How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 84: Evelyn 2

Chapter 84: Evelyn 2

As Lucas waited for my answer, he seemed both nervous and serious.

Judging by the way he kept looking at me ever since we met, I knew for sure that the similarities I have with my male form were constantly bothering him.

When he asked for my hand, it wasn't hard to guess what he was doing-he was probably seeking physical confirmation of whether I was truly Riley or not.

Seeing that I wasn't even anywhere close to my original self should've been enough to deter him from such thoughts, but this was Lucas we were talking about.

His stubborn side wouldn't let him rest until he found out the truth of this mysterious matter.

If this was just a prank, I'd want to surprise him myself, but this was a matter of coincidences that fate had put together.

'What are my opinion on knights?'

It wasn't hard to guess what he wanted to ensure with this question.

The whole notion of knights and honor is foolish to someone like Riley, who harbors no honor and grace.

He must be trying to bridge the gap between us in any way possible.

"To satisfy his confused self'

I know his eyes must be hurting right now just staring at me, due to the constant two truths that seem to contradict one another.

I took a deep breath and composed myself, ready to give a response that would hopefully ease his suspicions.

"My opinions on knights?" I echoed, buying myself a moment to think. "Well, I have a great deal of respect for knights. They embody honor, courage, and dedication. They protect the weak and uphold justice. Why do you ask, Sir Lucas?"

"I see... It's just that... many mages I've met tend to look down on knights. They think our physical prowess is nothing compared to their magical abilities."

I tilted my head slightly, pretending to be puzzled. "That's unfortunate. I believe that both knights and mages have their unique strengths and can complement each other well. After all, magic can enhance a knight's abilities, just as physical training can help a mage become more resilient."

Janica, who had been silently observing our exchange, finally spoke up. "That's a very balanced view, lady Evelyn. It's refreshing to hear someone who appreciates both disciplines."

In this world, although it was rather subtle, knights and mages were often pitted against each other.

There was always an unspoken competition that everyone secretly upheld: which of the two was better for both the realm and its people?

Most of the time, mages would claim to be the superior occupation, sometimes even looking down upon knights as nothing more than meat shields.

They considered themselves the wonder bringers of the world, the ones who often led humanity to progression. Knights, on the other hand, upheld a different view.

They believed their justice and honor made theirs the most graceful and respectable job out there.

So, seeing me openly admit my respect for knights was probably unexpected for both Lucas and Janica.

"Thank you, Janica," I replied with a warm smile. "I think it's important to recognize and respect the different paths people take. It's what makes our world so diverse and interesting."

"But... do you believe the knight's code is just, Lady Evelyn?" Lucas asked, his eyes searching mine for a deeper understanding.

I paused, considering his question carefully. "I do, Sir Lucas. The knight's code is built on principles of honor, courage, and protection of the weak. These are noble values that should be upheld. However, like any code or system, it is only as just as the individuals who follow it. There are good knights and bad knights, just as there are good and bad mages."

"So, if a knight doesn't uphold or tarnishes his honor, does another knight qualify to uphold the codes of justice upon him?" Lucas's question hung in the air, laden with curiosity and tension.

I considered his question carefully before responding. "Hm- it depends. Just as I said, there are good knights and there are bad knights. And yes, a proper knight does have the right to uphold justice against an evil one, but that doesn't mean there aren't any exceptions given."


"Yes, exceptions... Tell me, Sir Lucas, how can one proclaim a knight as good or evil?"

"By judging them based on their actions?"

"Correct. Upholding justice and honor through words alone isn't enough for one to proclaim themselves a knight. But judging them solely through their actions isn't enough either. Just like in any circumstance, there will always be nuances to every situation-a reason, a line, and a meaning for each and every one of our actions. Taking what one does for granted only makes one a fool. I mean, you can't really proclaim a knight from another kingdom you're at war with as evil, right?"

"So, what you're saying is that context matters, and that simply labeling someone based on a single perspective might lead to misunderstanding?"

"Exactly. Context is everything. A knight from an enemy kingdom might be seen as a villain from your perspective, but from their own kingdom, they might be a hero. It's important to understand the motivations and circumstances behind actions before passing judgment. Honor and justice aren't black and white concepts; they're often shades of gray."

Hearing my words, Lucas suddenly got deep in thought, pondering something he was truly serious about.

"But what made you ask those questions all of a sudden, Sir Lucas?" I inquired, sensing an underlying reason for his curiosity.

