

At first glance, he is a person who has not seen much of the world.

It seems that next time we must stop talking.

He has a bad heart. She tries to follow his heart in everything.

Inexplicably want to be good to him, this feeling, I'm afraid even Lin Xi himself did not find it.

Leng Yaochen and Lin Xi step into the restaurant on the sixth floor.

As soon as the noble figure appeared, it immediately attracted the warm reception of the lobby manager.

"Master Leng, you are here. Your reservation is always available for you." The flattering expression of the hall manager made Lin Xi look silly.

Leng Yaochen's eyes glared at the girl beside him. Her silly appearance made him feel better.

"Let's go!" Suddenly, his hand, grabbed her wrist, so natural.

When Lin Xi slowed down, her eyes were low, and her hands were on his arms.

Man's temperature is very high, through the material, still can burn her skin.

She was a little uncomfortable, but she didn't want to struggle.

I don't know which Sutra is wrong. When I think of disobeying him, I will think that he has heart disease.

Alas, if I had known that I was so soft hearted, I shouldn't have asked him what his illness was.

Now, I found such a big pit and jumped down.

Leng Yaochen's eyes looked at her again, and saw that her two big black eyes were flashing in disorder, with a heavy look on her mind.

"What are you thinking?" Leng Yaochen's voice fell to her ears.

"No Nothing. " Lin Xi shook his head quickly.

"Yes? Are you sure you're not thinking about a man? " Leng Yaochen asked sourly.

Lin Xi's scared look was stiff, and he was wronged and said: "I just want to eat delicious seafood. How can I be in the mood to miss a man?"

"Not even me?" Leng Yaochen asked again, slightly dangerous.

Lin Xi

Can we have a good chat.

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