How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 85: A Dragon's whims~

Chapter 85: A Dragon's whims~

Walking towards the nightshade of the alleyways, I made sure to hasten my steps as quietly as I could to avoid attracting the unwarranted attention of the various rogues and ruffians that populated this area. It's been more than an hour since my body transformed, yet no signs of me returning to normal have appeared.

Grabbing onto my pouch, I took out the suspected reason for my change into this form in the first place.

[Item: Moonlight Stone]

[Rank: S]

[Description: Born from the fragment of the last will of the moon god, marvelous surprises shall come to whoever first touches the stone.]

'This goddamn broken item...'

I knew the description promised a "marvelous surprise" to whoever touched it first, but how does turning me into a girl count as marvelous? If anything, it was just a fucking surprise at best.

The system did notify me last time that the effects might vary or not last long since the item was broken, so the chances of it turning off are high. Even still, the worry that I might be permanently stuck in this form is gnawing at me.

I looked around, making sure no one was following me as I navigated through the maze of alleys. The darkness provided some cover, but it also heightened my senses. I couldn't afford to let my guard down, not in this state.

The system had been annoyingly silent about the duration of the transformation. I needed more information, more assurance.

'System, any updates on the duration of this transformation?'

[Note: ...No additional information available at this time.]

'Great, just great,' I muttered to myself. Arguing with the system felt pointless, but the frustration was hard to contain.

As I continued walking, I felt a strange mix of vulnerability and determination. The unfamiliar weight of this new form was unsettling, but I had to push through. I needed to find a place where I could safely wait out the effects of the Moonlight Stone.

Being a girl right now is more of a problem in more ways than one. Just the thought of a certain person finding out my situation is daunting and terrifying. She loves to tease me, and who knows what she'll do out of spite or curiosity.

Since the stone was slightly glowing, the effects would probably last as long as this thing remained active.

'Should I destroy it?'

No, that would be stupid. This was an S-class item, stone or not. There were bound to be consequences upon destroying such a rare item. Even though it was an item labeled in the tiering system of E-S, its value still holds true even among the rarity tier items.

Besides, I don't even think I can destroy it with my current strength right now. Although my magical abilities were amped in my girl form, my overall stats got quite nerfed.

[Status Info:]


[Taylor Hell (Evelyn)]

[Race: Human]

[Level: 77]

[Strength: B] [0/80] → [D]

[Agility: D] [0/50] → [E]

[Endurance: C] [0/60] → [D]

[Luck: 0] → [????]

[Power: C] [0/60] → [A]

[Available Status Points: 29]

I sighed, feeling the weight of my current predicament. My strength, agility, and endurance were all significantly reduced, while my power was boosted to an impressive level. But what good was power if I couldn't move or withstand attacks effectively?

Navigating through the alleys, I kept my senses sharp. I couldn't afford any distractions. The memory of Lucas and Janica's conversation played in my mind.

Lucas's confusion and suspicion were finally alleviated, but his sudden interest in Evelyn was troubling.

I couldn't let him find out the truth.

Not yet, anyway. 'Or probably never?'

It was crucial to maintain my cover until I could figure out a solution to this mess.

'At least he's not thinking I'm Riley anymore,'

As I continued to walk, I considered my options. Destroying the Moonlight Stone was off the table. I had to find another way to reverse the transformation.

Maybe someone at the academy would know more about it, but seeking help posed its own risks.

The only people I could think of right now who are probably capable of helping me are the academy principal, Princess Snow, and the golden child Rose Brilliance, each adding another layer of complexities I don't want to handle right now.

Clenching and opening my fists, I could feel the mana inside me still slightly in chaos as my mana veins adjusted to the biology of my newfound body.

Only my magical affinities have increased because of the effects of this stone.

As I wasn't exactly a mage type, the feeling of my overall strength dwindling down in an instant felt like losing all my efforts down the drain.

All the muscle and hard training I did so far... haah.