"Ah, well, you see, this punk wants to become an imperial knight in the future," Janica chimed in, her tone hurried and slightly defensive.

'Since when did they get so close?' I hadn't even realized how close their chairs had gotten


They were practically hugging each other now, and for some reason, she seemed quite annoyed with me.

"Oh, really?" I said with a smile. "But I think there's something more to it, no?"

"What do you mean?" Janica asked, her irritation evident, but I ignored her and locked eyes with the confused Lucas.

Seeing him blush and squirm under my gaze was amusing, yet it also raised concerns.

As the protagonist of this world, the fact that he keeps questioning the knights' honor and code through me was absurd at this point.

I didn't need another plot twist with him turning into something I really didn't want to think


'Rose's case is already troublesome enough...'

"Is something wrong, Sir Lucas?" I pressed gently.


"It's just that you look tired..." I noted, watching his reaction closely.

"Ah, no... I'm not tired. I was just lost in thought..."

"Lost in thought?"

"It's just that there's someone I know who wholeheartedly tarnishes the meaning of knighthood. But hearing your words, I may have been a bit too rash in judging him."

'Is this bastard talking about me?'

His confession piqued my interest. "And who might this person be?"

Lucas hesitated for a moment before answering.... "Riley. He's a knight, but his actions often

seem at odds with what I believe a knight should be."

'of course it's me....' I couldn't help but feel a pang of irony at his words.

"Riley, you say? What specifically about his actions troubles you?"

"It's like he's more focused on his own ambitions rather than the honor and duty a knight should uphold. He's powerful, no doubt, but his methods and motives are always questionable" Lucas explained, his frustration evident.

So, he's basically mad at me for being myself.

Although I do put on a persona when talking to him most of the time, I only do it for his own


This guy needed motivation to get stronger, so having a rival and someone to catch up to was the perfect choice among the many options I could've gone through to properly guide him without interfering too much in his own story.

That said, after everything that has happened thus far and even now, looking at him, I can tell that the mental anguish I had on him was probably more than I anticipated.

This guy was the type to take matters rather seriously when it comes to his dreams, so seeing

someone openly tarnish that while having no power or reasoning to properly punish me for it

was probably infuriating.

Trying to catch up to someone who doesn't even look in your direction was probably the most

frustrating feeling ever.

'Maybe I should've talked to him more often?'

It would be a really big problem if he starts doubting his ideals and purpose even more, as

those are the keys he needs to unlock his S rank skill in the future.


Anyways, just as expected, at this point in the story, Lucas is still as naïve and innocent as

ever. He probably thinks all knights are all sunshine and rainbows even with all the words I've

said so far.

Although expanding his senses and horizons to the open world was supposed to be Snow's

and Clara's roles...

Interfering for a little bit won't hurt right?

"Ambition rather than honor and duty, huh... fufu, that's quite rare for a knight" I mused

aloud, my voice carrying a hint of sarcasm and amusement.

"What do you mean by that, Miss Evelyn?"

I met his gaze with a knowing smile. "Well, most knights are trained from a young age to

prioritize honor and duty above all else. Ambition, while not entirely absent, is often seen as secondary. However, there are always exceptions. Some knights believe that ambition can drive them to achieve greater things, to push boundaries and redefine what it means to be a


"So, are you saying that what he does is justified and that ambition and strength are the only things necessary for a knight to truly excel?" Lucas's voice carried a mix of skepticism and curiosity.

I shrugged lightly. "Not necessarily. Just like I told you, remember 'nuances? It depends on

the individual. Some find their strength and purpose in upholding tradition and duty, while

others might seek to carve their own path through ambition. The key is balance and understanding one's own motivations."

Lucas seemed to ponder my words; his expression thoughtful. "So, you believe Riley's actions, though unconventional, might be driven by a different kind of ambition?" "Perhaps..." I replied rather vaguely. It was his job to decipher the meaning of my words now.

Giving him all the answers wouldn't help him grow.

Lucas hesitated before asking his next question, a hint of uncertainty in his eyes. "Do you hate

this Riley person, Sir Lucas?"

"No," he answered almost immediately, surprising both Janica and me.

"Then why do you seem so conflicted about him?"

Lucas sighed, running a hand through his hair. "It's not that I hate him. It's more that I don't

understand him. He's always been so... distant and enigmatic. His actions often seem contradictory to what I believe a knight should be..... But then again, forcing my ideals of a

proper knight upon him would just be selfish, right...?"

