How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 65: Ponders

Chapter 65: Ponders

Watching Snow run away after doing the most absurd thing she could have ever done today made my body freeze solid.

The white glistening silky threads that blocked my vision, the soft scent reminiscent of freshly bloomed flowers in spring, and the lingering sensation on my lips...

'That was a kiss, right?'

Did that really just happen?

Question marks popped up in my head as I tried to process everything that happened.

Snow had been acting strange ever since she first came in, but I didn't think it would lead to that.

Why did she kiss me?

Does she like me?

But I tried my best not to raise any flags with her, though?

Sure, the two of us had gotten closer, but it wasn't to the point that she could actually fall for me, right?

I replayed the moments leading up to that kiss in my mind. Snow had seemed nervous, her eyes darting around the room, her hands fidgeting.

But there was also a determination in her gaze, a resolve that I hadn't noticed before.

She had approached me with such purpose, only to leave me with a whirlwind of confusion and emotions.


The thought of Snow having feelings for me was both thrilling and terrifying.

I have no reason to believe that someone like her would instantly fall for someone just because she was saved by them. In the game, Snow only developed real feelings for Lucas after [Act 1, Chapter 2]

She was a practical and logical woman, one of the smartest characters in the game, someone who proceeded with logic rather than emotions.

Even in the game, she was the one making calculated moves to keep Lucas for herself.

Yet, as I recalled the look, she gave me the moment she kissed me, all I saw was a girl madly in love—a complete opposite of the cool and calculated heroine in the game.

There was no way, right? Did I just ruin her whole character?

No..... influences might happen to the heroines, but that doesn't mean I can just outright change her personality.

Maybe there was something more to it that I just couldn't, see?

The Snow in the game was always methodical, always the one with a plan. Her feelings for Lucas were built over time, through shared experiences and mutual respect.

Her affections were never impulsive or sudden. So why was she acting so differently now? What had changed?

I couldn't shake the image of her eyes filled with raw emotion, a stark contrast to her usual composed demeanor.

It was both unsettling as it was confusing.

I sighed, running a hand through my hair.

This wasn't supposed to happen. I was meant to navigate this world without causing too much disruption, to keep the storyline intact.

Snow's sudden display of affection threw everything into disarray.

She said it was my reward, so she's probably just teasing me or something.

But that look, that kiss, and even her slightly trembling voice-I couldn't just ignore it, to be honest.

There were signs the moment she entered my room.

She kept eyeing my muscles and even touched my stomach. So, does she actually like me?

Chances are high, but there's also the notion that she's just playing with me and it's a calculated move on her part.

Or she might've literally meant it as a reward-after all, what better reward than a kiss from a princess like her, right?

Haah... I don't know...


'Why are you doing this to me?'

Even though I thought I could relax a little for this semester, since all the villains from Act 1 are gone, now you present me with this...

If she was just teasing, it was a cruel joke. But if her feelings were genuine, I needed to tread carefully.

Snow was a princess, and her affections-whether real or strategic-came with consequences. The politics, the expectations, the potential fallout-it all swirled in my mind, making it hard to think straight.

I couldn't afford to be rash. I had to understand her true intentions, but how? Snow was a master at hiding her true feelings behind a mask of composure.

If she was playing a game, she wouldn't reveal her hand so easily as well.

But the way she looked at me, the way her voice trembled... it felt real. And that kiss... it wasn't something you could fake so effortlessly.

Relationships weren't something I could afford right now, especially with my doom nearing with each and every semester.

I had to keep my mind in place and approach the overall scenarios with much better caution

and preparation.

The last thing I wanted was a repeat of what happened with the Tempest Wolf.

I still needed to prepare for the jumbled-up scenarios as well.

With all the villains gone for this act, I needed to be ready for the unexpected or brace myself for the upcoming second act next semester. I needed to grow stronger-fast.

I had to make use of every possible advantage I could muster before Liyana eventually arrived here at the academy.

Whatever Snow felt for me wasn't something I could reciprocate or cater to at the moment. It would only lead to more distractions and potential destruction.

Considering the literal biological atom bomb in the form of a dragon, capable of burning the whole world to a crisp, might be watching my every move, complications were the last thing I

needed right now.