Now it makes sense as to why I felt so weak and why I didn't sense Lucas back then.

If I were still in my normal state, sensing someone as powerful as him should be easy, especially at this stage where he still doesn't know how to fully hide his mana flow.

Sighing... once more.

I finally settled down a safe corner in the alley's although it was dark it was probably the safest place I could hide through right now.

Although there were lodgings among taverns and even small hotels set up with nice, comfy rooms and beds, students weren't allowed to indulge in such things to avoid any misconduct

among the student body.

Of course, there were still some students who bypassed these rules by bribing the owner with a bit of gold and gems, but unfortunately for me, I didn't have any money to afford such rooms right now, as most of what I had was paid to the two twins.

I looked up at the sky and watched as the two moons remained aligned. Although it might be just a guess for now, I had a feeling this item's effects correlated to the moons' positions, considering that this was an item gained from the Night of the Two Moons event itself. 'For now, I should just wait here until the item's effects wear off.'

Reflecting on the situation with the twins, I knew they were a crucial part of my plans.

Their master's legacy held powerful items and knowledge that could significantly boost their


Ensuring they reached it was essential for our future endeavors.

I had drawn a rough sketch, a memory of the game's map, and handed it to them, trusting in their skills to locate and navigate the place.

'Since those two are practically her daughters navigating through all of them should be


The legacy site was close enough to the academy, making it accessible without arousing too much suspicion.

The traps and monsters guarding the site were formidable, but for the twins, who were trained by their master, they were more like minor obstacles.

In the game, these challenges were designed to be surmountable with a bit of skill and knowledge, and the twins had both in abundance.

Lily obtaining Karaka's dagger was a pivotal moment.

The dagger, imbued with powerful enchantments, would significantly enhance her combat


With that in her possession, she would be a formidable force.

My plans for upgrading their specs hinged on this acquisition.

As for Lillian, her upgrade would come through the natural progression of the game's events. Interfering wasn't necessary; she was destined to find her own powerful item in due time. Having these contingencies in place provided a small sense of security.

Liyana was an unpredictable factor, and having the twins as potential allies could tip the scales in my favor if things went south.

Our connection wasn't set in stone, but the bond we were forming was growing stronger.

Trust was still a work in progress, but mutual benefit was a powerful motivator.

Still, their suspicion of me lingered.

I'd have to navigate that carefully, perhaps with a bit of deception and a lot of diplomacy.

Convincing them of my intentions, or at least keeping their doubts at bay, would be crucial in

the days to come.

Next time, I should probably interact more with potential allies as well.

Kagami and Susan, those two would be important factors in the upcoming Act 2, so

establishing a connection with them would be extremely beneficial for the future. Before we reach Acts 3 and 5, I should gather all the strongest side characters to my side to

ensure an even greater chance of success.

Since Lucas wasn't doing his job properly with guiding the heroines, I should probably maintain my current relationships with Seo, Snow, and Rose as well.

Strengthening these connections would be crucial for the challenges ahead, but actually progressing it is a whole other matter for now...

As I continued to look up at the night skies, waiting for the two moons to finally separate, I couldn't help but think about the future and the strategic moves I needed to make.

'I wonder if Raijin got back to his temporary home safely?'

Since the effects of summoning Tempest Wolf stopped the moment we cleared the dungeon,

he should have returned to his original location.

However, I should probably get a summoning bracelet or ring soon. I can't have that guy stay

there all the time, as the fees would probably start hurting me soon. Summoning artifacts like bracelets or rings would allow me to summon Raijin more efficiently and without the need for a constant physical presence.

It would also help in managing the costs associated with his upkeep. Considering the various magical items and artifacts available in the academy, acquiring one

should be a priority on my list.


With renewed determination, I decided to use this time to meditate.

Maybe there was something I could learn from this experience.

I focused on my breathing and the flow of mana within me, trying to understand the changes

brought on by the Moonlight Stone.