"That would be the case," I agreed, nodding thoughtfully. "Haha.... I thought so as well." Lucas sighed, ruffling up his hair once more before staring

back at me with a joyful smile. "Thank you, Lady Evelyn, for letting me see another side of my dreams I wasn't aware of."

"I'm glad I could be of help" I said, giving him a smile of my own.


'She's not Riley....'

The thought was already absurd, but after her words on knighthood, one thing was clear.

Although his eyes might tell him one thing, for the first time in his life, he had to deny their


Lady Evelyn and Riley were two distinctly different people.

Their faces and auras might match, but the one thing that distinguishes a person is their


"They didn't even think alike.

Finally, somewhere deep inside his heart, the doubt and suspicion that had been creeping up

on him was gone.

Lady Evelyn was Lady Evelyn; Riley was Riley. He had to keep that ingrained in his heart to not

confuse the two once more.

"Thank you, Lady Evelyn, for letting me see another side of my dreams I wasn't aware of."

"I'm glad I could be of help" she said with a calm smile.

Seeing her beautiful smile, a thump and an unknown sensation crept deep inside Lucas.

It felt weird and surreal at the same time, making him blush more than he had expected as he immediately averted his gaze.

But it didn't take long before his eyes started to gaze at her again.

As the confusion inside him subsided, Lucas now saw Evelyn as a person of her own, and

interest began to build up within him.


A sudden loud metallic sound rang at their dinner table as Janica's angry face fumed while

watching the two of them.

"Knight this, knight that... Riley this, Riley that... and now you two are even f-flirting.... Tsk!

Why don't we finish our meals first, no? It's getting colder already!"

'Lady Evelyn is not Riley...'

Repeating those words in his mind... Janica's words merely passed through the young man's

ears as a sense of clarity finally calmed down his confused emotions.



Lucas and I both jumped at the sound, snapping our attention back to Janica.

Her frustration was palpable, and it was clear she had reached her limit with the

conversation's direction.

"Oh, of course, Miss Janica," I said, trying to smooth things over. "We've been neglecting our

meals. Let's eat before everything gets cold."

Lucas, looking a bit sheepish, nodded in agreement. "You're right. We should focus on the

food. It would be a shame to let it go to waste."

Janica huffed but seemed slightly appeased as we all turned our attention back to the plates in

front of us.

The atmosphere was still tense, but the focus had shifted, and we began to eat in a more subdued silence.

Despite the interruption, I could feel Lucas's eyes on me from time to time.

His curiosity and newfound interest were apparent, and I knew that our conversation had left

a significant impact on him.

But I also knew that Janica's presence was a constant reminder to be cautious.

As we finished our meal, I felt a mixture of relief and concern. The evening had been enlightening, but it had also brought new challenges.

Lucas's growing interest and the need to maintain my cover added layers of complexity to my

situation. Finally, the meal came to an end, and we prepared to part ways. "Thank you both for the lovely dinner," I said, standing up. "It's been a pleasure, but I really must be going now."

"Of course," Janica said, standing as well. "We'll have to do this again sometime. It was great getting to know you, Evelyn~!" 'Why does she sound so fake....?' "Likewise," I replied, giving a polite nod. "Goodnight."

As I walked away, I could still feel Lucas's eyes on my back.

His suspicions might have been temporarily assuaged, but I knew he would continue to seek


I had to be more careful around him, ensuring my cover remained intact until I could figure

out a more permanent solution to my predicament.


Walking back to the dorms, Janica and Lucas were once again interlocking hands, with the

same old excuse of not getting lost.

Although Evelyn was now gone, Janica's heart still worried about the implications of what she

had just done.

This was supposed to be their date, and yet she had suddenly brought in another random woman into their small charade.

She was supposed to enjoy this night with him, and yet she hated this night the most.

'Inviting her with us was a mistake...!'

She knew that Lucas wasn't the type to care about beauty, but that negligence of hers seemed

to be the key reason why this was happening right now.

Although she was slightly glad that Lucas finally saw a woman for being a woman, even still...

Why wasn't it her?

"Lucas... Don't tell me... you have a crush on Lady Evelyn, right?"


"What's up with that small pause just now and that slight stutter?"

"She just reminds me of someone..."


"It's nothing."

Seeing his reluctant and blushing expression, Janica's green eyes sank.

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