Letting out a big sigh, my body finally relaxed, and I immediately slapped my forehead.

"I'm fucked...!!!"



Bright rays of sunshine gently filtered through the gaps in the leaves.

As the sun's rays reached their target, a girl with long, slightly curly pink hair at the ends

began to stir.

Her eyelids slowly opened, revealing golden eyes that met the graceful touch of the sun. "Ngh...!" she murmured, stretching her arms like a cute cat.

Alice Holloway scanned her surroundings as she proceeded to sit upright. 'Did I fall asleep?'

She rubbed her eyes, trying to shake off the remnants of sleep.

A yawn escaped her lips as she recalled the events of the previous day. 'It took longer than expected, but now... they won't be able to return.'


Her attention was drawn to her side by the sound of sparkles in the air. Her droopy eyes turned even more sleepy as she looked at the smiling cat in front of her. It gazed at her from head to

toe with amusement.

It was her very own familiar, the fantastical cat Cheshire.

"Hm~ Hm~ I didn't expect you to sleep outside, Alice~ Does sharing a bed with me really bother you that much-?" Cheshire teased, a playful glint in its eyes.

"Oh, shush... I'm still very tired, Cheshire. I have no time for your antics. Seeing as how

quickly you returned, did you finish your task as well?" Alice replied, rubbing her temples as if

warding off a headache.

"Tsk~ Tsk~ If you don't even entertain and go along with simple jokes and banter, you'll

never progress with Riley, you know~? I can tell that boring girls aren't his type~"Cheshire

taunted, its grin widening mischievously.

"This and that are two different things, and you know it. You understand me the best, so surely you would understand this too! And besides, junior Riley is just a junior, nothing more, nothing else, so stop saying weird stuff," Alice retorted, her cheeks flushing slightly. "Weird like what, exactly, hm~~~?" Cheshire continued to tease, leaning closer with a smirk.

"If you keep dragging your reports, I'll make sure you have no autonomy or freedom again," Alice said, her voice now greatly tinged with annoyance, her eyes narrowing in a warning.

"All right, fine, geez~ As hot-headed as always," Cheshire sighed dramatically. "As usual, everything has gone the way it used to. Although, there were more pawns that attacked me lately, but everything else was exactly the same..."

"Were there any anomalies?" Alice inquired; her tone serious as she focused on the task at


"Hmm~ No, even if there were, I would've detected it right away," Cheshire replied


"I see, that's good-" Alice sighed, a hint of relief washing over her.

Cheshire, noticing the subtle shift in her demeanor, softened its tone. "You really need to take

it easy, Alice. You've been pushing yourself too hard."

"I know," Alice admitted, her voice quieter. "But there's so much at stake. I can't afford to


With the Red Army growing more suspicious and stronger by the day, Alice knew the looming confrontation was inevitable.

She had to prepare herself for it.

Glancing at the pale pink bracelet on her wrist, Alice smiled subtly, knowing that at least she

had a mission in her somewhat meaningless life.

After reminiscing about the White Queen for a bit, Alice rose from her sitting position and dusted off the grass clinging to her skirt. Cheshire watched her with a curious glint in its eyes.

"You're going now? Why don't we visit dear Riley for a bit-?" Cheshire suggested, its voice

dripping with mischief.

"Junior needs some rest. We shouldn't bother him, you know, Cheshire," Alice replied, trying

to sound firm.

"Hmm~ are you sure about that? The other girls flocking over him don't seem to mind

bothering him," Cheshire retorted, raising an eyebrow.

"That's..." Alice hesitated, her resolve wavering.

"And besides - what's the harm in visiting a junior, right? You've already visited him

yesterday. What harm could one more day possibly do~?" Cheshire's voice was sweet,


Alice pondered her options for a bit, feeling the weight of her conflicting emotions.

She shook her head resolutely. "I won't be fooled by your enticements and suggestions,

Cheshire. I told you, junior is junior-nothing more, nothing else!"

"Hmm~ it's not good to lie to yourself, you know, my dear master-"Cheshire teased, its eyes


"Shut it," Alice snapped, though her tone lacked real anger.

Deep down, she was greatly worried. Afterall her junior was a natural born 'Womanizer....'

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