The chaotic mana flows were gradually settling, and I could feel my control improving.

Hours passed, and eventually, the sky began to lighten with the first hints of dawn.

The moons started to shift in their positions, and as they did, I felt a strange sensation wash

over me. The glow of the Moonlight Stone began to fade, and I knew that the transformation was finally reversing.

I stood up, stretching my stiff limbs, and felt my body gradually changing back to its original

form. The process was slow and somewhat disorienting, but eventually, I was myself again- Riley, not Evelyn.

The relief was immense, and I couldn't help but smile despite the discomfort of the night.

Looking at the now-dim Moonlight Stone in my hand, I felt a mixture of gratitude and frustration.

It had been a difficult experience, but I had learned more about my own resilience and

adaptability now...

Pocketing the stone, I made my way back towards the dorms.... 'I should probably let Yui inform my professor I can't attend class today....'

Although the day was utterly tiring and annoying.

'At least, I somehow set Lucas straight back to his dreams of becoming a knight'

I can't have our dear protagonist running astray towards his intended path...


Deep inside the mallow and misty fields of the West Frost Mountains, a small town stood

hidden among the frosty mists.

With architectural structures reminiscent of the Eastern Empire, the town was an enigma

wrapped in snow. Its mysterious flowery garden bloomed vibrantly, defying the icy peaks that surrounded it.

Despite its picturesque beauty, the entire place was eerily empty.

The town was impeccably clean, with not even a speck of dust, yet there were no clear signs of


It was as if time itself had frozen, preserving the town in a pristine, silent state.

At least until two presences arrived.

"They're climbing quite fast-," a beautiful lady's voice echoed among the empty halls of a

hut. She sat gracefully; her red draconic eyes fixated on two figures below.

They were navigating the treacherous path to the town, dodging and disarming traps, and defeating golem-like monsters along the way.

Her eyes twinkled with amusement and curiosity as she watched the pair.

The lady's long, flowing white hair cascaded over her shoulders, and her aura exuded an air of

ancient power and elegance.

She sipped from a delicate porcelain cup, enjoying the spectacle of the intruders' progress.

From her vantage point, she could see every move they made.

The first figure, a lithe woman with agile movements, led the way.

Her twin, a slightly smaller figure, followed closely, wielding a large sword that cleaved

through any obstacle in their path.

They moved with the precision and grace of seasoned warriors, their synchronization almost


"Impressive," the lady murmured, her lips curling into a slight smile. "They have potential." She leaned back, her eyes never leaving the figures.

The two were nearing the final stretch of their journey, where the challenges would become

even more formidable.

Yet, she had no doubt they would succeed. Their determination and skill were evident in every

step they took.

As they approached the heart of the town, the lady's interest piqued further. She knew who they were and why they had come.

Their master's legacy awaited them, hidden within the town's deepest sanctum.

A legacy she currently held onto, pondering whether to destroy it now or wait for the two to

arrive. The lady's red draconic eyes gleamed with amusement as she considered the


"I wonder which of the two should go out first?" she mused aloud, the thought of seeing one

or the other in despair clearly delighting her.

Her wicked smile stretched across her face, radiating a malevolent glee.


A soft, dog-like whimper escaped from the white wolf lying at her feet. She was gently

patting its head, her fingers running through its snowy fur.

"Hm- are you worried for them, Raijin-?" The lady's voice was silky smooth, almost mocking in its sweetness.

The wolf did not reply, but its large, expressive eyes conveyed a sense of unease.

Being in the presence of the top apex predator of the world was overwhelming, and Raijin

could feel the weight of her power pressing down on him.

"Don't worry-Darling won't know you're involved in this, fufu-" she said, licking her soft

red lips with a predatory glint in her eyes.

Raijin could only let himself succumb to his new mistress's wishes. Despite his formidable strength and loyalty to his original master, the sheer terror instilled

by the lady left him no choice but to comply.

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